Workshop Testimonials

Wondering if you should attend a workshop? Reading these testimonials will convince you!

Click here to add your own personal testimonial about Inner Bonding Workshops.

"I love this workshop.  Before I came here I didn't realize that I had a lot of healing to do for myself.  I never knew how I was supposed to take care of myself.  I thought that making sure everyone was o.k. was the right thing to do.  I never thought it was a part of being controlling." L.A. Workshop, 1/08

Sam Lam
Long Beach,CA

"Life-altering.  I've heard new concepts that helped me challenge my old ways of thinking and relating to myself and others.  I am happy to share this moment with myself and my partner." L.A. Workshop, 1/08

Ada Fang,Analyst
Long Beach,CA

"Very informative & encouraging experience that shed light to provide self insight into my fears and provides tools to learn a path of courage, love, acceptance of self and motivation to continue to learn." L.A. Workshop, 1/08

Rachel Monderer,Physician - Primary Care
Johnson City,TN

"Amazing!  I really feel it combines cognitive behavioral therapy with spirituality in such a way that is more healing and meaningful than just changing one's thoughts.  What brought it home to me is really visualizing my wounded child as an actual child and asking myself, 'Would I really speak to a child that way?'" L.A. Workshop, 1/08

Michael Porco,MFT Therapist Intern

"This has been an amazing experience.  My awareness of my part in my last relationship has increased a lot, as has my awareness of how badly I treat myself.  I am hopeful about continued healing and learning to love myself and others and not give myself away (or throw myself away)!" L.A. Workshop, 1/08

Cindi Harris,Therapist
Canyon Country,CA

"Very helpful, insightful, loving atmosphere, great tools…" L.A. Workshop, 1/08

Steven Hall,Software Engineer
San Diego,CA

"The workshop brought together many concepts I had been exploring.  It increased my understanding of the connections.  It has helped me come to terms with the concept of powerlessness & lack of control.  It has helped me to identify why it is so important to love & care for yourself and has given me the tools to learn how to love & care for myself." L.A. Workshop, 1/08

Dawn Baxter,Nurse

"Was an experience that enlarged my knowledge about connecting with my inner child and Spiritual self." L.A. Workshop, 1/08 

Margarita Rivera Swank,Psychotherapist
831) 227-8087

"I LOVED this week-end Workshop. This is the second one I've taken and I still got a tremendous amount of benefit from this experience. I'm so grateful for this work." L.A. Workshop, 12/06

Julie Sponsler,Marriage and Family Therapist
New Jersey

"Life changing. Deeply moving. A new hope for happiness and fulfillment in my life." L.A. Workshop, 12/06

Tim Lennon,Own Company - Real Estate

"This week-end has enlightened my soul. Inner Bonding is life changing. Margaret is amazing - she is the look of Freedom." L.A. Workshop, 12/06

Kim Amadril,Designer
South Pasadena,California

"This has been a wonderful Workshop. The material has been so well-organized. A very thorough presentation of the Inner Bonding principles. Covers a lot of ground in only 2 days." L.A. Workshop, 12/06

Dr. Ilene Krems,Psychotherapist
Culver City,California

"I almost did not come back for the 2nd day but I'm so glad I did. I didn't really believe that there really was any help and relief from the feelings I'm having but I realize now that there is. I feel really hopeful and I'm excited to finally becoming my own best friend." L.A. Workshop, 12/06

Isabell Csaki,Hairstylist - Pet Caretaker
Los Angeles,California

"I found the workshop to be incredibly helpful. Though I'd read Inner Bonding, am a member of the website, and had a phone session with Margaret, I learned so much at the workshop. I found the small group and visualizations to be very useful. The demonstrations were extraordinarily valuable. And my fear of feeling too vulnerable and overwhelmed didn't happen - it was a safe environment." Rowe Weekend Workshop 5/06

Rebecca Young,Attorney

"Very non-threatening - enlightening. I've finally found a way to get to my core and be truly happy. I'm so excited to begin my new life." Rowe Weekend Workshop, 5/06

Rhonda Arsenault,Sales

"This workshop came as the right thing at the right time. I was coming to this in my dreams and through my intuition, but actually coming to the workshop brought me to concrete steps that I can take to heal my wounded self and actually move on through behavior that no longer serves. I feel empowered." Rowe Weekend Workshop, 5/06

Karen Borla,Acupuncturist
W. Hatford,Connecticut

"Wonderful! I learned so much intellectually, even though I've read 3 of the books! I learned so much experientially." Rowe Weekend Workshop, 5/06

Ava Gips,Counselor/Coach

"I came in so heavy with emotional pain and am leaving feeling so light. I've had a major shift in attitude regarding myself and more importantly regarding God. I now feel compassionate toward myself and open to receive 'Guidance.' Thank you for honoring your Guidance so that this material could be channeled to us who so desperately need it." Rowe Weekend Workshop, 5/06

Diane Carey,Supervisor

"It confirmed for me what I had expected, that this is the next step I've been looking for for 20 years. I knew I had to learn to love myself but I never know how to do that. And you got me started on becoming a Loving Adult and I got a big piece of clarity on why I keep myself fat!" Rowe Weekend Workshop, 5/06

Sue Huggans,Underwriting Assist. in Medical Malpractice Insurance
West Hartford,Connecticut

"It was insightful and sooo helpful. God/Guidance led me here to deal w/ anger which I did in chair work for the first time in my life. I was able to express, (in a good, safe way), anger at the past abuses and deaths of loved ones, the present, and allow myself to feel anger in the NOW. Thank you. Thank you sooo much!" LA Workshop, 7/05

Maureen Brugh,Retired
So. Bay,California

"This Workshop (lecture & role-play) was very enlightening. I'm inspired to continue connecting with myself through internal process of Inner Bonding - daily and throughout the day." LA Workshop, 7/05

Sue Ellen Cheairs,Life Coach
Santa Barbara,California

"This workshop helped me realize how my wounded self takes over and hinders me in life. The workshop was nurturing and intimate. The way I hope to be as a loving adult." LA Workshop, 7/05

Michelle Lipton,Attorney
Los Angeles,California

"I learned better how to be LOVING, and understand the different parts of me. I understand fully now that there is NO other goal in life, but to be loving. Love is the path, love is the destination." LA Workshop, 7/05

Kevin Nourian,Teacher
Los Angeles,California

"Intimate, life and love changing for me. Has deepened my commitment to Love - of myself, family, friends, people. Has deepened my commitment of who/what I love already - Nature, Love, Hearts and unknown." Rowe Weekend Workshop, 5/06

Kara Masters,Teacher/Mother/Yoga Instructor

"Absolutely wonderful experience! This has empowered me to be completely responsible for my own peace, happiness and joy. It is so freeing to know that it's okay to take care of myself w/out feeling selfish or unkind." LA Workshop, 7/05

Carrie A. Guerra,Legal Asst.

"It was very transforming. I am so grateful to learn the tools again. I felt hearing it again helped deepen my understanding of the Loving Adult. I am really happy and hopeful that I begin loving myself again. I was in resistance and thank God I had a breakthrough. This was very valuable to me. I will commit to doing the Inner Bonding work." LA Workshop, 7/05

Jessica Sassoon
Los Angeles,California

"Led with compassion, wisdom, clarity and safety - Margaret supported my redefining my version of God, unveiling the many false beliefs that fuel my unrest, and my consistently tuning in to what my inner girl's needs and desires are. Such freedom in this high level of responsibility taking!!" L.A. Weekend Workshop, 11/04

Alanis Morissette,Singer/Songwriter/Activist

"Felt it provided great insight and opened my eyes to an increased awareness of how to deal with my pain and anger." LA Workshop, 7/05

Michael Guerra,Software

"It was an incredible experience. It was far better than I could imagine. I can't believe the depth of feelings I accessed in two days. The combination of lecture and 6-Step session was very rich. Adding the group and pain sharing made it a great method for learning through the four strategies. Margaret was excellent: a top rank presenter, a good facilitator and wonderfully kind human being. She was generous with giving information and with sharing meaningful examples from her own life." L.A. Weekend Workshop, 11/04

Kathy I. Norman, Ph.D,University Professor
San Marcos,California

"I recognize that loving myself as a Loving Parent is my most important act of love. It is the key to who I am in all my external relationships. As I love myself unconditionally I really do make the difference in the world as I so desire to be/do. I fully commit to creating my greatest love story with me. I turn loving compassion inwardly now." L.A. Weekend Workshop, 11/04

Kati Alexandra,Essentials Life Coach
Vancouver,British Columbia

"This is my 6th Inner Bonding Group Experience (Workshops and Intensives) and the review was alive for me and inspiring, deepening my practice and commitment to taking loving action for my highest good. It is like reading wisdom literature -- the words come alive in different ways, reaching into your heart in new places, transforming you anew." L.A. Weekend Workshop, 11/04

Barbette Sharp,Founder, Director, Co-Owner - Via Pacifica School
Manhattan Beach,California

"I found this workshop to be very informative, supportive, and just what I needed at this time in my life! All the information given and shared was extremely helpful in learning the Inner Bonding experience more fully. I definitely recommend this workshop!" L.A. Weekend Workshop, 11/04

Melanie Mawhorter,Therapist
Costa Mesa,California

"I thought it was wonderful. It really helped us focus on specific actions I can take to heal myself. The exercises were helpful." L.A. Weekend Workshop, 11/04

Loretta Chuckrow,RN
Rohnert Park,California

"My experience here was excellent. I received so much more information than I would have expected in 2 days. I now feel that I have the basic tools to know how to take care of myself. All I need to do now is practice the principles in my daily life. I look forward to attending a 5-Day Intensive!" L.A. Weekend Workshop, 11/04

Karen Fowler,Administrative Assistant
San Diego,California

"A profound and moving experience. A truly healing process. A worthwhile journey toward evolving my soul." Los Angeles Weekend Workshop, 7/04

Lisa Lipton,Therapist (MFT Intern)
Sherman Oaks,California

"Seeing other individuals conduct a session opened my eyes to myself and the way I behave in my every day life. I now know I can have compassion for myself which in turn I can give to others." Los Angeles Weekend Workshop, 7/04

Karen Conquer,Computer Analyst
Studio City,California

"I have learned that I don't have to protect myself. I can feel the pain and work through it. I see a great change in my heart and in my body (load lifted off me). I realize there is work, but the hope is greater than the work." Los Angeles Weekend Workshop, 7/04

Sherri Sandoval,Homemaker

"The workshop was a wonderful description and reminder of a powerful and effective healing process for our wounded selves. It's a complete process that can be done by ourselves as a daily practice as well as being facilitated by another person." Rowe, MA, 4/04

Stefan Gonick,Psychotherapist

"Thank you! A wonderful taste of reconnecting with myself - a loving, gentle weekend with some real tools to bring home." Rowe, MA, 4/04

Joe Gelbard
Sanbornton,New Hampshire

"Probably the most powerful spiritual experience I have ever known in a two-day workshop." Rowe, MA, 4/04

Michael Stowers,Artist-Clay

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Judgments, whether toward yourself or others, often create resistance. Others pick up your judgmental energy even if you don't say anything. Today, notice your judgmental thoughts and replace them with kind, compassionate thoughts.



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03/19/2025 08:00 AM
5-Day Virtual Intensive
Dr. Margaret Paul

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