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Authoritarian, Permissive, or Loving Parenting

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The pendulum often swings back and forth, in different generations, between authoritarian and permissive parenting. You will discover that neither of these parenting models is loving or supportive of you or of your children’s highest good.


Authoritarian, Permissive, or Loving Parenting




Parenting: Loving or Controlling






Daily Inspiration

Which is more important to you, safety or intimacy? Safety and intimacy are often mutually exclusive. True intimacy has its up and downs, its closeness and its distance, its peace and its fear, its joy and its sadness. Since there is always the possibility of loss, there is no true safety in intimacy, yet it is the spice of life. Which is more important to you, safety or intimacy?


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Which is more important to you, safety or intimacy? Safety and intimacy are often mutually exclusive. True intimacy has its up and downs, its closeness and its distance, its peace and its fear, its joy and its sadness. Since there is always the possibility of loss, there is no true safety in intimacy, yet it is the spice of life. Which is more important to you, safety or intimacy?



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