Daily Inspiration

How simple life would be if love for ourselves and others was our guiding light! How different our planet would be if love were more important than control and profit. We each have the choice in each moment to make this true.


"I truly connect with Dr. Margaret Paul and her Inner Bonding process. 'Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By God' is the most inspirational book I've ever read and I recommend it to my fellow colleagues (ie: therapists, my clients and my friends), to help them heal and evolve.
Lisa Lipton

"This was so wonderful. Information and handouts were easy to understand and presented so clearly. Wonderful experience all around. Excellent and helpful. Very clear and easy to follow." Art of Living Workshop, Boone, NC, 4.18

Amy Quigley

'I learned the difference between my wounded self & my inner child, the difference between answers, & learning by doing the work, & direct knowing.  The difference between taking, giving & sharing love, the intention behind my actions to gain control to get love, avoid pain & feel safe.  I know I have a lot to do, but as Margaret said it is never too late.'  Weekend Workshop - Anaheim Hills, CA 3.14

Cathy Waechter

I was able to get in touch with my inner child, more consistently, at the workshop-which I guess relates to step one.  I was able to, thru a visualization see my higher guidance more clearly and understand that higher guidance is separate from loving adult.  5.17.19


"Seeing other individuals conduct a session opened my eyes to myself and the way I behave in my every day life. I now know I can have compassion for myself which in turn I can give to others." Los Angeles Weekend Workshop, 7/04
Karen Conquer

“This workshop provided me with tools and insights that have inspired me to deeply love myself and care for myself.  Both Margaret and Carla were such gentle, loving and kind guides through this journey and are very passionate about what they do.  I recommend this program for anyone looking to deeply heal their relationship with themselves and move from a place of integrity and compassion.  Thank you so much!”-2020




Platinum members receive a discount.

Image Title Price Buy
From Conflict to Intimacy and Beyond From Conflict to Intimacy and Beyond
By Drs. Jordan and Margaret Paul
This CD is a three-hour lecture with questions from the audience on the material in Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be [...] more
Public $24.95
Platinum Members $22.45
Become a Platinum Member and save $2.50
Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By My Kids? Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By My Kids?
By Drs. Jordan and Margaret Paul
This CD is 2-1/2 hour lecture with questions from the audience on the material presented in this book. It includes role-plays around various common [...] more
Public $19.95
Platinum Members $17.95
Become a Platinum Member and save $2.00
Beyond Fear and Addictions Beyond Fear and Addictions
By Dr. Margaret Paul
Dr. Margaret Paul presents a two-hour overview of Inner Bonding® to a live audience. This CD includes the entire Inner Bonding process in visualization, [...] more
Public $27.95
Platinum Members $22.95
Become a Platinum Member and save $5.00
Opening To Learning - Meditation CD Opening To Learning - Meditation CD
By Dr. Margaret Paul
This is a 20 minute meditation to get you ready to dialogue. Includes Chakra clearing and prayer to open the heart. This is also [...] more
Public $11.95
Platinum Members $10.75
Become a Platinum Member and save $1.20

MP3 and Mov Downloads

Download the Inner Bonding CD and DVD products in MP4, MP3, and MOV format.  No waiting for your product to arrive. Watch and listen today.

Members receive a 20% discount.

Image Title Price Buy
Anger and Inner Bonding - Audio Anger and Inner Bonding - Audio
By Dr. Margaret Paul
A one hour overview of Inner Bonding, presented by Dr. Margaret Paul to a live audience, with the Six Steps acted out along with [...] more
Public $14.95
Platinum Members $13.45
Become a Platinum Member and save $1.50
The Inner Bonding Meditation - Audio The Inner Bonding Meditation - Audio
By Dr. Margaret Paul
A 20 minute meditation to get you ready to dialogue. Includes Chakra clearing and prayer to open the heart.  MP3 file download - 18 megabytes
Public $11.95
Platinum Members $10.75
Become a Platinum Member and save $1.20
Beyond Fear and Addictions - Audio Beyond Fear and Addictions - Audio
By Dr. Margaret Paul
Dr. Margaret Paul presents a two-hour overview of Inner Bonding to a live audience. Includes a visualization to discover your Guidance and a session [...] more
Public $27.95
Platinum Members $22.95
Become a Platinum Member and save $5.00
The Inner Bonding Introductory Lecture - Video The Inner Bonding Introductory Lecture - Video
By Dr. Margaret Paul
In this BRAND NEW video, Dr. Margaret Paul presents an almost two hour overview of Inner Bonding. Includes questions from the audience.  This product is [...] more
Public $49.95
Platinum Members $39.45
Become a Platinum Member and save $10.50
From Conflict to Intimacy and Beyond - Download From Conflict to Intimacy and Beyond - Download
By Drs. Jordan and Margaret Paul
This is a three-hour lecture with questions from the audience on the material in Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved [...] more
Public $24.95
Platinum Members $24.95
Become a Platinum Member and save $0.00
The Master Teacher Connection-Video The Master Teacher Connection-Video
Presented by Dr. Erika Chopich, this is a 1 1/2 hour lecture about how to connect with your spiritual Master Teacher. Includes some of [...] more
Public $19.95
Platinum Members $17.95
Become a Platinum Member and save $2.00
The New Video Inner Bonding Weekend Workshop The New Video Inner Bonding Weekend Workshop
By Dr. Margaret Paul
This video weekend workshop teaches you the Inner Bonding process - teaching you how to connect with a personal source of spiritual wisdom and [...] more
Public $249.00
Platinum Members $224.00
Become a Platinum Member and save $25.00

Explore More Inner Bonding



How simple life would be if love for ourselves and others was our guiding light! How different our planet would be if love were more important than control and profit. We each have the choice in each moment to make this true.



Inner Bonding Events

03/19/2025 08:00 AM
5-Day Virtual Intensive
Dr. Margaret Paul

All Inner Bonding Events