Daily Inspiration

Set your intention for the day. Make a conscious decision that you want to be in love, compassion, peace and joy. Decide to be courageous and speak your truth. Request to draw to you all that is of the light, and to be immune to the darkness of anger, fear and judgment.


"Margaret Paul is an insightful and profound teacher. She skillfully helps us to explore, heal and deepen our relationship with God."

"Inner Bonding" is a powerful book for anyone interested in quality relationships. It offers practical tools, not just theory, to help us reach inside and heal those deep problems and addictions that have held us back for so many years.
Thomas Crum

Endorsement for Diet for Divine Connection: “Dr. Margaret Paul spent years uncovering the ways we can connect with our guidance, and how that is related to the many different kinds of nourishment (both physical and emotional) we give our bodies. In Diet For Divine Connection, you will discover how to heal resistance to physical and emotional self-care, and how to loving act on your own behalf in any moment. Margaret Paul is connected with her own internal GPS, teaches us how to do the same, and in the process, so much healing takes place. We’re fortunate to have her as our guide.”

Geneen Roth

Endorsement for Diet for Divine Connection: “This is not just another book about food and the body—it weaves together many other aspects of a healthy life: the importance of high-vibration foods that resonate with your essence, the power of your “state” when you eat and digest, and the full presence of you-the-soul to guide self-nurturing. This is a valuable and comprehensive guidebook for transforming your entire self at the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels.”

Penney Peirce

The authors', Margaret Paul, Ph.D., and Erika Chopich, Ph.D., in the book "Healing Your Aloneness: Finding Love and Wholeness Through Your Inner Child", provides a new and fresh understanding of the inner world. They have created a valuable roadmap for healing the child within us, and in that way becoming more emotionally free, integrated, and whole.
Walter E. Bracklemanns, M.D.

“If you’re ready to discover the root causes of disconnection from self, others and Divine guidance, then Diet For Divine Connection is a must read groundbreaking book. For anyone desiring mind, body, spirit healing, Dr. Paul clearly describes the connection between the foods you eat and the thoughts you think, with your ability to connect with your Divine guidance – your inner GPS - and she offers a pathway to healing through her six-step Inner Bonding process.”

Charlotte Reznick PhD


Inner Bonding books to help you with your emotional and spiritual learning and healing process. 

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How to Access Spiritual Guidance for Your Joyful Highest Good Every Moment of Your Life How to Access Spiritual Guidance for Your Joyful Highest Good Every Moment of Your Life
By Dr. Margaret Paul
This is a small book designed to help you with a major aspect of the Inner Bonding® process: staying connected with your personal spiritual [...] more
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The 6 Secrets to Profound Self-Love and Joyous Connection The 6 Secrets to Profound Self-Love and Joyous Connection
By Dr. Margaret Paul
This small book, accessed through Margaret's spiritual Guidance, can bring clarity to the Inner Bonding® process.
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Dear God, What Is Love? Dear God, What Is Love?
By Dr. Margaret Paul and Sheryl Paul
Dr. Margaret and her daughter Sheryl collaborated on this small book about love. Each little section explores a different aspect of love and loving. [...] more
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Beloved Companionship - An Alternative To Loneliness Beloved Companionship - An Alternative To Loneliness
By By Margaret Paul, Ph.D.
Introduction This is a book about a very important subject - how to create a lifestyle where we are not lonely, especially as we [...] more
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Set your intention for the day. Make a conscious decision that you want to be in love, compassion, peace and joy. Decide to be courageous and speak your truth. Request to draw to you all that is of the light, and to be immune to the darkness of anger, fear and judgment.



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