IB Village Testimonials

Reading about other's experience in the IB Village can help you to decide if the healing environment of the Village is something you want to participate in. The village is a unique web based community where people share their experience and support one another in developing their individual practice of the 6 Steps of Inner Bonding!

Click here to add your own personal testimonial about Inner Bonding Village.


There are no words to describe the gratitude and excitement that I feel about the site!

Anonymous Member

I think your Inner Bonding work is one of the most significant contributions to this planet I have ever seen. People can heal, love and live life as happy whole spiritual beings. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your work.

Anonymous Member

It's nice to talk to other people about the process in a venue where we can be across the nation and still talk to each other.'

Anonymous Member

IB is a fantastic site that I'm eternally grateful for finding. It is giving me tools to get my life on a healthy path. It's not a cure or instant fix, but a way of life that I believe can lead many of us toward health. God bless you!

Anonymous Member

I've been a member for a while now and I feel I.ve made great progress. Thank you, thank you a million times.

Anonymous Member

Have i ever gotten a lot from IB and from learning to reach out (as well as in) to people who can help me with my loving care of myself. IB facilitation was a godsend.

Anonymous Member

Just wanted to share with you and the IB-ers around the issue I used to have when my husband traveled...he is traveling today & tomorrow and what used to be fear-tears-anger-& anxiety when he had to be away overnight is now....me saying to myself there won't be enough hours in the night for me to do the things I want to do for myself...I am actually beginning to look forward to my time alone!

Anonymous Member

Thank you so much for answering both of my questions. Having this connection is such a gift and I feel support I NEVER have. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!

Anonymous Member

Learning about Inner Bonding has been like learning the secret to life. I have been struggling in my life for so long - spinning in circles. Inner Bonding has a clear, logical method to healing and becoming all you can be. I am blown away by what I have learned and I am grateful.

Anonymous Member

I sit here with tears in my eyes thinking back from where I came, where I am now & where I am headed ! :)Last night I lay with my husband feeling so FULL of love and said to him I finally believe that there is-was.. someone-something was watching out for us....I said I never believed that before..but I do now...the sense of peace & serenity that is taking over me is simply incredible! .. thank-you for this extraordinary work!

Anonymous Member

I was driving home tonight with a view of a sky full of sparkling stars outside of my windshield and my soul became filled with gratitude for the inner bonding village. I felt as if each of the stars twinkling in the night sky were fellow inner bonders, and I felt such connection knowing others were traveling this same journey. I can't even begin to describe what this means to me, having spent most of my life looking at the stars in the night sky, feeling all alone in the world. I don't anymore. This is a gift too deep for me to be able to describe in words.

Anonymous Member

Inner Bonding is truly like no other form of therapy or spirituality, and I am relieved to have found it and you . I am one of the many who has been suffering for most of my life.

Anonymous Member

I would like to add my gratitude and thanks too, to Dr. Margaret and Dr. Erika all the ones who guide us through IB and all the posters who share so much of themselves and help others in that process. It is a wonderful place of light and love and refuge and comfort and companionship and....more!

Anonymous Member

Hi fellow IBonders! I just want to express my gratitude for being part of this community, and for being able to voice my concerns and questions here knowing that I will receive a genuine, safe and nonjudgmental response. Having Margaret, sitting somewhere in south-west Colorado, respond to any question/call for help I make, and other people echo and support me sometimes, touches me deeply and makes me happier and less lonely in my daily struggles. Thank you!

Anonymous Member

I am so grateful for all that I have learned from IB. Every answer seems so right on and gives me so much to think about. As I continue to learn how important it is to love myself and accept others as they are and that I have no control over them, I am becoming a much happier person.

Anonymous Member

IB has helped me tremendously, for me it is important that we learn from professionals that have been thru emotional things themselves....not that traditional therapies are not helpful to some....but IB has been a life/emotional/personal/marriage saver for me!

Anonymous Member

You have been a godsend for me. I have been in therapy all of my life and my doctor kind of told me the same stuff but in a different way, in ways actually that I could not get. She never taught me how to get in touch with the wounded part of me. She put me on meds to shut it all out, probably because I couldn.t cope and she knew that. I think very highly of her but your work has been a major breakthrough for me. I know I have a long way to go but I can see a light at the end of the tunnel for the first time in my life. I am very grateful for your website. I know I ask a lot of questions but I have always wanted to know and know and know things. I just wanted to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. God Bless You - well he already has. :)

Anonymous Member

It seems the longer I practice Inner Bonding the less I feel hurt by others' behavior toward me. This is great of course! Taking things less personally is a big help. And if I do feel hurt now, it is resolved and I recover much sooner than I used to.

Anonymous Member

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your website, your knowledge and providing users like me a low cost option. Your site is filled with all the information that I've felt all my life and I thought I was a freak or something because I didn't feel anything inside or even know why I was put on this earth. Through your site I now know that I am not alone and there is a way to FEEL. Even though I haven't yet figured out how to change my life long habits at least I know that there is hope.

Anonymous Member

I experienced many therapy methods .These methods have helped greatly in my personal healing, but Inner Bonding is the first to be crystal clear on the message of taking personal responsibility and how to put it into action.

Anonymous Member

I recently made a decision to start really living big....i am letting myself follow a long-held dream. I feel inner bonding has made such a difference in my life. i still feel fear, but the overriding feeling is a happy expansiveness that i have only glimpsed in bits before. thank you!!

Anonymous Member

I have been actively working through Inner Bonding since December. Since then I have taken so many wonderful steps towards loving myself. Even those closest to me have recognized a noticeable change in me.

Anonymous Member

Many self-help books tell us WHY we feel badly, then say LOVE YOUSELF (HOW?!) the 6 Steps actually teaches you!

Anonymous Member

I love being here! IB is already changing my life in big ways, and I feel like I've just skimmed the surface. I've studied many many things for many many years, and IB seems to pull all this together, and make sense of it all in a way that speaks to me to my core.

Anonymous Member

I have realized that a lot of my dreams & desires have been put on the back burner because of my conditioning. It is amazing to stop & say .I have different options here!!. It's FREEING!! It's all about finally taking the responsibility as to how I live my life, what I tell myself, how I react in a similar situation as I did in childhood, how to communicate in a healthy manner & most of all how to love ME!!! A HUGE thank-you for this amazing work!!

Anonymous Member

Thanks for asking the question [in our advice section], and to everyone else for their insightful and powerful comments. This thread is so illuminating and reflective of the loving support we all enjoy here at the IB Internet Village.

Anonymous Member

This site just really provides so much opportunity to do good and I am grateful for the Source of Love who is always trying to find a way in to provide fresh eyes to be able to see our way through. I truly benefit and am happy to have a place to give.

Anonymous Member

I continue to be overwhelmed by the growth I see in myself and others on the board. It is so very very gratifying to be a part of what the Spirit is doing with this beautiful community of people.

Anonymous Member

I happened onto this site last August, and every time I check in, I see wonderfully compassionate (and sometimes challenging) exchanges among the people here. Drs. M&E have accomplished something very special in creating a .Village. where it is safe for the loving nature within us to be called to expression -- and called to the loving actions that can change our lives. I'm glad to be here, and I'm glad you're here.

Anonymous Member

Just wanted to share with you and the IB-ers around the issue I used to have when my husband traveled...he is traveling today & tomorrow and what used to be fear-tears-anger-& anxiety when he had to be away overnight is now....me saying to myself there won't be enough hours in the night for me to do the things I want to do for myself...I am actually beginning to look forward to my time alone!

Anonymous Member

Thank you so much for answering both of my questions. Having this connection is such a gift and I feel support I NEVER have. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!

Anonymous Member

Learning about Inner Bonding has been like learning the secret to life. I have been struggling in my life for so long - spinning in circles. Inner Bonding has a clear, logical method to healing and becoming all you can be. I am blown away by what I have learned and I am grateful.

Anonymous Member

I sit here with tears in my eyes thinking back from where I came, where I am now & where I am headed ! :)Last night I lay with my husband feeling so FULL of love and said to him I finally believe that there is-was.. someone-something was watching out for us....I said I never believed that before..but I do now...the sense of peace & serenity that is taking over me is simply incredible! .. thank-you for this extraordinary work!

Anonymous Member

I was driving home tonight with a view of a sky full of sparkling stars outside of my windshield and my soul became filled with gratitude for the inner bonding village. I felt as if each of the stars twinkling in the night sky were fellow inner bonders, and I felt such connection knowing others were traveling this same journey. I can't even begin to describe what this means to me, having spent most of my life looking at the stars in the night sky, feeling all alone in the world. I don't anymore. This is a gift too deep for me to be able to describe in words.

Anonymous Member

Inner Bonding is truly like no other form of therapy or spirituality, and I am relieved to have found it and you . I am one of the many who has been suffering for most of my life.

Anonymous Member

I would like to add my gratitude and thanks too, to Dr. Margaret and Dr. Erika all the ones who guide us through IB and all the posters who share so much of themselves and help others in that process. It is a wonderful place of light and love and refuge and comfort and companionship and....more!

Anonymous Member

Hi fellow IBonders! I just want to express my gratitude for being part of this community, and for being able to voice my concerns and questions here knowing that I will receive a genuine, safe and nonjudgmental response. Having Margaret, sitting somewhere in south-west Colorado, respond to any question/call for help I make, and other people echo and support me sometimes, touches me deeply and makes me happier and less lonely in my daily struggles. Thank you!

Anonymous Member

“I agree with you 100%. This IS the best site on the internet!  .. and I love the way old articles and threads come around again and again when they need to ...”

Anonymous Member

“This site is so wonderful, it is the best site on the internet and so full of love, acceptance, compassion, and non-judgment!!!”

Anonymous Member

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How simple life would be if love for ourselves and others was our guiding light! How different our planet would be if love were more important than control and profit. We each have the choice in each moment to make this true.



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03/19/2025 08:00 AM
5-Day Virtual Intensive
Dr. Margaret Paul

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