Workshop Testimonials

Wondering if you should attend a workshop? Reading these testimonials will convince you!

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"Uplifting! It brought me out. Out from inside my head. Out from inside my closet. Out from a dark mull in the woods." Rowe, MA, 4/04

Michael Armstrong,Geologist

"A wonderful group of like-minded people with the same goals: to grow as adults; to leave sorrow, or at least, put it in its place, and the live well. Led by a warm and loving person who is in full command of the individual's needs, and willing to search for solutions." Rowe, MA, 4/04

Maia Daly,Writer

"Being taken through the steps in this format was extremely helpful and beneficial. The most benefit for me was watching and experiencing the work you did with others individually. It took the workshop to a whole other level. I am so blessed by your presence in my life and that you are truly the gifted healer that you are. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Rowe, MA, 4/04

Merry Oislander,Teacher
Deer Park,New York

"Great experience. It was the first time I was exposed to group work and it was empowering, raising my energy level. I enjoyed a sense of community, 'bonding' in this loving for ourselves and other's work. I come back home full of enthusiasm about continuing my work with Margaret and going into deeper levels." Rowe, MA, 4/04

Kashia Coulouvrat,Physician

"Fulfilling and rewarding experience. I feel empowered to work on Inner Bonding with myself. Inner Bonding process is very simple and very hard at the same time. I know it will be a big commitment and I feel very ready for that. It helped me to see that I am not only responsible for myself, but to the entire universe by Inner Bonding with myself." Rowe, MA, 4/04

Gita Kundrod,Accounting Assistant

"The experience is one of the most profound I have ever experienced. As the program developed it became more and more clear that not only did this make sense, but that it is the way to become a fully 'functioning' loving Adult." Rowe, MA, 4/04

Marion Ruminski,Speech Pathologist

"I found the Inner Bonding concept to be an idea I can use to change my poor thinking and negative habits. Unlike 'regular' therapy, this gives you a hammer and nail to do some work, to "see" what we do inside ourselves to keep us stuck, and a way to change it." Rowe, MA, 4/04

Tom Hillenbrand,Jeweler/Musician
Cazenovia,New York

"Throughout the weekend I touched a deep place in me and saw more clearly than ever the truth, my truth. And as difficult and painful as it may be to deal with this, I'm committed to be present to my Inner Child." Rowe, MA, 4/04

Bill Kopetchny,Counselor/RN

"Probably the most valuable experience of my life! Every session was packed with gems of useful information and "hands-on" learning experiences. Very motivational to launch me on daily practice." Omega Workshop, 5/04

Jeremy Stutsman,Social Worker

"The Inner Bonding workshop saved my life. I was just diagnosed as being bipolar and had been out of work on disability. I now feel I can take care of myself, love myself and face any challenges I come across by utilizing the Inner Bonding process." Omega Workshop, 5/04

Audra Schlosser,Sales

"The workshop helped me see that there is a bridge between the science of psychology and spirituality, that mind and spirit can exist harmoniously in one body. The workshop helped me heal the holes in my heart bored there by the slow drip of life's insanity." Omega Workshop, 5/04

Rhonda Gomez,Public Relations and Mom

"Good balance of info and experiential process. I got to see and feel what it's like to deeply nurture my soul, stand up for my soul, and live in spirit. It's a practice for life, simple and profound. I got a sense of our collective future - what it's like to live in spirit, connected to higher self. We will have energy and creativity on the planet! Yea!" Omega Workshop, 5/04

Ann Slezewick,Whole Foods cook
Dripping Springs,Texas

"I recognized this process as tough love for myself. Because I embraced it even feeling the risk and fear of finding out about myself, I am awakened, being transformed and my life commitment now is to Being and giving Love. Thank you." Omega Workshop, 5/04

Patricia Bruno,Business Owner

"This is a beautiful synthesis of deep spiritual wisdom, psychological understanding of the human process and profound wisdom. Hooray for Margaret's clarity, kindness, compassion and brilliance. I am particularly struck by the simplicity and caring awareness of the absolute importance for healing the child within all of us and how beautifully this is accomplished (encountered) in Inner Bonding!"

Howard Moody,Workshop Facilitator

"The workshop was an excellent introduction to this new world of spiritual connection. In just one weekend I feel that I was given the primary tools to refocus my energies and reconnect with my essence and spirit."

Elizabeth Ehrhardt,Civil Engineer

"My experience is mystical. I now have a tool that allows me to LOVE and receive LOVE. What's profound is that I've learned that it all begins with setting the intention to learn about what's the loving action I should take for myself. To ACCESS my Spiritual Guidance. That my Essence is not the false beliefs that I have held onto for 30 years. I am freeing myself. It's wonderful."

James Beard,Instructor
Van Nuys,California

"The weekend is a powerful illumination of the 6 steps of Inner Bonding. Because Inner Bonding is a practice one commits to (or not), the weekend is very valuable even if you already have been doing the Inner Bonding process."

Nancy Swisher,Counselor/Writer

"I truly connect with Dr. Margaret Paul and her Inner Bonding process. 'Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By God' is the most inspirational book I've ever read and I recommend it to my fellow colleagues (ie: therapists, my clients and my friends), to help them heal and evolve.

Lisa Lipton,M.F.T. Intern
Sherman Oaks,California

"This has been very freeing. It reinforced that I only have control over me and my behavior, no one else, and that my inner child is so important to my whole being."

Linda Neus,Computer Consultant

"I loved the workshop. I felt that I was taking an action and I was also liking the structure and the ability to write. The writing brought a lot out to look at."

Laura Knauss,Landscape Contractor and Designer

"I feel a wonderful sense of being taken care of, of being loved and full of joy and it came from within me. Getting in touch with my personal power is awesome."

Teresa Sisk,Real Estate Investment Mgr.

"I found it to be a loving, supportive environment in which to learn about the various parts of myself and to shift from anger and frustration to compassion and love. I've done quite a bit of this work. I always find it valuable and inspiring. This is the first time I've done it with a loved one, and it was great."

Steven Puzarne,Clergy/Musician
Los Angeles,California

I so much appreciated this experience. It became so clear to me that I have been looking externally for love and approval rather than internally. I look forward to not only meeting my [inner] child on a daily basis, but my spiritual guidance as well.

Rosemary Kelly,Healthcare
Dana Point,California

"I am most impressed by how simple, yet effective the Inner Bonding process can be. I feel that I have grown from the experience and that I will use the Inner Bonding approach to continue my journey toward self-actualization."

Jeff Frymer,MFT student
Sherman Oaks,California

"The Inner Bonding Workshop has helped me to see myself more clearly. I've made a commitment to take care of my little girl and I'm looking forward to attending a 5-Day Intensive as soon as possible. I would recommend this to anyone who wants to connect with themselves and others."

Eileen Theys,Administrative Assistant
Stillwater,New Jersey

"The material is so rich and comprehensive and so obviously 'The Truth'. Margie is so totally congruent and centered in it. I leave the workshop totally committed and inspired to make the connection between my Spirit Guide, Adult and Child as a daily, moment by moment thing."

Byron Walls,Seminar/Sales, Musician
Los Angeles,California

"I found the workshop to be heart opening, leaving me also with a sense of personal accomplishment. I feel that I'm going away with an additional valuable tool to add to my healing bag of tricks. I especially love the inclusion of Spirit in the Inner Bonding process."

Zoe Jilleen,Nurse/Massage Therapist

"It was a wonderful healing process for me. I came with the intention to learn and heal and as a result - I got what I came for."

Rachel McDavid,Artist/Reflexologist
New York,New York

"I am intrigued by what I learned at the workshop and I look forward to going home and practicing the steps in the real world. I feel like I have the chance at finally finding true happiness and contentment. Rowe was a great place to learn!"

Kathy Magovern
North Chelmsford,Massachusetts

"I enjoyed this workshop far more than expected. I got out of it much more than I thought. I thought this would be a fine tuning for me and I discovered it's more hard work ahead. I can see this is what I have to do to live a strong and peaceful life with myself. I want to feel love for me not self-hate."

Ina Klem,Retired Teacher
Los Angeles,California

"The February 2003 Workshop in LA was an awesome experience; very enlightening and instructional on how to become a loving adult to yourself first, then all others in your life. Thank you."

Deborah Millstine,Administrative Assistant

"1. Tremendous amount of meaningful information, great wisdom. 2. Very thorough written materials; the most comprehensive and insightful checklists of patterns I've ever found. 3. The leader provided personal examples from her own journey, and answered our questions about how to use the process. 4. I feel very satisfied, and eager to incorporate this process as my very own spiritual practice. I was hopeful for this! 5. Flexible approach as to how we see or define our inner guides." 4/2002 - Rowe Conference Center - Rowe, MA

Sandy Kuntz,Special Ed. Teacher
San Diego,California

"I feel like a lot of questions have been answered and that I have a whole new toolbox to take into the world that will help me love myself and those around me. It was an extremely useful training in accurate self-care - an area where I have been really stuck. A few very important reminders, a few pieces of 'diamond dust' - new revelations."

Rev. Alexia Salvatierra

"I decided to come at the last minute and knowing nothing about the Inner Bonding process or the workshop leader. I leave here today sensing that I can learn to better love myself and to love others. I will need to learn to listen to my body, to access help from spirit, to know that I do not have to be alone with my pain, and to honor the joy and peace within me. This has been a sacred time." 4/2002 - Rowe Conference Center - Rowe, MA

Carole Berkowitz,Retired Special Ed. Teacher

"Intensely powerful, peaceful. I feel as though I have the tools to deepen my healing journey and reclaim myself. Thank you!! Beyond wonderful! - I very much enjoyed the guided visualizations, they were very powerful to me. This was a very special weekend." Kripalu Workshop - Lenox, MA - 5/2001

Debora Wannamaker,Quality Facilitator

"I found it very helpful and I gained a new inner awareness about myself. I learned so much about myself and my behaviors and got real concrete tools on how to be focused on taking care of myself."

Julie Fields,VP, Creative Director
Los Angeles,California

"This was the most powerful technique Iíve learned in my many years of self-exploration and therapy." Kripalu Workshop - Lenox, MA - 5/2001

Mary Lou Meehan,Oncology R.N.
Port Washington,NY

"The workshop was very supportive and sincere. The experience was very nurturing. It helped shed a lot of light on the dynamics of the reason and feeling phenomena and what their purposes are. I really liked the emphasis on the spiritual aspect." Los Angeles, CA - September 2001

Steve Dietrich,Engineer
Los Angeles,California

"It was just what I needed at exactly the right time. So the universe has delivered what I asked for, the answers to my questions. Outstanding! Impressive! The years of Margaret's own impressive, courageous (I can only imagine) journey shows in all the gems of wisdom and her knowing of where people are in the process." Kripalu Workshop - Lenox, MA - 5/2001

Katharine Bain,Financial Advisor

"Wonderful, incredible. Two major epiphanies; one was that my inner child requested a need for bonding from me, hence I now really get the workshop title "Inner Bonding". Two, was that the cherishing I have been feeling, I've missed all my life from my family, I can give to me. Thank you." Kripalu Workshop - Lenox, MA - 5/2001

Jennifer Walden,Teacher

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What would bring you lightness of being today? Notice your frequency at this moment - is it heavy or light? If it is heavy, notice what you are thinking to create the heaviness. What thought would bring you joy and lightness of being?



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03/19/2025 08:00 AM
5-Day Virtual Intensive
Dr. Margaret Paul

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