
A Certified Inner Bonding Facilitator is person who has trained with Dr. Margaret Paul until both the Facilitator and Dr. Paul feel that the person is an expert in Inner Bonding facilitation. Some Facilitators have had many years of training through both personal sessions with Dr. Paul and through workshops and Intensives.

Most Facilitators and Facilitators-in-Training work with clients on the phone, Skype, or Zoom. Dr. Margaret Paul currently works with clients on the phone, Skype, and Zoom, other than in-person Intensives. Dr. Paul also conducts Intensives on Zoom.

These Pages provide additional Information on Inner Bonding Facilitators:

In addition to working on-line and with our facilitators, Dr. Margaret Paul is also available for private consultation on the phone, Skype, and Zoom. She also presents Inner Bonding Intensive group sessions and other events.

Explore More Inner Bonding



Do you allow yourself to dump your negative energy onto others? Just as we do not go around stabbing others with a knife, we need to not be stabbing others with our negative energy - our anger, fear, anxiety, stress. It's appropriate to share it if we want help, but dumping it is an avoidance of personal responsibility. Today, notice your energy around others.



Inner Bonding Events

03/19/2025 08:00 AM
5-Day Virtual Intensive
Dr. Margaret Paul

All Inner Bonding Events