"I was able to become more connected to myself and learned very helpful tools to start to take care of myself. I have been feeling very lost and abandoned during this past year & now realize that I had abandoned myself (just an observation, not a criticism)! I am very excited about bringing this all into my everyday life along with the Core Energetic training I am doing."
Phyllis Bolgosano

A totally radical system of addressing any issues which traditional therapy did not hit on. -2019


"This workshop was extremely valuable to me. Margaret created a very safe environment to open and heal. I have a new appreciation for my inner child and am committed to healing my relationship with her. Tapping into my spiritual guides excites me and I look forward to learning more about this wisdom as well as trusting the wisdom I receive." Toronto Workshop - Toronto, Canada - 4/2001
Deborah Alton

'I learned about the core feelings—deep down—and why I try to control others.  And why I sabotage myself from my own Amazingness!' Los Angeles Inner Bonding Workshop, 4.12

Sonia Chapa

'Very enlightening.  Terrific primer for long-term bonding work.'  Week-end workshop - Anaheim Hills, CA 2.15

Leisa Frisk

Interactive and Informative instruction on the Inner Bonding process.  Each step was explained and demonstrated which allowed the participants to learn from each other.  Well organized - would attend again to have my skills.-2019

Lee Ann

Inner Bonding Certified Facilitators
The following people are certified in Inner Bonding and are available to see clients.

Directory Disclaimer. Note to all readers: This professional directory can help you locate an Inner Bonding® facilitator or facilitator-in-training. Inner Bonding® Educational Technologies, Inc. neither endorses nor recommends the individuals listed on this website. Inner Bonding® Educational Technologies, Inc. cannot make assurances that the qualifications or services of any individual would be suitable for the needs of a particular individual. Users of this directory understand and agree that Inner Bonding® Educational Technologies, Inc. is neither liable nor responsible for any actions of those using this directory.
Emily Agnew, M.M.
Rochester NY

I have been a certified Inner Bonding facilitator since 2009. I offer 1:1 sessions by phone, Skype, and Zoom. My clients come from around the world and have several qualities in common: they are deep-thinking, creative, and sensitive. And they struggle with anxiety.

I too faced constant anxiety in my career as a professional oboist: that’s why I started doing inner work. I wanted to overcome my nerves and move up in the orchestra world. But no matter what I triedAlexander Technique, therapy, self-hypnosis, visualization—I’d get so nervous in auditions, I could barely breathe. It was heartbreakingly disappointing.

As I worked on my self-care, committing to regular exercise, yoga, and Zen meditation, I began to see some improvement in the anxiety. I also completed over 500 hours of training in Nonviolent Communication, which deepened my compassion for myself and others and helped me grasp the importance of self-responsibility.

But the biggest change came when I discovered Inner Bonding. I finally realized I had been trying to control my playing—an impossible task. With Inner Bonding, I learned how to let Spirit flow through me when I played. What a difference! The sense of joy and mastery was hard to describe. I wanted more of this.

I found myself asking, “How can I bring this kind of joy and flow into the rest of my life? And how can I help my clients do that too?” A difficult divorce was pushing me to my limits. I saw firsthand how challenging it is to stay connected to your Loving Adult and to your spiritual guidance when your toughest issues come up.

Perhaps you too have experienced this phenomenon: when you are most triggered— and most in need of relief—you find it hardest to get through the six steps on your own. This is incredibly frustrating, because you know how powerful Inner Bonding can be. You crave the peace, relief, and joy you feel when you successfully complete the process.

But I have good news: being confused or stuck in the process doesn’t mean you are doing anything wrong. On the contrary! It means you are poised for a leap in growth. Your toughest issues are challenging precisely because you haven’t yet learned how to stay in your Loving Adult in the face of this level of pain.

Fortunately, you don’t have to do this on your own. When you hit the edge of your processing ability, you need personalized, compassionate support. And you need new skills. I’ve experimented for years to bring you the best of both. In 2013 I completed the two-year certification program for Inner Relationship Focusing, which emphasizes radical acceptance and presence, and I bring this Focusing consciousness to our Inner Bonding work. One client who completed my six-month Inner Listening Intensive described her experience this way:

I was suffering from anxiety and depression about my work, my relationship, my parenting. It was affecting everything in my life. I felt completely adrift. This program taught me a whole new way of looking at myself and my feelings. It was more than just a paradigm shift or a new perspective. It changed my outlook on life. I live in the present instead of always worrying about the past and the future. I’ve learned to trust myself again.

Another client wrote,

My experience with Emily was truly life changing. Prior to working with her, I was an anxious and unhappy mess, and I did not understand why. I did not know how to take responsibility for my own feelings and as a result felt completely out of control and out of touch with myself. Emily helped me to discover and access my own truth.

If you’d like to learn more about my programs and services, please visit my website at www.sustainablysensitive.com, where you can schedule a complimentary 20-minute phone consultation and subscribe to my twice-monthly Sustainably Sensitive newsletter.

I look forward to hearing from you!


1:1 sessions: http://sustainablysensitive.com/services/1-to-1-sessions/

Inner Listening Intensive: http://sustainablysensitive.com/services/inner-listening-intensive/

Website (Sustainably Sensitive): http://sustainablysensitive.com/

Sustainably Sensitive Newsletter: http://sustainablysensitive.com/resources/free-newsletter/

Pedro Alvarez
+34 659296551(WhatsApp only)

I offer online sessions worldwide in English & Spanish. www.exsala.com

Ofrezco sesiones online en Español e Ingles en todo el mundo. www.exsala.com

My unique therapeutic approach combines InnerBonding, as my main tool to help you heal and become a loving adult for your inner child, with EFT/Tapping to move and release deep blocks and difficult emotions much faster.

I’m a Certified facilitator in INNER BONDING by Dr. Margaret Paul, a Self-esteem facilitator by Jack Canfields Self Esteem Foundation, an Internationally certified  EFT facilitator (Emotional Freedom Technique / TAPPING) and Coach, certified by ICF (International Coaches Federation). Above all decades of personal dedication to my own growth and healing process.

I’m also an Economist and marketing consultant by profession, I became an entrepreneur and graphic designer by vocation.

My childhood and youth were marked by very difficult events that included, among others, the early death of my parents. These experiences had a significant emotional impact on me, that I was not even aware of until in the late 90’s, and after a personal crisis, I realized that there had to be something more to life; something that I could do to have greater peace and a more fulfilling life.

I began to search and investigate. I did therapy, I went to seminars, I read tons of books. One of the books was “Healing Your Aloneness: Finding Love and Wholeness Through Your Inner Child” by  Erika J. Chopich and Margaret Paul. That book, somehow, changed my life.

I learned about the intensives Dr, Margaret offered in the US. It took a great effort but I managed to take my first intensive course with her and have never looked back. Since then, and over many years, I have achieved important milestones in my healing process. Eventually I saw clearly my purpose: sharing everything I have learned about healing with as many people as possible by facilitating and accompanying people on their path to life improvement. Let me help you.

For more info and to book a free half hour session go to www.exsala.com

Or email me to pedro@exsala.com

Ofrezco sesiones online en todo el mundo en inglés y español. www.exsala.com.

Mi enfoque terapéutico único combina InnerBonding, como mi herramienta principal para ayudarte a sanar y convertirte en un adulto amoroso para tu niño interior, con EFT/Tapping para mover y liberar bloqueos profundos y emociones difíciles mucho más rápido. Soy facilitador Certificado en INNER BONDING por la Dra. Margaret Paul, facilitador de Autoestima por Jack Canfield’s Self Esteem Foundation, facilitador de EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique / TAPPING) certificado internacionalmente y Coach, certificado por ICF (International Coaches Federation). Sobre todo décadas de dedicación personal a mi propio proceso de crecimiento y sanación. Soy también Economista y consultor de marketing de profesión, me convertí en empresario y diseñador gráfico por vocación. Mi infancia y juventud estuvieron marcadas por acontecimientos muy difíciles que incluyeron, entre otros, la temprana muerte de mis padres. Estas experiencias tuvieron un impacto emocional importante en mí, del que ni siquiera fui consciente hasta finales de los 90, y después de una crisis personal, me di cuenta de que tenía que haber algo más en la vida; algo que pudiera hacer para tener mayor paz y una vida más plena. Empecé a buscar e investigar. Hice terapia, fui a seminarios, leí toneladas de libros. Uno de los libros fue "Sana tu soledad: cómo encontrar amor y plenitud a través de tu niño interior" de Erika J. Chopich y Margaret Paul. Ese libro, de alguna manera, cambió mi vida. Supe de los intensivos que la Dra. Margaret ofrecía en Estados Unidos. Me costó mucho pero logré hacer mi primer intensivo con ella y nunca miré atrás. Desde entonces, y a lo largo de muchos años, he logrado hitos importantes en mi proceso de sanación. Eventualmente vi claro mi propósito: compartir todo lo que había aprendido sobre la sanación con la mayor cantidad de personas posible, facilitando y acompañando a las personas en su camino hacia la mejora de la vida. Deja que te ayude. Para obtener más información y reservar una sesión gratuita de media hora, visite www.exsala.com O escríbeme a pedro@exsala.com

Sharon Appleby
Toronto CANADA

It took me many years to embrace being a "Highly Sensitive Person" and to heal from the shame that came with it. Growing up, I didn’t feel heard or understood. The constant criticism and yelling in my childhood home left me feeling as if something was wrong with me—that I wasn’t good enough. My sensitivity amplified my empathy, but it also made my inner critical voice louder. I struggled with low self-esteem, feeling like a burden, which led me down the path of people-pleasing and perfectionism. Like many, I learned to numb my painful feelings through different addictions.

Even then, I had this inner knowing that life could be more, but I had no guidance or role models. That’s when I turned to therapy, and soon after, I signed up for a three-year Psychotherapy Certification Course, completing the 500-hour training requirement.

I studied many different therapeutic modalities along the way, which eventually led me to attend an Inner Bonding Weekend Workshop. That’s where I first connected with Dr. Margaret Paul, and from the moment I experienced her work, I knew I had found something transformative. That was back in 1995, and I’ve been practicing Inner Bonding ever since.

In 2017, I became a Certified Inner Bonding Facilitator because I felt ready to help others transform their lives, just as IB has transformed mine. Every day, it continues to be a miraculous tool for me.

I’ve participated in TRE, trauma release exercises workshops, which is a perfect combination of bodywork with Inner Bonding. I assist others and practice for my own continued healing journey.

In addition, I became a Grief Educator Coach, completing the program led by grief expert David Kessler.

More recently, I completed mens’ expert, Connor Beaton’s program for therapists, “How to Talk to Men,” which focuses on men’s shadow and healing work.

I’m a lifelong learner, always seeking knowledge, in all areas of health and wellness, which has only validated for me the undeniable connection between mind, body, and spirit. This belief is at the heart of why I feel Inner Bonding is so powerful and effective.

Looking back, it feels incredible to have gone from feeling ashamed of my sensitivity to feeling blessed by it. Today, I’m grateful for my ability to feel deeply and compassionately, both for myself and others. Inner Bonding has helped me create healthier boundaries, build more authentic relationships, navigate conflicts, and understand my controlling, wounded self in ways I never thought possible.

Through my journey, and through the work I’ve done with clients, I’ve seen that real transformation happens when we unite our intentions with our actions. That’s what I believe sets this healing modality apart from conventional therapy.

Many of my clients have shared with me how much they appreciate the safe, compassionate environment I provide. One said, "She is warm and empathetic and has a remarkable ability to help me better connect with my inner guidance."

Getting stuck in trauma, abuse, addiction, anxiety, depression, or anger can rob us of the freedom to discover our creative selves, passions, and, most importantly, our self-love. Working through these negative and often debilitating blocks allows us to find the truth of who we really are—and that’s when we can open ourselves to a life of more joy and ease and less suffering. Isn’t that what we all deserve?

Please feel free to email or text me to schedule a free 30-minute consultation or to book a one hour session.

Email: sharonappleby@rogers.com Or text me at (416) 605-3018


Michael Barmak, MSW, LCSW
Cranford, New Jersey

I have been a student of Inner Bonding since 1994 when I read Healing Your Aloneness by Dr. Margaret Paul and Dr. Erika Chopich to help me through a breakup.  I felt like every word had been written just for me.  For the first time I understood how I was creating my feelings of abandonment.  After having spent years trying different kinds of therapy, I finally found a spiritual path and a way to give myself the love I was always trying to get from others.

By practicing the Six Steps of Inner Bonding, I felt more joyful and began expressing my essence in more areas of my life.  Once I moved into personal power, I knew that I wanted to share my life changing Inner Bonding experience with others.  I became a Certified Inner Bonding Faciilitator in 2001, and this past March I became the Assistant Inner Bonding Trainer for the first class of the Inner Bonding Facilitator Training Program.

I have always believed that I can only take individuals and couples somewhere I’ve been.  I know how to bring you from pain to joy, from conflict to connection because I have traveled that road.  Inner Bonding has helped me learn how to manage my feelings so that they don’t overwhelm me, set loving boundaries and do what is in my highest good without worrying about the aproval of others.  I can help you learn how to take personal responsibility for your happiness so that you can truly love yourself.

In addition to co-leading the East Coast Inner Bonding Intensive, I have assisted Dr. Margaret Paul at her weekend workshops and her 5-day intensives.  I lead Inner Bonding Weekend Workshops and see individuals, couples and families in my private practice in Cranford, New Jersey.  A Certified Imago Relationship Therapist, I was profiled on the acclaimed PBS-TV series, Real Moms, Real Stories, Real Savvy as a couples therapist.

I have a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Virginia, a Master of Social Work from New York University and was a Visiting Lecturer at Rutgers University School of Social Work.  In a previous life, I was a music talent scout for Famous Music Publishing, Paramount Picture’s music division.  I express my creativity and joy through playing piano, songwriting, swing dancing and writing children’s books with my wife.

I am available for individual and couples sessions in-person or by phone and can be reached at (908) 276-8191 or by email at michael@michaelbarmak.com.  For more information about me please visit my website at www.michaelbarmak.com

Patricia Belleno
Austin TX

Patricia Belleno LPC-S, Licensed Professional Counselor Supervisor

I come from a long line of self-abandoners. My wounded self was in charge so much of the time that I didn’t even wonder about loving myself. Not a priority in my personal hierarchy of needs pyramid. I was always looking for love -  really, I was looking for my mother. The one I never had. She was toast by the time I came along as the youngest of her four children. I now know she did the best she could - her wounded self was also birthed from the wreckage of that same lineage.

For as long as I can remember, there’s been a deep ache in my heart. Probably even before I could put words to it - yes, that long ago. The happy part is that it set me out on a journey. A journey that, in the early days was primarily driven by trying to find someone to take care of me. Two ex-husbands later, it ultimately became about finding myself - where I belonged, finding my tribe. The journey has taken many twists and turns with different shapes and flavors. Many years of personal therapy and countless personal and professional growth programs have for sure moved the needle in soothing the ache. I even became a therapist twenty-some years ago- one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. It has helped me stay committed to my own growth path, while serving others.

My Inner Bonding journey began in 2009 when a therapist I was working with recommended I read Healing Your Aloneness. I soaked up every word and conveniently ignored the part about loving myself. After all, I already knew how to take care of myself in a food, clothing, and shelter kind of way plus a few extras like baths, massages, facials, pedicures, and vacations. Wasn’t that enough? I believed the 'loving yourself' concept was for the people that weren’t doing what I already was. I could leave that part out, I told myself, and focus on the wounded parts - the painful stuff. I went on to read Margaret’s other books, take her online programs, and attend an in-person 5-day intensive. When I enrolled in the Inner Bonding Facilitator training program, I started to warm up to the idea that learning to love myself might actually have some relevance to my journey - plus it was required :).

I experienced a powerful breakthrough when I realized I wasn’t loving myself emotionally. I had often felt frustrated, helpless, lonely, and sad. Learning how to be fully present for and with my painful emotions as a loving adult has been life altering - my missing piece. I've discovered an untapped reservoir of love and compassion for myself, which has exponentially increased feelings of contentment and joy. I frequently find myself smiling for no reason throughout the day!

I subscribe to the idea that when we teach people how to fish rather than give them fish, we empower them with a gift that is not only sustainable, but applicable to every circumstance we face on our human journey. The 6 steps of the Inner Bonding process align perfectly with this idea. They are user-friendly and portable. There’s a layer of pain you’re experiencing that you can do something about and Inner Bonding is the medicine. In our work together, I’ll teach you the 6 steps of Inner Bonding by guiding you through them and helping you install them into your own daily practice.

At the heart of the Inner Bonding process is learning to love yourself - and in doing so you’ll also learn how to stay true to yourself. You’ll grow an unshakable reliance on your own wise inner voice - which will alleviate your suffering and help relocate your sense of well-being inside. Restoring an internal sense of well-being in the face of whatever life hands you is liberating, to say the least. But don’t take my word for it. Experience it for yourself.

Individual sessions via zoom, email: patriciabelleno@aol.com, phone: 512-940-8588, website: www.avenuesforinnerwork.com (Avenues For Inner Work)

Maria Rosa Casanovas
Barcelona, Spain

Some years ago a dearest friend of mine shared with me his passion for the work of Dr. Margaret Paul and the Inner Bonding Process. He gave me the plastic card with the 6 Steps and since then I have always carried it with me in my bag.

I have been working as a therapist since 1995, trained in Gestalt Therapy, Focusing, and Louise Hay Teacher Training. I have been offering workshops in Spain during the last 14 years and also one-to-one sessions.

In my work as therapist I have specialized in the tools and processes that develop self-esteem, and one of the approaches I like the most is the Inner Child Healing Process, since I realized that it is the "shortcut for healing".

The only book of Margaret Paul's published in Spain, "Healing your Aloneness," allowed me to add the vision of Margaret and Erika to the work I was doing, giving me a deeper clue and a more complete understanding of the need to create a loving Adult for our Inner Child.

In my personal healing journey a turning point took place in November, 2004, when I participated in the 5 day Intensive with Margaret Paul. It was a very deep experience. I learned so much having the privilege to see the miracle of healing through the presence of Truth and Love! I was very impressed by Margaret and also by the power of the Inner Bonding Process!

My wish is to be able to have the spiritual strength and connection that Margaret has and I know I need to strengthen my spiritual work every day and the Inner Bonding practice is a way to achieve it. It also gives a powerful sense of responsibility and a way to heal the ego false beliefs.

At present I offer my services as a therapist and coach in Barcelona, Spain. I also travel all over Spain to facilitate Transformational Self-Esteem Workshops. I can be reached at 34-93.436.29.50, cell: 653.370.455.

Carla De Cervantes
Palo Alto CA

I have a bachelors in Cultural Anthropology, a Masters in Education, and an MBA. I have trained in, studied and practiced Hakomi therapy, thai yoga therapy, vipassana meditation, and a wide array of psychotherapeutic modalities. In all my studies and all my exploration, Inner Bonding is the process I have found most transformational — both personally and for my clients. It is a holistic, embodied path to creating a loving relationship with yourself. It’s that relationship with yourself that provides the foundation for everything else: being fully yourself in the world, being truly available to authentically connect and share love with others, experiencing greater peace and love and joy.

I work with corporate executives and individuals committed to leading their lives with intention, loving themselves more completely, enhancing their self-confidence, and living in greater alignment with their own deepest longings. I have a private practice in Palo Alto, CA and work with clients around the world as both an executive coach and an Inner Bonding facilitator. I bring to my coaching and facilitation work over 10 years of marketing, product management, relationship management, and business analysis experience for companies such as BCG, The Clorox Company, UC Berkeley, and PeoplePC. I invite you to visit my website at www.decervantes.com

I earned my BA from Amherst College, my M.Ed. from UCLA, my MBA from Stanford Graduate School of Business, and my coaching certification from the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology. A California native, I resides in the San Francisco Bay Area, where I love kite surfing, trail running and dancing 5 Rhythms and contact improvisation. Come join this dance with me, and fall back in love with yourself!

“I have decided in this life to continue to choose vulnerable transparency in the hopes that it helps us all to heal & love ourselves more fully, and to connect with each other more authentically & deeply.”

Markus Dietrich
+41 77 443 10 56

My deep desire for healing encompasses both my own journey and supporting others in theirs. The most powerful remedy for healing is LOVE. Love has the extraordinary ability to transform and heal both myself and you. Inner Bonding® is the ideal method to guide you toward connecting with the boundless joy within and around us.

I discovered Inner Bonding through the audiobook "The Power to Heal Yourself" by Dr. Margaret Paul. The concept of providing myself with what I was missing resonated deeply, inspiring hope and courage to reclaim responsibility for my emotional and spiritual well-being, rather than seeking fulfillment externally. I was delighted to find that spirituality is a fundamental pillar in the Inner Bonding healing journey. Inner Bonding emphasizes that I am primarily a feeling being capable of thought, not merely a thinking being who can also feel. Additionally, it affirms that I am a soul inhabiting this body to evolve in love.

With over 20 years as a mental health professional, I have extensive experience working with depression, anxiety disorder, ADHD, Asperger's Syndrome, high sensitivity, trauma, co-dependency, and other conditions.

In my Inner Bonding facilitation, I integrate modalities such as Mindfulness, The Work, The Journey, Radical Forgiveness, various trauma techniques, and emotionally focused methods, all approached with tenderness, compassion, clarity, and humor. I enjoy working with individuals and groups alike.

It is a great pleasure and honor to introduce Inner Bonding to German-speaking individuals through one-on-one sessions, workshops, and informational talks, often in collaboration with fellow Facilitator-in-Training Jasmina Kavka.

I am passionate about nature: hiking, skiing, mountaineering in the Swiss Alps, swimming in clear lakes, and cycling. I also cherish dancing, connecting with people, and spending time with friends.

I am excited to announce my bestselling book, "Heile dein inneres Kind – Stärke deinen liebevollen Erwachsene", which delves deeper into the Inner Bonding process and offers practical guidance for self-healing.

Additionally, I offer a variety of workshops and webinars designed to provide opportunities to learn more about Inner Bonding in German. These events are part of a vibrant Inner Bonding community dedicated to personal growth and healing.

Please contact me if you are ready to learn how to be loving to yourself. Sessions are available in both German and English.

Ich freue mich, dich auf deinem Weg zu dir selbst zu begleiten – mit Herzblut, Freude, Sanftmut, Fachkenntnis und Mitgefühl. Gerne empfehle ich dir auch meine Praxisbuch „Heile dein inneres Kind - Stärke deinen liebevollen Erwachsenen“.

Unten findest du auch den Link zu zwei YouTube Kanälen.


Grace Escaip
Orange County CA

I was born in a multicultural family with a grandfather that, on the one hand, was a very successful businessman, and on the other was spiritually ahead of his time. Through his teachings I was able to develop my spiritual path early on.

Since I was a kid, I’ve had a beautiful, strong connection with Guidance and this has been the foundation for me to be able to handle, go through, and overcome very difficult and challenging periods in my life. That’s why supporting others to connect with their guidance along with researching how science and spirituality are coming together is one of my passions. The first thing I read about Inner Bonding was that it is the bridge between psychology and spirituality — exactly what I was looking for!

After graduating from high school, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to study Law or Psychology. For all the wrong reasons, I chose Law. Years later, and after experiencing several crises, my interest in psychology was reborn which led me on a deep, personal process. As I began to feel and to experience first-hand the tremendous benefits this path was providing, an unstoppable urge to help others grew from within. That is how I studied to become a Rogerian person-centered, humanistic and Gestalt counselor, eventually specializing in adults, couples, symptoms and adolescents, floral therapy, STEP guide, focusing, therapeutic massage, and expressive rhythmic movement.

My personal and professional passion and commitment constantly keeps me researching methods that can help us in our journey. After completing my studies, my Guidance kept urging me to study about the inner child, and that’s how I came upon one of Dr. Margaret’s books, with which I resonated immediately. And since then, IB has been the center and the core of my personal and professional work.

Every day, through my personal process and through the processes of the people I work with, I corroborate the love and the power that Inner Bonding entails, and the transformation and peace it brings to all areas of our life.

I profoundly appreciate Dr. Margaret Paul’s and Dr. Erika Chopich’s presence on the planet; because of them and their methodology, my clients’ lives — as well as my own — have transformed and keeps transforming into what is always in our highest good!

My deepest heart’s wish is that Inner Bonding reaches more and more people everywhere, every day.

I provide Zoom sessions and may be reached at (561)543-0445; my email is grace.escaip@gmail.com.


Stel Fine, M.A.
Denver CO

I believe – and have personally experienced – that psychological freedom is possible when we are willing to do the work to attain it. Step-by-step we can open to being responsible for our feelings and the thoughts we allow to create our experience of life. We have the power to work with the wisest and most loving parts of ourselves to heal our misunderstandings – especially our unforgiving and undervaluing view of ourselves – and learn to be kind to our entire being and champion our Essence (Inner Child), inside ourselves as well as out in the world.

Before I found Inner Bonding®, I was – there’s no other way to put this – deeply self-loathing. I had an Inner Critic at the level of Sniper/Assassin, who was incredibly judgmental, demanding and unforgiving. It was hyper vigilant, convinced that it had to protect me from making mistakes and getting hurt. No matter what I accomplished in the outside world, that wounded part of me would not give me any kindness.

Thank goodness I found Inner Bonding. I’ve been blessed to receive growth, healing and freedom through working whole-heartedly with this technique. The circumstances of my life and my inner experience have shifted dramatically and I operate very differently than I did in the past. Miracles have occurred in my life. I’m unboundedly grateful for the efficacy of Inner Bonding and it is my true honor to support others along this path of self-growth and freedom.

I have a Master’s Degree in Spiritual Psychology from the University of Santa Monica. In addition to practicing Inner Bonding since 2007, training at intensives and workshops with Dr. Margaret Paul, as well as assisting Dr. Paul at 5-Day Intensives and Weekend Workshops, I have led Inner Bonding Weekend Workshops, co-led a 5-Day Intensive and served as the Co-Director of Training, then Director of Training and the Director of Expansion at Inner Bonding from 2017-2024.

I believe that the best facilitators are those who have done their own healing work, are familiar with the depth and pain of the path, and have transcended their wounded selves to such a level that they experience joy and freedom on a consistent basis and can journey with you through your own healing – no matter how daunting. I hold you in respect and caring along the way, while offering powerful insights that can provide you with quantum leaps along your healing path.

I’ve been told that my facilitation is compassionate, patient, supportive of the client’s sacred connection with their own nurturing Guidance, respectful, caring, and particularly comforting to Highly Sensitive People.  Sessions are one hour in length. I see individual clients in person in Denver, Colorado, but am also available for Skype, Zoom and phone sessions. I offer a free 15-20 minute consultation to help determine if we might work well together.


Phone:                  303-800-5619

Website:                http://www.stelfine.net

Introduction video: https://vimeo.com/247579418


Jeff Frymer

I have an MS degree in counseling, and I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. I have also been trained as a developmental interventionist in Dr. Stanley Greenspan’s DIR/Floortime methodology, and I have worked with families and children with special needs professionally since 2003. My work with clients is deeply rooted in, and informed by the Inner Bonding Process, which has provided me the tools for my own personal growth.

Whether I am counseling a parent to pause and take responsibility for their own feelings before reacting to their child, or helping a couple see and own their individual roles in their communication struggle, I use an empathic, intuitive, and creative approach. I encourage clients to connect with their inner child and higher selves to gain perspective and grow. I draw upon my personal experience as a stepfather to a son with autism and create a safe environment for other dads and couples to explore their own experiences. I have been told that children and adults alike are quickly drawn to my genuinely warm, caring, and playful nature.

I am featured in the documentary, Autism: The Musical, along with my wife, Elaine Hall (International speaker and Inner Bonding Facilitator Trainee), and stepson, Neal. Elaine and I co-wrote the children’s book, “The Critter Inside,” based on the Inner Bonding Process, as part of my master’s thesis on the use of bibliotherapy with children.

When not in session with clients, writing, or spending time with family, I can be found cooking a gourmet meal, kitesurfing over the waters of Malibu, or negotiating a twisty trail on my mountain-bike in the Santa Monica mountains.

Victor Granville
London UK

I discovered Inner bonding at a crucial time in my life whilst I was going through much confusion and pain trying to move forward successfully in relationships. Blocked by the many false beliefs I was carrying I’d often find myself overwhelmed and unable to make choices that brought me inner peace, even after studying many other modalities.

The same is true with my body image, before Inner Bonding I was 48lbs (3.5stones) over weight and often felt disgust, shame, and deep discouragement with how I looked. I lacked the inner strength to move towards health and my healing. It was through developing a deep practice of Inner Bonding and applying the principles of self-love I totally transformed my body and lost all the weight within 13 months. Looking at the transformation that has occurred in my life today I give thanks for this eloquent process.

There are several things that I so appreciate about Inner Bonding, for example it’s fluidity and grace, together with its ability to put me in touch with my own healing power. And that Inner Bonding both explained and facilitated transformation in others and myself in a way that went straight to the heart of matters with great efficiency and effectiveness.

As a result of committing to the practice of Inner Bonding I now enjoy an even deeper relationship with my Inner Child, whilst learning in each moment how to navigate my life from my spiritually connected loving adult instead of my ego wounded self.

As a published Author, Speaker, Trainer, and NVC Coach holding a degree in Psychology and full certifications in Relationship Coaching, NLP, and the DISC personality profile system. I primarily work with singles that want to attract healthy relationships, and with couple’s who want to deepen their connection and intimacy with each other.

In addition to this I work with clients who want to permanently lose weight and reclaim their true body as I have done in my own life.

Using the six steps of Inner Bonding I act as a container for you to go deep into your process and find the clarity and direction you need. I work with you in a deeply compassionate and intuitive way challenging you to step fully into your personal power and capacity to love and heal yourself.

I’m available for Skype/Zoom or Telephone sessions.

Website: Email: vgranville@ymail.com


Irena Grgona
London UK

I discovered Inner Bonding ten years ago and immediately started learning all about it eventually training as a facilitator. I have since radically changed my life. I completed my Master in psychology, yoga and mediation teacher training in India and I am currently in my final year of my Doctorate in Psychology and Counselling. I work clinically in the English health services and in my own practice. My subject matter specialities are addiction, abuse and complex trauma. I practice integratively combining all that I have learnt on my journey. I am based in London.

Elaine Hall

Life Coach, Film and Media Acting coach, International Speaker and Workshop Leader, Best-selling Author.

Inner Bonding has been the cornerstone of all of my work with individuals, couples, and groups.

I specialize in working with clients from around the globe who are conscious, caring, compassionate, and creative, yet may often feel out of sync with themselves and others.

My journey with Inner Bonding began in 1999. My marriage was in shambles, my adopted son was diagnosed with autism, and I struggled financially. My first Inner Bonding Intensive helped me uncover childhood issues, which went unresolved for years despite considerable effort with other therapies. Once I committed to Inner Bonding, I progressed quickly. Through my individual and group sessions with Dr. Margaret Paul, I exited the victim state, became responsible for my Inner Child, and I began to heal. I developed the strength to advocate for my son’s therapies. I found the courage to leave a difficult marriage. And I discovered true intimacy and love for myself and for another, entering into a most positive, new marriage. I also created a career that is of service to the world, with the additional benefit of being financially lucrative. As Dr. Margaret says, “Doing what was in my highest good was ultimately in the good of others. “

Inner Bonding gave me the tools I needed to re-create myself Emotionally, Spiritually, and Financially. Today I am regarded as an internationally recognized expert on the use of theater arts for transformation. My memoir, “Now I See the Moon,” was selected for World Autism Awareness Day by The United Nations, where I was invited to speak on several occasions. My second book, “Seven Keys to Unlock Autism,” is used as a textbook at Brown University. I have written and produced several musicals with my theater program, The Miracle Project. And I am the star of the two-time Emmy Award winning HBO documentary, Autism: The Musical. Most importantly, I live authentically, with great love around me, and a sense of peace and joy.

Today I’m dedicated to sharing all that I have gained with others so that they too may ease their own suffering, find their strength, embrace their passion, and enjoy all that life has to offer.

Areas I specialize in:

*Easing anxiety by connecting to your Inner Child.

*Parenting a child who experiences the world differently.

*Finding your ability within your disability

*Creating meaningful work

*Finding your soul-mate

*Keeping your marriage alive and exciting

*Taking care of yourself in your marriage

*Positive parenting

*Relationship coaching

*Mentoring through a creative project

*Career coaching

*Acting and writing coaching

My clients have reported decreased anxiety, created meaningful work for themselves, auditioned for, and landed lead roles in feature films, and have found their soul-mates.


Jane Harvey (formerly Gosling)
London & South Wales UNITED KINGDOM
+44 7740 490 599


I am a seeker, have been since I was about 5. So when I found myself in an abusive relationship, I started seeking out knowledge about everything related to why we do what we do. I learnt counseling, coaching & NLP, and fell in love with strengths-based approaches such as Appreciative Inquiry and positive psychology. I attended workshop after workshop and read up on topics like neuroscience, psychology, emotional intelligence, the law of attraction, "Power vs. Force",  "7 Habits of Highly Effective People" and many others.

All of these things made a difference in one way or another, but often it felt superficial, like I was applying a band aid rather than healing the original wound. Yes, I was doing better in the world and from the outside I appeared confident and successful, but it felt like I had to be on my guard the whole time so I didn’t slip back into old behaviours.

And then in the summer of 2015 I dived into Inner Bonding and the seeking stopped - and a practice started.

Since then, my entire life has changed dramatically! My confidence now comes from a place deep inside and my loving adult knows how to show up to support me; my base happiness has gone up (I was maybe happy 30-40% of the time before IB and now it’s more like 80-90%); I now have beautiful, deep friendships beyond anything I ever thought I was capable of before; I do work that I love and show up as my whole self, and I lead others in a way that is congruent with my values and beliefs (with amazing results).

My continuing intention is to love and accept what’s here now, and at the same time peel away the false beliefs that we come to believe about ourselves and others.

I work holistically with people that are ready to step into a new way of being, drawing on deeper somatic work where the body leads the way, whilst being grounded in action and developing habits that support out best selves. If that’s you – get in touch...

Shauna Haycock, CFLE-P
Pleasanton CA

Life can be really hard sometimes. We find ourselves trapped by painful emotions, disappointing relationships and destructive habits that hang around despite our best efforts. And then, on top of that, Carl Jung believed that the most perplexing problems we face cannot be solved, they are, at their core, frustratingly unfixable. They can, though, be outgrown. Practicing the Six Steps of Inner Bonding grows us out of the fog and pain that surrounds us and opens the door to a haven of love and peace. The keys to flourishing are learning to love ourselves and taking loving actions from the wisdom of our feelings and a connection with Divine Guidance. Opening to, trusting and following our inner knowing drenches our efforts in grace and power that are truly transformational.

Sadly, I spent decades valiantly trying to change and fix myself, others and my life. I went back to school to become a Certified Family Life Educator, believing and hoping that I must have somehow missed the golden nugget of knowledge and skill that would finally make things better. As in gardening, the truth is that there can be no growth and no fruit unless the seeds of change are planted in welcoming, nurturing, fertile soil. Self-love waters a parched soul. With consistent practice of the steps of Inner Bonding, I learned to love myself steadily and dependably and then, almost magically, the vexing problems of my life transformed as I viewed them from a different vantage point.

I would be honored to hold a trellis for you as you embark on your own deeply personal journey to self- love and self- actualization. I will be by your side, encouraging you and supporting you without judgment and with love and appreciation for the deep impulse within each of us to grow and become our best selves. Let’s begin. It’s going to be amazing.

I can be reached at 925-596-0035 or at shaunahaycock@hotmail.com

Kelly James, M.A., MFT
Anaheim Hills

Kelly James is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist (MFT) and has a private practice in Anaheim Hills (Orange County), CA. She has been counseling couples, individuals and children for 10 years. She is passionate about healing and growth in her own life and the lives of her clients. Kelly specializes in intimacy/relationship issues, addictions, depression/anxiety and grief and loss issues. She has been working with Margaret Paul for over 8 years and uses the Inner Bonding Process as her core foundation/theory in her practice and in her own life. She loves assisting others on this creative and transformational journey as they learn to discover their divine goodness and worth through the eyes of God. She is passionate about learning the false beliefs that keep us stuck and replacing these beliefs with truth, light and compassion.

Kelly is available in person or by telephone for private counseling sessions.She can be reached at (949) 651-2805.

- Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist (MFT, 1998) - State of California

- Credentialed School Counselor (PPS) - State of California

- B.S. (1990) in Clinical Psychology - Brigham Young University

- M.S. (1996) in Counseling Psychology - California State University, Fullerton

- Ph.D. Candidate in Clinical Psychology - California Coast University

- Member of California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (CAMFT)

Suzi Keown
Franklin INDIANA

We are each a spiritual being, a spark of the Divine. No matter how wounded you have been in life, your essence remains undamaged, waiting to be loved.

My own dramatic healing through Inner Bonding inspired me to become an IB Facilitator, and led me to specialize in spiritual connection (how do I access the Truth and Love of Guidance?) and recovery from emotional / spiritual abuse, self-loathing, divorce, codependency, depression, anxiety / stress, and food addiction.

My favorite phrase from Inner Bonding is,Of course you feel (believe/act) that way. There are very good reasons.” Now, as a Certified Facilitator, I have the tools of IB that can give each and every person the ability to find peace and love in daily life. My coaching practice includes setting intentions for areas of your life on which you would like to focus, journaling your personal 6-step process, identifying false beliefs and why your wounded self (WS) believes it will keep you safe, learning how to notice and lovingly care for your inner child, and developing your spiritually connected loving adult. I offer bonus service packages in which I provide emotional/spiritual support between sessions, and tools such as prayer, tapping, personalized meditations and visualizations.

I graduated seminary, and later became a chaplain as part of my journey to personal faith, to find healing for the spiritual hurts I experienced as the oldest daughter of a pastor.  It is only through the Truth and Compassion of Guidance, the God-Who-Is-Love, or higher self or the Wisdom of the Universe, that we are able to effectively and deeply change our emotional responses and brain programming. Daily practicing the six steps of Inner Bonding (IB) creates possibilities of inner peace and joy we could not previously imagine!

A little history of my experience with Inner Bonding: I first learned of IB when my thirty-year marriage was about to end. Now I know that I was living in my wounded self every day - trying to be the perfect wife, not taking responsibility for what I was doing/saying/avoiding that contributed to my anxiety, fear and anger. I was protecting my heart and expecting my husband to love me if I did what pleased him. When it was clear that our marriage was failing, my wounded self created so much fear. How would I survive after divorce? Would I be alone forever? And how could I ever walk back into a church again? A friend and IB  facilitator introduced me to the concepts of IB. It seemed foreign to everything I had been taught, but I witnessed the daily IB processes that she practiced, including the anger process. They were transforming! I did not explore IB at that time, however, because I was so deep in my wounded self that I wanted to die. I did not know how to love myself. I experienced depression for two years following my divorce, feeling shame and believing something was either wrong with me, or that God had abandoned me.

Then I decided to create a new life, enrolling in a chaplain residency at an Indianapolis Trauma One hospital, and continuing with a second year chaplain residency at a Kokomo regional hospital. I found much healing there and stayed on as Staff Chaplain. I specialized in mental health, leading spirituality and hope support groups, educating staff on suicide prevention and leading critical incident debriefings for therapists whose clients died, either at their own hands or in a violent incident. I started to read IB books and attend intensives. But I held a grudge against God, whom I believed did not care enough about me to heal my marriage. Margaret Paul assisted me at an intensive to visualize a beautiful place in nature where my spiritual guide met me. It was a wise, aged Native American woman! What? How could I have a guide, which was a concept outside of the religious faith in which I was raised? But the love, acceptance and truth I felt when my guide was with me opened my heart to more love than I had ever known, particularly for myself. Recently I surrendered my ordination credentials to the church because my doctrinal beliefs no longer fit within the standards of the ordination committee. It was painful, but granted me the final freedom I needed to connect with God as I experience Her.

I do not profess to have all the answers, but I would love to share with you what I have learned on my journey to healing. I choose every day to be a Loving Adult who cares for my Inner Child, connects with Guidance, hears the Truth about my false beliefs, and takes the loving actions Guidance suggests.

There is no charge for an initial 30-minute consultation to discern if we would be a good fit to work together. Inner Bonding can change your life like it did mine - but its up to you to be open to learning and love! You have the information you need within you and with the help of Guidance, healing can come!

You can reach me at: ShiloSophiaCoaching.com or call 317-300-4138. Here is my scheduling app if you would like to make a connection:


Is it time to embark on the journey of a lifetime?!”


Kevin Kimball, J.D., PhD
Salt Lake City UTAH

In the mid-1990s, I found Inner Bonding at a critical point in my life.  Although I was a successful corporate lawyer and had a wonderful wife and two beautiful children, my life was empty.  I had learned to find my value in seeking and winning the approval of others.  As the compliant, oldest child of 9, my self-worth had always been tied up in achievement and I found myself in an exhausting cycle of playing the game of “one up, one down” with everybody.

I knew something had to change.   Margaret Paul’s Healing Your Aloneness found its way into my life and I was captivated.  I called the number in the front of the book and learned that within a couple weeks, she would be giving a weekend workshop near my home in Michigan.  I attended and was astounded at what I learned.  Shortly thereafter, I attended my first intensive.  There I received an insight that liberated me.  I realized for the first time in my life how deeply addicted I was to winning approval from others.  After the intensive, I decided I no longer wanted approval to be the thing which motivated me to act.  For the better part of a year, I remember wondering whether I would ever find any other motivation for doing something that wasn’t based on seeking approval.  Eventually, however, through practicing Inner Bonding, I learned to connect to myself and to God in a way that provided a much richer, sweeter motivation to act.

Practicing Inner Bonding gave me the strength to put my corporate job on the line and go back to school to obtain a Ph.D in clinical psychology.  The way the universe sustained me in being able to do this taught me that anything is possible when we are connected to ourselves and to Spirit and we move forward without worrying about what others might think.

Inner Bonding also has helped me be a much better husband and father.  My wife and I attended a couples intensive in 1998 and found it to be a turning point in our relationship.  Two of my children attended a weekend workshop with me and a third child recently attended an intensive with me.  I had the great pleasure of co-facilitating three intensives with Margaret Paul in 1999 and 2000.  I also found that Inner Bonding made it possible for me to connect to God on a deeper, more meaningful level.


Deb Klugger

In 2001 I watched my already shaky marriage to an alcoholic crumble within moments of discovering a shocking secret. Such betrayal, how could this be?   We had a family, owned and operated a business together, shared a ton of friends, my entire life revolved around him! My life seemed as though it was careening out of control---right along with his.  I was depressed, had panic attacks, and was a  total insomniac. I felt abandoned, unloved, unlovable and alone.

I kept searching, reading, attending workshops, anything to relieve the pain.  When a friend mailed me a copy of Margaret’s “Do I have To Give Up Me To be Loved By God?”  explaining how this book and the 6 step process had been life changing for her---and I could see that it was---I dedicated myself to working the same steps and in time it was for me as well.  Just as I searched for the light at the end of the tunnel, it appeared not as a freight train as I had feared, but as a process called Inner Bonding. I found that by working the process of Inner Bonding, eventually my inner child began to feel loved (a love no one could ever take away again) and she no longer felt abandoned. Through dedication to this process, I was able to build confidence and peace in areas of my life that had been so illusive to my endeavors to heal before.  I began to experience  amazing inner strength, more joy and a passion for life. I built stronger, healthier relationships and my career flourished.  Eventually, as I continued to heal, my life’s purpose became evident. To help others heal and gain empowerment  from the challenges of their lives.

After nearly 7 years of training, practicing the 6 steps, attending many Inner Bonding intensives,  working with Margaret Paul individually and learning other complimentary modalities such as N.L.P, (I am a certified NLP Coach) Tapping and Life Coaching, I am excited and honored to be helping folks gently advance in their process of healing and self discovery. I now work with clients from both the USA and Australia.

I am currently available to support others on their journey both in person as well as in phone sessions. My website is www.debbieklugger.com.

Karen Kral, M.A., LPC

Are you new to Inner Bonding?  Well, if your inner child is anything like mine, you are going to love it!  We are glad that you are here.

I am a licensed psychotherapist in Colorado and have been a certified facilitator of Inner Bonding since 2004. Inner Bonding is the foundation of my work, which focuses on learning how to choose love over fear, new behaviors over conditioned behaviors, and trust in one’s spiritual guidance over desperate control by the ego. I have been facilitating groups since 2002, and offer online and in-person intensives that explore the Inner Bonding process through action.  I have training in both Psychodrama and Gestalt methods.

I created the Inner Bonding Facilitator Training Program and led the 2017-2018 pilot program before turning the program over to other amazing facilitators, which was a great joy for me.  I continue to have a limited role in the training program, where I share my unique form called Inner Bonding in Action, which allows participants to have a fun, experiential understanding of the Inner Child, Wounded Self and Guidance.

One of my clients describes his work with me in this wa“I came to know Karen Kral by needing to take time to travel deeper within myself to search out what was driving my addictive behaviors and I must say the time spent was life changing. I was amazed at her intuition and ability to take me to a deeper level of connection with my authentic self and God. I continue to use the tools she equipped me with to stay on the path of happy, joyous and free. Thank you Karen, you are a gift to the recovery community.”

Prior to going into full-time practice as an Inner Bonding facilitator, I worked as a therapist at Life Healing Center of Santa Fe. In this residential setting, I helped clients heal from childhood trauma and abuse, as well as from various addictions, including sex and love addiction, eating disorders, alcoholism and chemical dependency.  I worked extensively with dissociative disorders, depression, anxiety, and personality disorders, and often included partners and family members in therapy to establish healthier communication and boundaries.

I have been a meditator and Zen practitioner for over 20 years and taught mindfulness and meditation based on the teachings of the late Vietnamese Zen Master, Thich Nhat Hanh. I also taught classes at Miraval: Life in Balance, a renowned spa and resort north of Tucson, and led week-long programs on mindful eating at Hilton Head Health Institute. I am a student of A Course in Miracles and a practitioner of Centering Prayer, developed by the late Father Thomas Keating.  “Consenting to the presence and action of the Divine within” is the intention of Centering Prayer, and is something that I strive for in my daily life and in my work.

I enjoy hiking, mindful walking and ceremony, and sometimes incorporate aspects of these practices into my intensives. I have a background in business and worked for nine years in marketing, sales and management. 

I am available for individual, couples and family sessions by phone.  I also offer online and in-person Inner Bonding intensives, as well as groups focused on Inner Bonding in Action.

WEBSITE:           https://corequestcounseling.com/

EMAIL:                corequest@live.com

VIDEO:                https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUtHX5lGN_U


Dr. Ilene Krems
Culver City CA
(310) 435-8887

Dr. Krems is a licensed psychotherapist with 30 years of experience in clinical psychology.  She has a private practice in Culver City, California.  Dr. Krems has attended multiple Inner Bonding intensives, and practices Inner Bonding in her own life.  Within the context of a caring and collaborative relationship, she uses the Inner Bonding process as the core of her practice.  Dr. Krems has found that Inner Bonding works successfully within the framework of psychotherapy in order to alleviate anxiety and depression, increase self-esteem, improve relationships, and achieve personal goals.

Dr. Krems' specialties include: anxiety, depression, relationship issues, self-esteem, career concerns, personality disorders, and spiritual psychology. She also is trained in Emotional Freedom Techniques.  In-person, Zoom, and phone sessions are available, as are evening and weekend appointments.  Most PPO and POS insurance plans are accepted. She can be reached at (310) 435-8887 or via email at ilene@drilene.com.

Because Dr. Krems is Licensed as a Marriage and Family Therapist in the state of California, she works solely with residents of California.

For more information, please visit her website at www.drilene.com.

Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist (MFT, 1997) - State of California

Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology (1993) - Antioch University

Doctor of Podiatric Medicine (1981) - Pennsylvania College of Podiatric Medicine

Bachelor of Science (1977) - Pennsylvania State University

Member of California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (CAMFT)

Mark Lersch, MA, MIM, LPC

Mark has found that more important than what has happened in the past, is how we are relating to and aligning ourselves right now, in this moment.  At the heart of the work he does with all clients is teaching them how to develop a loving relationship with themselves and to contact and align with the divine within.  He has also worked specifically with men, supporting them in becoming both more empowered and more loving in their intimate relationships.

Before dedicating himself full-time to CoreQuest, Mark was the clinical manager at an intensive outpatient program (IOP) in Santa Fe, New Mexico, where he helped to build the program from the ground up.  He worked for five years as both an individual and group therapist at Life Healing Center of Santa Fe, a residential treatment center where clients came to heal addictions and underlying trauma.  He has worked extensively with clients whose issues include chemical addiction, sex and love addiction, eating disorders, financial disorders, depression, anxiety, relationship issues, codependency and spiritual emergence.  

Mark’s psycho-spiritual approach to healing is influenced by his own interest in spirituality.  He has studied a variety of spiritual paths and methods which he integrates and brings to his therapeutic practice.  He feels deeply honored to accompany people on their own unique path of maturing into full human beings as they become increasingly transparent to the divine in daily life.

Mark also holds a second-degree black belt in Aikido, a peaceful martial art, which teaches us how to find our own “center” (or Hara), to extend “ki” (life force), and to blend our energy with opposing forces and redirect them in skillful ways.  Mark is passionate about using the principles of Aikido and Hara to assist clients in creating safety, which helps them become more present and centered in daily life.  When we feel centered within ourselves and safe in the world, we are able to contact and express our true divine essence and to more skillfully respond to the influences which pull and push on us at home and in work life.  

Mark has an undergraduate degree in psychology, a graduate degree in international management (M.I.M.), and a graduate degree in counseling psychology (M.A.).  Mark has trained in a variety of therapy modalities and his counseling approach is eclectic and unique to each client.  He is an approved affiliate and certified facilitator of Inner Bonding®.

Colorado LPC License# 5091



Lisa Lipton, M.A., MFT
Mission Viejo CA
(949) 310-2311

My name is Lisa Lipton, and I’m a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with over a decade’s worth of experience helping individual adults, college students, and teens resolve anxiety and depression, get in touch with their true selves, and overcome the obstacles that are keeping them from creating the relationships, joy, and life they so desire.

My passion and purpose is to help you live a life you love: a life filled with joy, peace and vitality!

This purpose, this passion, has led me to investigate numerous alternative approaches to traditional talk therapy, including Spiritual Psychology, Energy Psychology, and psycho-spiritual techniques including Inner Bonding.

Inner Bonding can help you establish a deep, daily personal connection and dialogue with a loving source of spiritual guidance that heals the false beliefs of your wounded self – beliefs that underlie the anxiety, pain, fear, and relationship problems in your life.

Inner Bonding is one of the more powerful and transformational techniques I incorporate into the Spiritual Counseling work I do and has helped many of my clients create profound connections with their true selves, Spirit, and others that heal emptiness and unleash creativity, passion, purpose, and joy!

Incorporating these modalities into my practice has helped my clients make the kinds of breakthroughs they’ve been looking for: Positive, deep, lasting transformational changes.

I have enjoyed introducing many of my clients to these innovative ways of thinking and healing, and the results have been astounding… I truly love the work I do!

If you’ve struggled with anxiety or depression for any length of time – or have suffered from the distressing memories so often associated with abuse or other traumatic events – then you know all too well the devastating effects these problems can have on one’s relationships and ones life.

Fortunately, a therapy technique known as Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing – or EMDR for short – has been shown to be extremely effective at helping people overcome post-traumatic stress, anxiety, panic attacks, stress, depression, phobias, and a host of other problems.

When we experience extreme anxiety, stress, abuse, or a traumatic event, the sights, sounds, thoughts and feelings that accompany those events are stored in our brains.

Unfortunately, the disturbing nature of such events leaves our brains incapable of processing these types of experiences effectively and the thoughts and feelings associated with them become “trapped” in our nervous systems.

I have found it extremely helpful with my clients to combine EMDR with innerbonding, to help them more adaptively process their trauma triggers and heal these wounded parts to support them in being all they came here to be. You can find more information and research on EMDR via www.emdria.org.



Mike Moran, LCSW, CST, CCAT
New York, NY

Simply put, Inner Bonding is liberation. Not that you'll never feel fear, or loneliness, not that you won't have challenges and heaps of learning opportunities...but life shifts from being a burden to be endured to an adventure to be embraced; we R-E-L-A-X.  Believe me, I've been on both sides and if I can do it, so can you.  For me, IB represents a pivotal link in my personal and professional quest for the last 25 years -- it has helped cultivate a palpable faith that I'm exactly where I need to be...gratitude is a beautiful thing.

Like many of us, I was led to Inner Bonding by a rather circuitous route.  While I had developed a disciplined meditation practice which was a cornerstone of my self-care and spiritual practice, Inner Bonding helped shift my consciousness to a whole other level.  In 2002, I was looking for the next step, and as is so often the case when we can allow it, the teacher appears when the student is ready, and I read about Inner Bonding and Margaret's retreat weekend and immediately signed up and began working the six steps.  Now, so many years later, it remains my personal and professional capstone...the process I rely on that brings an authentic aliveness not of this world...this stuff works.  If you are getting stuck, as many of us do when first practicing IB, and are not sure where you're going off-course, or if you're hitting something big (trauma) that you intuitively feel it would be best not to navigate by yourself, we facilitators can help.  

I’m a licensed holistic psychotherapist with offices in New York, NY (Chelsea), and my services are reimbursable via your health insurance for in-person sessions.  In addition to being a Certified IB Facilitator, I love working with couples and singles on relationship issues and am a Certified EFT Therapist (Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy) with Dr. Sue Johnson (which aligns perfectly with IB) and have trained directly with Dr. John Gottman in Gottman Method Couples Therapy in Seattle. I’m also an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist so can responsibly address all sexual issues when needed.  I'm also trained in EMDR (Levels I, II, and III) with Dr. Laurel Parnell, a powerful modality in releasing traumatic material from the nervous system, and hold a Certification in Creative Arts Therapy and Performance Wellness from the New School for Social Research -- I really enjoy working with people intrigued by their creativity (and by the way, we are ALL creative!).  I also have much experience working with the LGBT population, a community dear to my heart.  

We're all on this journey together and I consider it an honor to assist others in this process of embracing and re-claiming all of who they are. I am available for in-person, Skype, and phone sessions and will provide a 15-minute consultation at no charge to discuss what you're looking to address in more detail.  For more about my journey and work please see my website www.fulfilledcouples.com.

Kim Morrow Taff, EdS, LPC
Atlanta GA

I found Inner Bonding when I read, “Do I Have to Give Up Me to Be Loved by God?” a few years ago. You must know that I am an avid reader. I have read many books for my own personal path of healing as well as part of my graduate work. When I read this book, I knew this was groundbreaking for me. I had never contacted an author personally before, but I felt compelled to tell her how excited and how moved I was by her book. I received a prompt loving response from her inviting me to join this amazing, loving community. After studying countless theories and approaches and years of my own personal therapy and growth, I was thrilled to find a practice that brought everything I had ever found meaningful together in one cohesive package. Drawing from the wisdom of spirituality and psychology, Inner Bonding helps us to discover our precious inner child, full of creativity and joy who is just waiting for our love and devotion. I am a big believer in the power of teaching the processes I have found to be personally effective for me. I approach therapy in the spirit of collaboration as a fellow traveler rather than from a position as an expert or an authority. By providing a safe space within the context of a healing relationship, I help clients explore where they get stuck with curiosity and compassion. My style is both sensitive and direct. I support my clients by helping them authentically align with their true selves in the midst of facing challenging situations, releasing long-standing false beliefs, or simply connecting with their own inner experience.

Kim Morrow Taff, EdS, LPC, holds a Master of Science and a Specialist degree in Professional Counseling from Georgia State University. She has clinical experience in individual, couples, family, and group therapy. She began her work as a therapist at a community mental health center, where she worked with individuals, couples, and families in many areas of concern, including depression, anxiety, addiction, grief, anger management, post-traumatic stress disorder, sexual abuse, trauma history, and relationship issues. She facilitates her clients’ growth and change by using a strengths-based approach, empowering them to find a path toward wholeness. She is a certified Grief Recovery specialist and enjoys art therapy and dream work. She lives in Atlanta, GA.

Contact Information:




Dr. AurƩlie Penndu-Ouaknine
Vincennes FRANCE

At 20 years old, I began seeking out various therapies to relieve my emotional pain. Yet none totally alleviated the distress. I acted out with anxiety and anger towards my loved ones and children. I felt powerless and unable to reconcile my loving nature with these sporadic impulsive behaviors. This led to shame, guilt and low self-esteem.

Margaret Paul's Inner Bonding: Becoming a Loving Adult to Your Inner Child resonated with me and I immediately started working with Inner Bonding through e-learning and eventually with the valuable help of a facilitator. I started seeing things in a different light. I realized that my wounded "enraged" self that I’d considered to be the enemy (because she received judgment and rejection) was actually trying to protect me from deeper suffering. Healing was finally possible. With Inner Bonding, I was able, over time, to create a bond of trust with my Inner Child. Inner Bonding made me aware that I could choose to take personal responsibility for my thoughts and behaviors, which changed my life. It also allowed me to choose my intention to open to learning and open to my guidance, without which I could not previously develop a loving adult for my inner child.

Since participating in the Inner Bonding Facilitator Training Program (IBFTP) and practicing Inner Bonding daily, my loving adult is more present, coherent and loving every day. I manage to provide myself with the support that I had been looking for for so long. It is wonderful! My relationship with my children has been transformed and I am frankly proud of that.

My professional path reflects my personal exploration. I am a pharmacist who became passionate about holistic medicine, and trained in naturopathy. My quest to balance my emotions led me to study floral elixirs, and I became a Certified BACH® Foundation Registered Practitioner. Then I discovered Havening Techniques, a psychosensory therapy that helps treat trauma, anxiety and phobias as well as creating positive changes in our brain to improve well-being and resilience. I am now a Certified Havening Practitioner as well.

It is in my nature to accompany others in their journeys of growth and wellbeing. It is my joy to have the privilege to do so today with Inner Bonding, a comprehensive and transformational process of healing that guides an individual towards love and compassion for oneself and harmony with others. In an Inner Bonding session with clients, I often propose integrating Havening techniques with Inner Bonding to secure the inner child with this soft and loving touch.

I look forward to being your pathfinder so that you can journey towards your healing.

I am available for individual zoom sessions and can be reached by email at aurelie.penndu@gmail.com.

My mother tongue is French and I also speak English.

Ivana Polonijo, PhD
Oregon & Colorado, USA

I have been encouraging humans to express their true essence since first grade, when I helped a classmate stand up to bullies. That combination of instinct and intuition—to see the truth in people and help them step into their power—has shaped everything I do. I am a Certified Inner Bonding® Facilitator, dedicated to helping you reconnect with your true essential self and live with greater ease, confidence, and joy.

As a Doctor of Anthropology, I bring a unique lens to personal transformation. I am Dr. Ivi (pronounced Evie) and I focus on applied psychological anthropology and anthropology of consciousness. My work explores how cultural narratives, social conditioning, and personal identity shape our emotions, behaviors, and sense of self. By integrating this perspective with Inner Bonding, and 15+ years in finance, executive leadership, and non-profit board service—as well as certifications in Energy Codes® Coaching, Reiki Master Teaching, and Mental Health First Aid—I help clients recognize and rewrite the unconscious stories that hold them back. Blending deep insight into the psyche with somatic, emotional and energetic healing, I guide you toward an empowered, centered calm—no matter what life brings.

I specialize in guiding professionals—especially women+—through workplace and homeplace stress, impostor syndrome, burnout, and disconnection from purpose. I support both individuals and couples through major life transitions, from career shifts to parenthood, divorce, or redefining relationships. Whether stepping into leadership, reclaiming your voice, or seeking deeper connection, you don’t have to navigate it alone.I know these struggles intimately. I’ve faced childhood gremlins, civil war, immigration, divorce, single parenthood, and the pressures of a demanding corporate career. I know what it’s like to battle fear of failure, self-doubt, and burnout—and how easy it is to keep our Inner Child hidden when life feels overwhelming. But I also know the way through.  Inner Bonding taught me how to shift out of stress with consistency and ease. Work became fulfilling instead of draining. Life at home became more beautiful. Through this practice, I reclaimed my spark, strength, and joy. If I can do it, you can too. Inner work takes courage. Having a skilled guide in your corner makes all the difference.

I offer online sessions worldwide in English and Croatian / Bosnian / Serbian.

Let’s connect!


Phone: Cell | WhatsApp: 971-570-6359

Social Media: LinkedIn | IG: @ivipol

Website: www.courageousbeing.com

Shelley Riutta, MSE, LPC
Green Bay WI

Shelley Riutta MSE, LPC has been a holistic psychotherapist since 1994. She initially trained as a traditionally trained psychotherapist, receiving her degree from the University of Wisconsin -Oshkosh. She has done extensive training in powerful transformational processes that assist clients in connecting more directly with their beautiful essence and their spiritual connection. She is a Master Level Breathwork practitioner. She assists clients in shifting their lives from the ego based living of the wounded self to living from the Joy of their True Spirit. She has a special interest in supporting clients to be in the higher vibrational states of Joy, Creativity, Passion, Purpose and Fun - which are the natural states of the Essence.

She has been integrating Inner Bonding into her practice since 1998. She has assisted Margaret Paul at 4 Inner Bonding Intensives and has co-facilitated 3 Inner Bonding Intensives in upstate New York. She works with clients nationally and internationally. In addition to being a therapist, Shelley is a writer and has a column in a local alternative health publication. She also is a speaker and workshop leader-leading popular workshops titled "Living in Joy", "The Power of Your Own Pleasure", "I am Fabulous: Embracing and Celebrating You", "What Do You Really Want: Finding Your Life Purpose" and "Free Your Spirit." Shelley can be reached by phone at 920-265-2627 or through email at SRiutta@gmail.com. Her web-site is www.RadiantLifeCounseling.com

These are comments from clients who have worked with Shelley:

"My experience with Shelley has been - well, life-changing. She and her methods: Inner Bonding, breathwork, visualization, not to mention her profound compassion and endless wisdom create the difference between an average therapy session and true healing. Working with Shelley allows me to heal pains of the past that stifled the pursuit of my true dreams and joys. For me she is an angel on Earth." L.R., Green Bay, WI

"Shelley is so gentle with her wisdom and insights. I appreciate that - I always feel she understands the process and challenges of learning Inner Bonding. Every session there is always a gem of an offering that I take away and it becomes part of my practice. I am truly grateful for her help. Finally, after years and years with other therapists, do I now get it and I have Shelley to thank for helping through the hard stuff..." M.G., Nantucket, MA

Tina Saric

There are several sayings I go by: “Actions speak louder than words“, “Step-by-step“ and “Perfection is boring!“ (The last one is new for me, but I love it. :)) I have been working in education my whole professional life, and currently as a manager in education.

Inner Bonding has led me through a process of learning how not to be co-dependent and caretaking in relationships, how to recognize and stop my controlling behaviours, how to assume my responsibilities in life, how to set boundaries and how to speak my truth. The work is, of course, still in progress.

As an IB facilitator-in-training, I am said to be fully present, deep, patient, supportive, gentle yet direct, non-judgmental and inspired. I believe people are structured in layers. In our work together I am looking forward to our discovery of various layers that make you uniquely you.

One of the things that makes me uniquely me is the awe I feel with nature and animals. I wish for a more humane and respectful treatment of them by humankind.

I look forward to hearing more about you. Sessions are available in English, Croatian and Serbian. tina.saric.zg@gmail.com


Cindy Shore, M.A.
Syosset NY
516 226-1047

I am a Certified Inner Bonding Facilitator with a Masters Degree in Psychology and approximately 20 years of experience studying and practicing the Inner Bonding process. I conduct private one-on-one therapy sessions in person, over the phone and via Skype. I have conducted weekly parenting chats, provided daily counseling on the Inner Bonding Advice Panel and written articles for the Inner Bonding website as well. There is nothing more gratifying to me than observing dramatic, positive shifts in my clients’ lives due to their work and dedication to the Inner Bonding process. I especially love to work with moms; helping them develop a happy, healthy, loving connection with themselves, their children and all of their other relationships. I live and practice on Long Island in New York. I am married and a mother of two beautiful boys. My personal passions include my family life, meditation, seeking personal and spiritual growth, living a healthy lifestyle, my dogs. . . and of course doing my best to help make the world a better place. For a brief video about me and my practice go to www.cindyshoretherapy.com.

Nancy Swisher, MA, MFA
Fairfield IA

Nancy is a Transformational Coach, Metaphysical and Spiritual teacher, Artist and award-winning Poet and Author.  She has been a Certified Inner Bonding Facilitator since 2002 and loves sharing and teaching this incredible process.  Nancy travels to London each year to teach the Inner Bonding Weekend Workshop.

For over 20 years, Nancy has been mentoring personal and spiritual growth. In l993 she was certified in The Metaphysical Nature of Abuse, a two-year training that included courses on Depth Psychology, Quantum Physics, Metaphysics, and Native American practices of healing.  She is also certified in Emotional Freedom and Healing, which is a Tapping technique to release the energetic frequency of programmed beliefs.

The most important and valuable asset Nancy offers is her Presence.   She is able to communicate about all the levels of consciousness her client’s move through on their transformational journey.  She tunes in deeply and yet is able to bring humor and lightness to the challenges of the human condition, knowing the truth that we are spiritual beings having a human experience.  Ultimately, she supports each person she works with to discover their own deep wisdom, heal the past, and to manifest their divine potential.

In 2016 Nancy’s literary memoir The Life That Woke Me Up Was My Own was released through Thomas Noble Publishing.  Nancy holds an MFA in Creative Nonfiction from the Vermont College of Fine Arts.  Her memoir is a literary exploration of the heroine’s journey.  Dr. Margaret Paul says, “It’s a book of remarkable depth and transformation”.

To read more about Nancy’s unique perspective on transformation and conscious evolution visit her website at http://www.nancyswisher.com .

Nancy Weston

Nancy Weston is an Approved Inner Bonding Affiliate and enjoys assisting others in their efforts to incorporate Inner Bonding and Dreamwork into their lives.

For individuals on a healing path, Inner Bonding and dreamwork both offer powerful techniques for deep inner exploration.

As an experienced educator, Nancy brings knowledge of psychology, literature, and archetypes to dreamwork. She has studied with leading professional dreamworkers such as Jeremy Taylor, and has co-facilitated dream groups, workshops, and courses. It is Nancy's belief that looking at dreams through an Inner Bonding perspective can help give voice to all our parts, increasing our understanding of our core Self, wounded self parts, loving Adult, and our relationship to our Higher Power.

Nancy has successfully parented two grown children and is a grandmother; she writes and dreams, and is a performing folk musician and dedicated quilter. She brings a passion for life to everything she does. Her most-loved place on earth is Greece, to which she has been 4 times (favorite trip: backing the Greek Isles with her then 24-year old daughter!) Her favorite quotations are: "What is going on in your Innermost Being is worthy of your whole love" (Rainer Maria Rilke) and "When you pay attention to your dreams, you inhabit a much larger part of your soul." (Robert Bosnak)

Currently Nancy, an active Unitarian-Universalist, is involved in a number of social justice organizations and movements.

Trained directly by Margaret Paul, Nancy has assisted at workshops and intensives, run workshops, facilitated ongoing monthly Inner Bonding support groups, and sees private clients.

Located in eastern PA, Nancy has had over 25 years of experience with both Inner Bonding and dreamwork, and is available by appointment for phone assistance with both.

Certificates from the Institute of Advanced Archetypal Studies, the American Hypnosis Training Academy, the Institute for the Enhancement of Dreamwork; training in Core Energetics.

For information and fees: InnerKid2@aol.com

Inner Bonding Facilitators-In-Training
The following people are in the process of getting certified in Inner Bonding and are available to see clients.

Eva-Maria Burkard


I am Eva-Maria from Switzerland. I am a musician, a Craniosacral therapist and mother of three adult children.

Inner Bonding found me, when I was listening to Dr. MARGARET PAUL as a Speaker in a Summit. I  became aware of one sentence she said: I ask myself, what do I say to myself that makes me feel like this?“ This sentence woke me up and I knew I had to learn this method.

I set out on this path a few years ago and my enthusiasm for it has never waned. Then I decided to do the training for Inner Bonding Facilitator, so that I can support my clients with Inner Bonding and am able to facilitate and teach them the process to heal themselves.

I live Inner Bonding for myself every day and it makes many situations in my life much easier to cope with, because I have so much support available that I didn't know about before. I love to facilitate human beings in their process.

Feel free to contact me at

info(at): evamariaburkard.ch

www.evamariaburkard.ch  (German Homepage)

I speak German and English

Celeste Caplin, RN
St. George UTAH

As long as I can remember I have had a very active inner critic. I was a perfectionist who thought in terms of black and white. I found myself constantly exhausted as I struggled to navigate this colorful world. Although I worked very hard, I was never able to live up to the high and elusive standards of my wounded self. Happiness and spiritual connection were always on the other side of a long “to do list.” I thought in terms of "If only I can get this right, then I will be happy or safe from pain."

It was not until I started practicing Inner Bonding that I began to see that I was harming myself. I began to correct false beliefs and learned how to access real compassion. Now I experience life very differently. I experience more peace and gratitude and far less anxiety. I am more grounded, more present, more authentic, more open, more accepting, and far less afraid.

I trained as a registered nurse and worked for years in hospice. I live with my husband and five young children in Utah. I adopted two of my children from foster care and work as a program director for a foundation that supports young adults who aged out of foster care. I feel a deep desire to share Inner Bonding with others! I felt called to become a facilitator and completed the course work. I am now a facilitator in training and can work with clients. My work is guided by the Inner Bonding trainers as needed. I am excited to share my love and support with others in their own healing work!

Facilitations available through video call on Zoom. Please contact me via email for booking information. Email: Celestecaplin@gmail.com

Michel CƓtƩ
+265 99 158 7555

I was born in Quebec, Canada. I am a Catholic priest in the northern part of Malawi. For the last thirty years I have enjoyed accompanying people on their spiritual and human journey. The Inner Bonding Method is the best help I ever found for this apostolate. In addition to teaching individuals the Inner Bonding process, I present Inner Bonding Workshops to other priests as well.

In 1995, participating in a “Mid-life Renewal Session,” I was introduced to the Inner Child theory. It made a lot of sense to me. I began to pay more attention to this Little Kid in me. I noticed the very positive effects it had in my life. Searching on the internet, I discovered the Inner Bonding website and Dr. Erika Chopich & Dr. Margaret Paul’s beautiful method for becoming a Loving Adult who cares for this Inner Child of ours. Along the years, I worked with Margaret Paul in a number of “6-week telephone support groups”, a good number of “30-Day Online Courses”, and some 5-Day “Intensives”.

To this day, my life continues to benefit from the Inner Bonding method of caring for one’s Inner Child. I used to suffer with frequent and very painful migraines. Now I haven’t had a headache for quite a good number of years. Growing up, I had developed a tendency to be perfectionistic. I was always trying to please others in order to feel loved and appreciated. Now I am a Loving Adult taking good care of myself. I used to carry many interior tensions. When I was not pleased with something, I would bury it deep inside me. I am now capable of speaking my truth, giving my opinion on a situation, and not losing a minute of sleep over the rejection of my suggestion/opinion.

My mother tongue is French and after so many years in Malawi, I am also at ease with English. I use Skype when journeying with people who are from another town or area. Unfortunately the network is, at times, rather weak or we might suffer unforeseen electrical blackouts. Then we do like the Malawians: we patiently wait for a better moment! I hope you will contact me so I may help you learn Inner Bonding.

E-mail: micheletoc@gmail.com

Phone: +265 99 158 7555

Skype contact: micheletoc

Valentin Dinges

Hello, I am Valentin Dinges, a graduate energy engineer, Inner Bonding® Facilitator-in-Training, primary school teacher, long-term meditator and non-violent communication trainer.

Through my own inner work, I have learned how important it is to be in a loving connection with myself and others - and the power that is released when we accept our feelings and work with our inner parts. I have experienced that through Inner Bonding®, in mindfulness and self-compassion, we can find more lightness, freedom and joy. And through our inner work, our relationships with others also become deeper and more authentic.

I am very happy to be able to accompany others on their path to more self-compassion, security and inner freedom. I am convinced that each one of us can experience growth if we are willing to take responsibility for our inner experience. (And if you’re not, we can work on that.)

As an Inner Bonding® Facilitator-in-Training, I have undergone intensive training and workshops with Dr. Margaret Paul and her team. This intensive work has deeply influenced and inspired me. It is vital for me to help you develop your own comprehensive self-care for yourself outside of our individual sessions. This allows you to experience the powerful self-efficacy to make positive changes in your own life. And this self-care becomes a way of life that allows you to fully rely on yourself and create the life you want to live.

In my own development, I have found that the best Facilitators are those who have gone through the ups and downs of the growth process themselves and who work authentically, compassionately and at eye level. In my Facilitation, I offer a safe space in which you can explore your inner world and develop new perspectives and solutions. It is important to me that you feel seen and heard and can grow at your own pace.

My unique facilitation style combines my mindful focus with my deep empathy and compassion. My multi-dimensional approach holds space for your emotional, cognitive, somatic, spiritual, relational and behavioral growth. This allows my work to support you in processing old pain while truly and deeply integrating your new discoveries and growth experiences.

I work in German and English via Zoom.

E-Mail: kontakt@valentindinges.de

Visit my website for more information: valentindinges.de/en

Phone: +491520/6588948

Juli Dixon

Your answers lie within. I’m here to help you access your own truths. What’s wonderful about the Inner Bonding (IB) process is that you can learn to use it yourself and, over time, let go of self-doubt and heal yourself. I can write this because it has been my experience. Everything is a doorway, and IB will help you go through any doorway.

I am in awe about how this modality has changed me, as no other work in the past 30+ years has. Profound self-hatred has been changed to embracing all of myself; deep calm, at times, replaces a lifetime of anxiety in every cell which felt immovable; relationships around me are changing, though I remain focused on my own work; wholeness is a word that I finally understand.

My special interests are in parenting, both self and one’s own children, and in the genetic trait of HSP (highly sensitive person). I am an HSP and am growing in understanding about how this genetic trait impacted my dissociation from life. As a parent, I learn from memories of my own first family and from any interactions with my daughters. I have used parenting as a pathway to the past also – what’s happening now may reflect my own upbringing.

I hope you find your way. I am here. I will meet you where you are.

Juli Dixon


Michel Duhaime
Courtenay BC, CANADA

My professional journey began with Chemical Engineering and aircraft maintenance management as an officer with the Canadia military before making a sharp 180 into studies in Western herbal medicine, Shiatsu, Psychology of Vision, Traditional Chinese Medicine, traditional and esoteric acupuncture, Medical Qigong and most recently Inner Bonding®.

I have been a self-employed registered acupuncturist in British Columbia since 2001. My practice was greatly influenced early on by Dr Michael Greenwood’s teaching that chronic pain always has a deeper root into one’s emotional body. That understanding led me to redirect my practice into explorations of the psycho-emotional background to disease by using symptoms as the main point of entry.

Inner Bonding® is an ideal complement to this prior focus since it empowers my clients to take responsibility for their emotional well-being and support long-term healing by fostering self-compassion and self-nurturing to achieve longer lasting transformations in mind, body, and spirit.

Email: greenspiritacupuncture@gmail.

Karen Edminson
Toronto CANADA

I came to Inner Bonding after a failing relationship in 2016. I noticed very quickly that Inner Bonding was getting to the core of some key things for me. Within a short period of time, I was becoming accountable for personal choices Id been making as an adult which were the result of childhood trauma.

I come from a family of narcissists with various other personality disorders such as Borderline Personality Disorder and Bipolar Disorder. My home was chaotic and scary. I was not safe.  As the youngest of four children, I grew to become a caretaker in the hope that I could keep everyone happy. It gave me a sense of safety and control.

I also developed a strong exterior shell that convinced me and others that I was strong, independent, and could do anything!! I became a superhero! This superhero in me helped me succeed in many aspects of my life. I have traveled around the world, I have lived in different countries and have a thriving massage therapy practice of 20 years with a wonderful clientele here in Toronto.

Inner Bonding helped me to see that while I was thriving in many aspects of my life, I repeatedly handed myself (that little girl inside of me who had suffered chaos and trauma as a child) over to every partner Ive had, in the hope that they would take care of me the way I needed to be taken care of as a child. I was making my partners responsible for my happiness and security as an adult.

Do you have a history of narcissism, personality disorders or mental illness in your family? Do you find yourself repeating unhealed patterns within your adult relationships? Have you handed over your personal power to someone in the hopes of getting love and acceptance? Are you a highly sensitive person who feels the weight of the world or other peoples feelings but struggles to separate those feelings from your own? Do you want to build your connection to Spirit or learn to trust your inner knowing? If you love the idea that we are all ultimately connected somehow, we will have a lot of fun exploring together. I look forward to hearing from you.

You can contact me at:



Kelsey Evans
Cell | WhatsApp: +971 (0) 52 677

Hi, I'm Kelsey. I am a Certified Life Coach, NLP Practitioner, and Inner Child Coach. I coach individuals and couples, lead coaching workshops and participate in speaking engagements. Some of my recent events include:

•LifeTalksLive workshop

•Speaker at The Change Projects Love” event

•Speaker at End Small Talks Self-Love” event

I am focused on helping others tap into their internal Guidance which enables them to use their thoughts to create a life they love, which is not dictated by social standards, producing self-acceptance, peace, love, and joy. This empowers my clients to strive to reach their highest potential, create healthy relationships with themselves and others, and pursue their passions in order to share their unique gifts with the world.

I offer a 20 minute free discovery session to determine your personal needs and recommended next steps. I also offer 1:1 Individual and Couples Coaching Sessions and Group Coaching online. Further details can be found on my website www.kelseyaevans.com and if you would like to have a session with me you can do so via the booking page on the website.

So thats what I offer and now I would like to share a little bit more about me. I was raised by an alcoholic father, a caretaking mother and my brother had severe personality issues. I was born with proximal femoral focal deficiency of the right femur and wear a prosthetic leg. I was severely bullied for my disability when I was younger which affected my self-esteem. My father, mother and brother all passed away by the time I was 33 years old so I have known heartbreaking grief resulting from loss of the entire family unit. My partner of 4 years and I also broke up because he had an addiction that he was unwilling to heal. I did not stumble into the coaching and inner bonding world by accident. My pain led me here. And I thank god/universe every single day for leading me to this website because it has changed my life in so many positive ways. My mission is to help others create emotional freedom within themselves by healing their wounded parts and developing a deeply loving adult which has a profound connection with their soul essence and higher guidance

Email: contactkelseyaevans@gmail.com

Phone: Cell | WhatsApp: +971 (0) 52 677 9960

Social Media: IG: @kelseyaevans

Website: www.kelseyaevans.com

Jasmina Kavka

If you would like to go on the journey of joy and inner peace, that comes from self love and truly being loving to others, and to have a growth companion supporting you with the Inner Bonding method, I`m happy to hear from you.

Inner Bonding has helped me to feel joyful, connected and more peaceful inside. It helped me to feel and know that I am right in my essence as I am, at the right place and time and have a sense of belonging. It awakened my trust in this life and in me and my guidance. Feeling connected made my searching stop. I was searching all my life for my purpose, for what I want to do with my life and for external love and appreciation. On and on I was somehow constantly insecure about myself and what direction and focus is right for me and what others think about me, and I was a talker. Since I feel connected and stay in my „Loving adult“ as we call it in Inner Bonding, my life transformed so much to the better. It is like a deep-inside-smile of my heart. Being able to connect and stay or get back to opening to learning moment by moment generates a joy in my heart that can feel like a super nova. The Inner Bonding process is a powerful tool for knowing we can hold and transform all difficult feelings, so there`s no need anymore to escape or resist. As I`m enthusiastic about the results that are possible with Inner Bonding, I want to acompany others – maybe you? - on their path to self love as an Inner Bonding Facilitator in training.

What is important to me/what I like: creativity, sustainabily and nature, cooking and nutrition, connection to people, humor and laughing, hiking, archery, via ferrata, exit-games with mystery solving, inspiring interviews or texts, the sea and the mountain lakes – I love water as my zodiac sign is cancer.

I hold a degree in Natural science from the University of Vienna and my mother tongue is German, so I offer sessions in German and English.

If you are interested in an IB session please contact me via info@jasminakavka.com

Melisa Losada
WhatsApp +54911-4971-0331

I was born in a family where there was no room nor interest for my Essence to be free, so… I started building a wounded wall, choosing to put my feelings and Inner Child in a cage - limiting her from sharing her love, freedom and joy with the world. But I remembered that I was born feeling the Omnipresent Love of Spirit, My Loving Bridge Back To Wholeness Always. For me, Love is the most Powerful Force in the Universe. It not only raises our frequency, it also attunes us to what’s real, loving and in our highest good.

Walking through my Journey, I’ve learnt that what Heals Us is Our Intention to Stay Open to our own Guidance, Love and Truth. For me, Learning to Love Myself is The Key in My Journey - Remembering My True Power, Bringing My Heaven to My Earth Integrated. I’ve also learnt that I can’t give what I don’t have. My commitment is to my learning process: I have worked with IB for 12 years. From these Values I will Walk You Through Your Own Personal Process to Explore your Deeper Wounds and Find your Diamonds – The Diamond You Are.

YES, With Inner Bonding you will discover the Power and Beauty of your True Authentic Nature. You are such a Bright Spark, Full of Light and Multiple Gifts to Share with the Planet. Working  the IB Process will set you FREE To Co-Create the Life you Desire for your Amazing Journey and will also teach you to be Present while Feeling Your Feelings even in your Toughest Moments.

In our Sessions, you will find a Sacred Space of Learning - safe, caring, responsible and compassionate. I will stay open, guiding and giving you tools to Unlock Your Inner Power when you get stuck in unloving patterns so you can return to learning to Love yourself.

IB te va a Cambiar la Vida, y mi Deseo es Ser un Instrumento de la Expansión de IB al Mundo. Para mi IB es unos de los mejores regalos que te podes dar - para desde ahí SER ese Regalo que ya Sos para el Planeta. Estoy aquí al Servicio para Acompañarte a que Vivas tu proceso de transformación consciente Desbloqueando tu Verdadero Poder.

In our sessions I may also integrate, if necessary, other tools that I use as a facilitator in other modalities - energetic healing, ontological coaching, touch for health, meditation, body and art.

I provide Online Sessions to English and Spanish speakers. You can reach me at:

WhatsApp +54911-4971-0331

Email: meli.concienciaviva@gmail.com

Instagram: @meli.losada

Site: https://concienciavivameli.blogspot.com/

Tracy May
Fort Wayne IN
(260) 715-3030

I am so exited for this opportunity to use the skills I have learned through my own Inner Bonding experience to guide your growth and learning in the Inner Bonding process to a place of self-love and acceptance.

When I found Margaret Paul and Inner Bonding, I was in a very toxic relationship with my husband of 17 years and had been searching for answers for years with all types of therapy and processes that never seemed to change the dynamics of our relationship.  At that point I was experiencing emotional and verbal abuse and I felt powerless about how to heal the relationship or to even make it tolerable. I felt trapped and scared.  After learning to use the 6 steps of Inner Bonding to take responsibility for myself, I was able to more clearly see my part of the system: how I was being a victim and not taking responsibility for myself, how I took on all the blame of every angry episode waiting and hoping for the abusive behavior to stop, how I was looking outside myself giving him the power to define my value.  Essentially, I was expecting him to stop his behavior instead of me taking myself away from the situation or not responding to the craziness.  Unconsciously I wanted my husband to prove he loved me by stopping the anger so I didn't have to be responsible for what was happening to me.

As with many of you, I experienced childhood trauma from parents who were disconnected and unavailable due to their own self-abandonment.  I thought I had worked through all the damage in regular therapy, but in reality I had not touched the surface of what was really going on for me and how I was showing up in my relationships.  I learned coping skills which included being so critical that I could do nothing right and trying to be perfect so I would be loved. I learned not to trust my own experiences as real and tolerated abusive behavior from others as I felt unworthy and invisible.  I had very deeply imbedded false beliefs that honestly I still struggle with at times yet today, but I finally learned about and felt through my part of the system, which allowed me to start taking better care of myself and supported me in making better decisions for me regarding the relationships that meant the most to me.

About 2 years ago my adult children severed our relationship unexpectedly and with Inner Bonding I have learned how those same beliefs I learned in childhood also contributed to the breakdown of my relationship with them.  With Inner Bonding I learned that I didn't love myself and so I couldn't really love others and I tolerated bad behavior from others I cared about so they would love me, and how controlling that really is without even knowing I was doing it.

Coming from such profound neglect, I was full of judgment of how imperfect and unlovable I was.  I had plenty of compassion for everyone else and boy did my co-dependent self give and give and give!  I had to live up to this unreachable standard of doing everything perfectly to be loved and keeping everyone happy at my own expense.  Thanks to Inner Bonding, I have learned to accept and feel that I am perfect the way I am and to stop looking outside myself for love and approval.  I know that I will still get triggered by others that I care about at times, but now I have the skills to take responsibility for how I feel.  I have learned to trust myself and my experiences with the help of Inner Bonding.

Because I have gone down this incredible journey, I understand the pain and the commitment that it takes to come out the other side, though at times in seemingly small steps.

I would like to help you learn to fiercely love yourself through this amazing process of Inner Bonding which integrates the parts of us that we feel are unloved, unlovable and waiting to be loved.  Using my own experience with Inner Bonding along with having gone through the new intensive Inner Bonding Facilitator Training Program over the last year, I have learned so much about how to help others with self-abandonment and learning to love themselves.

I truly feel the answer to the world pain and dysfunction is to learn to love ourselves and take complete responsibility for ourselves, our emotions and our behaviors so that we can all live in harmony, loving one another and uplifting one another.  I believe it only takes one person to answer the call of connecting to their soul, their true essence, to make a difference and I would consider it a privilege to support you and witness you on your journey.

I would love the opportunity to guide you through the learning process of healing your life so you can have the loving relationships, success and health that you want.

Call me at (260) 715-3030 when you are ready to start learning to love yourself


Amie Shipley, MSW, LMHC
Seattle WA

Throughout our lives, because of big or seemingly minor events or relationship patterns, we all take on beliefs and behaviors that were adaptive or helpful in our early lives, but get in our way now. These beliefs and actions were necessary and helpful in getting us through painful or confusing moments as kids, however as we age and grow into adulthood, many of these beliefs no longer serve us and often are even keeping us from living our most full and enjoyable life. We each have an inner child, both the inner representation of our child self and the part of us who feels our emotions today. Along the way in childhood, each of us experienced moments that bruised and hurt this tender core part of us. Often as children, we begin to tell ourselves messages to protect from this pain - messages like we must do everything perfectly, we aren’t good enough, or that we have to take care of others and put their needs and feelings first to be loved.

My ability to learn how to care for myself and my many deep feelings, even in the face of painful and overwhelming triggers, was transformed by the Inner Bonding process. Before finding Inner Bonding I often felt like my ability to experience  joy and satisfaction in life were at the whim of whatever emotions came up that day and often related directly to my experiences with others. As a true extrovert and someone who cares deeply about my connections with others, this was hard to parse out. Relationships and social connections were so valuable and rewarding for me
and in my closest relationships, it often seemed that if someone I loved was unkind, struggling, or even simply “felt off” to me, that I was in for a difficult and often conflict ridden ride with them. I felt like I didn’t have much of a choice in my feelings or experience. Inner Bonding allowed me to separate and get to know the different parts of me - my inner child, the wounded parts who had been bruised and were trying hard to protect me, my higher guidance, and my loving adult parent self. The framework of these different parts and my own responsibility in lovingly caring for the precious child within was a beautiful game changer for me in taking deep care of myself and understanding my full inner world with compassion.

The process of Inner Bonding allows us to tune in to our feelings and, with the help of higher wisdom, find the truth about unhelpful beliefs and loving actions that increase safety and attachment for our inner child. This loving care provides the space and support to effectively handle the moments that bump against the inevitable raw spots we all have. My facilitation style uses humor and creativity to help those I work with identify the parts of them that are getting in the way and how to take loving care of these parts to increase peace and joy in life. Inner Bonding has been transformational in helping me care for my own inner child, find inner peace and knowledge that I didn’t know I could access, and it has been equally helpful for so many of my clients and friends. I am trained as a Child and Family Therapist and Clinical Social Worker and deeply value the integration of Inner Bonding work into a practice of growth and healing from the old wounds we all carry. I look forward to introducing you to the process and watching you heal, grow, and thrive as a result.

I can be reached via email (preferred) at amieshipley@gmail.com or phone at 425-999-5379. You're also welcome to visit my website for more information at amieshipley.com


Rania Youssef
Whatsapp: +02 01224533082

I am originally a language teacher: Learning and teaching English as a second language. During my MA studies, I learned the psychology behind how we learn and how we acquire a new skill: it takes time, effort, curiosity and the willingness to stay open to finding and mastering what can benefit us. This is a valuable mindset that I use with myself and my students (whether they are learning a second language or Inner Bonding).

The first time I learned about Inner Bonding was when I came across one of Dr. Margaret Pauls videos on YouTube when I was in a devastated, broken state. This was the torch that lit the path of my healing journey. I took Dr. Margarets online courses and read most of her books. In one of Dr. Margarets online courses, she advised me to read about Highly Sensitive People, because she guessed that I was one too.

By reading Dr. Elaine Arons books about HSPs and Dr. Judith Orloff’s books about empaths, I came to realize that I am both an HSP and an empath. I wanted to learn more about how to help myself navigate life as an HSP and empath and help other HSPs and empaths as well. This is when I decided to start my Life Coaching journey in Egypt in 2018. I became an ICF Certified ACC Coach in 2020.

I wanted to become an Inner Bonding Facilitator, but I could not leave my home country, Egypt, and take a vacation from work to travel to the US to attend the live Inner Bonding Facilitator Training Program (IBFTP). The most attractive part in the Inner Bonding process to me as an Egyptian Muslim woman was the step about connecting with Guidance (Allah). In learning about religion, there is usually an emphasis on the dos and donts of a religion and an absolute disregard of the spiritual connection between our human souls and their Creator. It is because of Inner Bonding that I learned the difference.

When COVID19 broke out, it came with a blessing! I received this life changing email from Stel Fine, the Director of the IBFTP, on Dec. 23rd, 2020 (unforgettable date) asking me if I was still interested in joining the training program since it was now going to be all virtual.

WhoooWhooo, I didnt give it a second thought and I said yes instantly. I have to say that this was one of the best learning experiences I have been through! As with learning a language, knowing about a language is totally different from speaking it, this certainly describes the transformation I had after joining the IBFTP, knowing about Inner Bonding is totally different from practicing it.

Similar to most highly sensitive people and empaths, I had low self-esteem and strong wounded parts who were so harsh, blaming, shaming, controlling, resistant and judgmental toward me. On the contrary, ironically, this was accompanied by other wounded parts who were being so kind”, forgiving” “loving”, “compassionate” and nice” to other people (to gain their love and approval). I depended on peoples perception of me to feel happy and satisfied with myself (or not).  I was hungry for attention and love from other people because I was like an empty vessel waiting for anyone to fill. This anyone” caused me a lot of disappointments, heartbreaking relationships and failed friendships. Above all, I learned that this kind of drama is addictive, which means that I used to run toward drama and run away from any promising relationship or friendship that does not have this kind of suspense or turmoil.

By continuously practicing the Inner Bonding 6 Step Process, I learned to fill my vessel and heal the emptiness. Through establishing a consistent connection with my Inner Child, my Guidance (Allah) and my different wounded parts, I am no longer hungry for anyone” to fill my vessel of love because it is already full of the love endowed by my Guidance (Allah), my developing Loving Adult and the loving people around me.

Now I want to teach this to other fellow HSPs and empaths. If you are interested in being guided through the 6 Steps of Inner Bonding by someone who respects and appreciates your sensitivity, compassion and depth, please contact me. I facilitate the Inner Bonding process in English and Arabic.


Whatsapp: +20 01224533082

Instagram: @raniayoussef02


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Today, instead of thinking about how you want someone else to change, or how you want a situation to change, focus on thinking and behaving in ways that are in your highest good. We have no control over others and outcomes, but we can learn to have control over our own thoughts and actions. While others' actions affect us, it is our own thoughts and actions that often determine how we feel.



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