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Discover the ONE underlying
cause of all your problems
and the secret to healing them!

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Searching For Answers Works Only If You Find Them...

You've tried it all - the endless research, reading and doing the popular "self-help" programs,
and perhaps even months or years of conventional therapy.
After everything you've done to "feel good about yourself," you're still asking the same questions:

 Why do I still experience feelings of unworthiness and inadequacy?
 Why do I still suffer from anxiety or depression?
 Why do my relationships with my spouse, partner, family, friends and colleagues continue to struggle and fail?
 Why do I turn to alchohol, drugs, food, sex and other addictions to help manage my painful feelings?
 Why do I still believe money, fame or approval of others is what I need to feel safe and worthy?
 Why do I still feel alone, abandoned and filled with shame, guilt or self-loathing?


Inner Bonding is a proven six-step self-healing process.
It's comprehensive. It's practical.

And it always works when you do it.

Start For Free

Here are a few ways in which Inner Bonding will help you heal and transform:

You'll have a step-by-step system to use throughout the day that rapidly moves you out of any anxiety, depression, shame, or anger to feeling centered, peaceful, and joyful
You'll remain calm and know exactly what to do or say in any situation that that feels out of your control - regardless of how the other person is behaving. You'll be fully free to express your true self and less susceptible to criticism from others.
You'll have a powerful method for manifesting what you want in life - financial success, a loving relationship, a good sexual relationship, and deep fulfillment.  
You'll have a powerful healing process that enables you to both understand and heal the cause of addictive behavior, so that you do not turn to addictions to avoid pain or fill emptiness. 
You almost always feel safe, worthy, alive, joyful, passionate about life and inwardly peaceful. You no longer take life so seriously.
You’ll have access to an abundant source of inner wisdom, which will be your guidance and north star when times get challenging, so you never have to feel alone.
You will start to value your body, health, and wellbeing and actually enjoy healthier foods and exercise, and be able to say “no” more easily to addictive junk foods.

Dr. Margaret Paul explains the Six Steps of Inner Bonding

Listen to how Inner Bonding helped Alanis Morrissette


Begin Your Inner Bonding Right Now

People learn in different ways. Some like to read, others like to listen or watch, while others like to do and experience.
Some can learn on their own while others need in-person help. Look over what we offer and decide how you want to start learning Inner Bonding.
Immersing yourself in the process is the best way to learn, so some of you might want to do a number of these at the same time.

Don't forget to sign up for our Free Inner Bonding Journal to stay connected while you wander through your journey.

Here are two easy, free ways to start:

Free Course
Free Assessment


Check out the Latest Offerings from Inner Bonding

Lonely No More Diet for Divine ConnectionInner Bonding Workbook

Complete Self Love

Join Dr. Margaret Paul for her upcoming 5-Day Inner Bonding Intensive, October 23-27. Click here for information about Intensives, and click here for information about the upcoming Intensive.

Join Dr. Margaret Paul for her virtual recorded Inner Bonding Workshop: "Loving Yourself to Abundance, Freedom, and Vibrant Love: The Powerful 8-Module Inner Bonding Process for Healing Your Aloneness."

Join Dr. Margaret Paul for her Inner Bonding Masterclass. Twice a month in this Masterclass, Dr. Margaret is live, bringing you through an Inner Bonding process, speaking on a topic, and then doing laser sessions with some participants. A powerful learning experience! 

Love Yourself: A 30-Day at-Home Inner Bonding Experience with Dr. Margaret Paul - to learn to love yourself, rather than continue to reject and abandon yourself, which is the underlying cause of most anxiety, depression, guilt, shame, addictions and relationship problems.

Wildly, Deeply, Joyously In Love! Dr. Margaret Paul's 30-Day video relationship course

Unlocking Your Inner Wisdom Learn to connect at-will with your spiritual guidance - 30-Day video course with Dr. Margaret Paul

Attracting Your Beloved - A 30-Day Home-Study Experience With Dr. Margaret Paul Are you ready to find the love of your life?

Passionate Purpose, Vibrant Health - A 30-Day Home-Study Experience With Dr. Margaret Paul Uncover the blueprint for what you came here to do - for what has heart and meaning for you.

The Ultimate Collection: Complete Self-Love - The ONLY Self-Help, Self-Love Program You'll Ever Need to Create a Joyful, Peaceful, Fulfilled Life!

FREE Webinar with Dr. Margaret Paul: How to Eliminate the Anxiety, Depression, and Addictions that are Blocking You From Unleashing The Power Within...Without Spending Years in Therapy and on Medication.

Dr. Margaret Paul's PodcastsListen to Dr. Margaret Paul discuss Inner Bonding and other current topics.





Go Deeper with Inner Bonding


Inner Bonding Courses

Courses, Products & Virtual Support

Find and use your inner strength to live life to the fullest, reach your full potential, and become all you are meant to be.

Inner Bonding Events

Inner Bonding Events

Our best offerings for your best life: Intensives, Workshops, Telephone Support Groups and Webinars.

Join Community

Join our Inner Bonding Village

Whatever led you to this website, we’re here to tell you that you don’t have to do it alone. Support to help you on your healing journey is what we offer to members of the Inner Bonding Village. You can connect with others who are also learning, healing and growing, and receive the help you need.

We are a community of strong, vulnerable, kind, honest people working on creating a healthy life, just like you.


Become a Facilitator

We are pleased to announce the next Inner Bonding Facilitator Training Program (IBFTP), a year long experiential, comprehensive training curriculum that provides a balance of professional development with the opportunity for profound personal transformation. Participants who complete the program will have gained the confidence and competence to begin working with individual clients, while simultaneously experiencing deeper contact with themselves and their spiritual guidance due to the personal growth orientation of the program.


Inner Bonding Featured Products


Private Phone & Skype Sessions

Kelly James, M.A., MFT

Phone & Skype sessions are available with Dr. Margaret Paul and other Inner Bonding® Facilitators.

Free Podcast

You can listen to our latest Podcast episode here


Today, remember that you are a child of God. Remember that Spirit supports your highest good at all times. Remember that it is your birthright to give and to receive. Remember that we live in an abundant universe and that you have a right to and are deserving of that abundance.



This Is What Actually Causes Possessiveness In Relationships
New article by Dr. Margaret Paul on MindBodyGreen

What I Look For To Know If A Person Should Leave Their Marriage, As A Counselor
New article by Dr. Margaret Paul on MindBodyGreen

What Makes Love Fade In Long-Term Relationships?
New article by Dr. Margaret Paul on MindBodyGreen