The Inner Bonding Workshop

Heal the cycle of shame and self-abandonment that leads to anxiety, depression, addiction, aloneness and relationship failure. Discover how to love yourself rather than reject yourself, and learn to make your best decisions through consistent connection with your personal source of spiritual guidance.

The innovative Inner Bonding process shows you how to:

  • Rapidly heal false beliefs about yourself, others and higher spiritual guidance
  • Heal guilt, shame, emptiness and aloneness
  • Move beyond self-judgment into self-compassion
  • Address the resistance that may be keeping you stuck
  • Learn how to heal relationship conflicts and attain the intimacy you've always wanted

This powerful and life-changing process is the result of Dr. Margaret's over 50 years of personal inner work and work with her clients.

Unless you were raised by parents or caregivers who were loving to themselves, each other and to you, you may not have learned how to lovingly manage your painful feelings. As a result, you may be operating from your ego wounded self, controlled by your fears and false beliefs.

Your wounded self may often take over in unloving ways, trampling on your hurts, ignoring them or avoiding them with various addictions and controlling behavior such as: 

  • Addictions to drugs, junk food, nicotine, alcohol, relationships, work, TV or gaming.
  • Co-dependence - trying to control others with anger, violence, guilt or compliance - making others responsible for your sense of safety and worth.
  • Staying in your head rather than being present in your body
  • Self-judgment, shaming yourself
  • Obsessive thinking, ruminating, worrying
  • Resistance to self, others, spirit - to taking loving care of yourself

These forms of self-abandonment not only perpetuate fears of rejection, abandonment, aloneness, engulfment or failure, but they can contribute to illness. Inner Bonding is a powerful process for healing self-abandonment and learning to love and value yourself.

Through discussions, exercises and direct work with Dr. Margaret Paul or other Inner Bonding Facilitators, you learn the Six powerful Steps of Inner Bonding.

"Transformational Beyond Words!  My heart and soul and true essence overflow with love and gratitude.  I'm so eager and excited to go home and do Inner Bonding, and share this with my husband and son, and most of all MYSELF at any given moment." Kripalu Workshop, Margaret Dean Godhard, Mom, Educator, Gainesville, GA

For more workshop testimonials, click here.

Format for the Workshop

  1. Exploring Your Ego Wounded Self
  2. Contacting Your Core Soul Self
  3. Discovering Your Loving Inner Adult
  4. Releasing the Anger of the Ego Wounded Self
  5. Learning the Dialogue Processes with the Wounded Self, Core Self, and Personal Spiritual Guidance
  6. Getting Stuck, Getting Unstuck
  7. Relationships: Handling Conflict and Setting Loving Boundaries

Other Facilitators teaching an Inner Bonding Workshop may change or add to the format.

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The Mini-Workshop

The Mini-Workshop is a shorter version of the Weekend Workshop. The Mini-Workshop offers an overview of Inner Bonding along with demonstrations, questions, and an experience of the Six Steps of Inner Bonding. In addition, participants are taught how to contact their personal spiritual Guidance. See the description of the Weekend Workshop for more details.

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One-Day Workshop

Similar to a weekend workshop, but shorter. Presents an overview of the Six Steps of Inner Bonding. It may include other processes, depending upon the Facilitator conduction the workshop.

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Weekly Workshop

Dr. Margaret Paul offers the Inner Bonding Workshop for two hours weekly over 8 weeks.

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Daily Inspiration

The highest experience in life is to share a circle of love. A circle of love occurs when your heart is open with another whose heart is also open. A circle of love replenishes the soul. Today, create a circle of love with Spirit, nature, animals and with people who are available to sharing love with you.



It helped me understand the process more.  I took the “Love Yourself” course and this workshop continued the learning. It was a more in depth experience.  Really understanding it.  Dr. M. Paul answers your questions.  I learn from other questions and examples she gives that I could relate to me. 


"I came into this experience as a whim and fully ready to back out.  I've been in a dark, self defeating place for a long time and didn't want to get out of it.  I cried the entire way up and snuck wine and cigarettes into my room in fear I wouldn't be able to deal.  After day one, I felt an immediate change - a RELEASE.  This has been a life changing experience and I look forward to learning more about Inner Bonding and helping my wounded self to become a loving adult." Kripalu, 9.17

Lena Martinez

"It was way above my expectations. Margaret Paul's class hopefully changed my life for the better. Though this sounds cliche, she solidified this and gave me clarity." Kripalu 9.18

"I think this workshop is phenomenal.  I thoroughly enjoyed Margaret's energy & knowledge.  Nancy was very helpful & supportive as well.  I enjoyed both the experiential & didactic parts of the workshop." Rowe, MA Workshop, 4/08

"It was truly an amazing experience, and I have learned so much about why I am the way I am." Kripalu Workshop, Lenox, MA, 2009
Korrin Doyle

"I found the workshop to be heart opening, leaving me also with a sense of personal accomplishment. I feel that I'm going away with an additional valuable tool to add to my healing bag of tricks. I especially love the inclusion of Spirit in the Inner Bonding process."
Zoe Jilleen

Explore More Inner Bonding



The highest experience in life is to share a circle of love. A circle of love occurs when your heart is open with another whose heart is also open. A circle of love replenishes the soul. Today, create a circle of love with Spirit, nature, animals and with people who are available to sharing love with you.



Inner Bonding Events

10/23/2024 08:00 AM
5-Day Virtual Intensive
Dr. Margaret Paul

All Inner Bonding Events