Workshop Testimonials

Wondering if you should attend a workshop? Reading these testimonials will convince you!

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"I am a therapist with 25 years of experience, have been in long term therapy in the past, do yoga, shinkiko (energy work), exercise & generally take care of myself, but found the workshop so helpful in fully illuminating my self-abandonment tendencies - I came here with my friend who lost her husband & child - to support her and to learn the technique for my practice, but found it so important for me." Kripalu Workshop, Lenox, MA, 10/09

Barbara Carson,Clinical Social Worker
Milford, MA

"As someone who went to a 5-Day Intensive I knew the process very well already, however, there was still plenty of learning and growth that I experienced over the weekend.  Different details of the process always come up, and it is always a joy to watch people heal." Kripalu Workshop, Lenox, MA, 2009

Derek Childs,Student
Merrimack, New Hampshire

"After doing Inner Bonding for six months it was valuable to hear the process explained from beginning to end.  Being new to this process it was amazing to share this process so intimately with others." Kripalu Workshop, Lenox, MA, 10/09

Linda Montecalvo,Finance Director
Westport, CT

"Very informative, a bit daunting in terms of how much work there is to do.  Margaret was very personal, accessible, very willing to answer questions & explain in detail.  I think I'll be attending an Intensive at some point next year, and I'm hoping my husband will agree to attend with me." Kripalu Workshop, Lenox, MA, 10/09

Donna Maloney,Pharmacist
Jackson, NJ

"It was a chance to assimilate a variety of tools I've accumulated over the past few years and see how they can all be used together.  It's so great to let go of pain and let peace come in.  It was really helpful to see people go through the process; quite often they did my work for me." Kripalu Workshop, Lenox, MA, 10/09

Carol Basilio,Speech Pathologist
Drexel, PA

"Before I came to Kripalu to take the Inner Bonding Workshop I had a large feeling of Aloneness.  The workshop has allowed me to understand my Self abandonment, and how to work on loving my own inner child.  After one weekend of Inner Bonding I feel wonderful and the experience is unlike anything I have ever experienced." Kripalu Workshop, Lenox, MA, 10/09

Victoria Caligiuri,Sales Manager
Somers, NY

"I feel that the workshop was very valuable, something I will continue for the rest of my life.  I am planning on attending a 5 day Intensive." Kripalu Workshop, Lenox, MA, 10/09

Catherine M. Covington,Physician
St. Louis, MO

"I entered in a lot of inner pain, and today I feel very strong & positive towards personal self-care, growth & becoming a self reliant, loving me." Kripalu Workshop, Lenox, MA, 10/09

Linda Kirshenbaum
Suffern, New York

"Inner Bonding has created profound changes for my family.  Love blooms brighter and clearer and we connect on deeper levels than I could have imagined.  Thank you for the process." Kripalu Workshop, Lenox, MA, 10/09

Suzi Korsak,Real Estate
Merrimack, NH

"I feel exhilarated by the openings I've experienced for my process.  Especially a balance of positive empowering tools for my wounded self while I'm giving my inner child more loving attention.  i.e. 'new job'; embracing, learning & dialog to core self, enhancing how to grow with loving adult guidance enhanced action."Kripalu Workshop, Lenox, MA, 10/09

Anne F.G,Berry Farmer

"It was truly transformative and enlightening.  Generous, well-done in terms of not being heavy-handed.  The one-on-ones with Margaret & participants was the most powerful and helpful.  I've never been a 'group' person but learned so much from others." Kripalu Workshop, Lenox, MA, 10/09

Karin Pendley Koser,PR/Mktg/Video Company Owner
Atlanta, GA

"It was truly an amazing experience, and I have learned so much about why I am the way I am." Kripalu Workshop, Lenox, MA, 2009

Korrin Doyle,Lab Tech
Beloit, WI

"Feel like I have added very important tools to my box.  More importantly this workshop has definitely focused me to returned to love." Kripalu Workshop, Lenox, MA, 2009

Kristina Newcomb,Psychiatric Nurse
Derry, NH

"Having completed an Inner Bonding workshop it was very rewarding and made me feel like a different person.  Because of Inner Bonding I have a better understanding of my inner child, my loving adult and intent to open to love.  I will continue Inner Bonding to go deeper into my Guidance for directions." Kripalu Workshop, Lenox, MA, 2009

Sophie Bartkowicz,Bookkeeper
Middletown, CT

'This was a great experience for me.  Although I've been familiar with the concepts for a while and practicing on my own, I found greater clarification and understanding of the process.  I feel energized and optimistic about my journey moving forward.' Los Angeles Workshop, 1/09

Kim Taff,Counselor/Psychotherapist

'Being here has been very Self-affirming.  I feel as though I have taken action on what it means to love myself by being here. I am saying to my Inner Child - you matter, you're important, I love you and I am committed to taking care of you.  I feel more responsible for myself and my feelings.  I feel more capable of standing up for myself, and I feel empowered to let go of my addiction to approval from others.' Los Angeles Workshop, 1/09

Christy Walsh,Assistant Editor
Los Angeles,CA

"This workshop was exactly what I needed.  I trusted my Inner Guidance, which led me here.  Through the workshop I learned that my loneliness is based in the truth that I wasn't heard or loved as a child.  My loving adult now is open to loving my inner child/wounded self.  Although I still desire to be in a loving partnership with a soul mate, I now know I don't need that soul mate to be loved - I truly know now that I am loved by myself and by God." Kripalu Workshop, Lenox, MA, 2009

Susan,Physical Therapist
Boston, MA

'I came into this workshop knowing only the information my Aunt fit into a 30 minute explanation before we came.  Without having any background knowledge, I was able to gain a good grasp of the 6-step process and was able to truly experience more than I ever thought would be possible.  Even if I were not to study this concept any further in the future, I feel like I have the tools to lead a more fulfilling life and love for myself because of this workshop.' Los Angeles Workshop, 1/09

Alexandra Steele,Bartender

'I have done Inner Child work before using John Bradshaw's materials, and seen a practitioner who does Inner Child work.  This workshop has given me the tools to process through the feelings that have lead to my withdrawing from life.  The principles taught are in agreement with the spiritual beliefs I already hold.  This adds to my spiritual growth as well as help with my emotional growth.' Los Angeles Workshop, 1/09

Steve Hall,Engineer

'This workshop has given me a safe place to look into myself to find my own internal resources as well as the connection with my spiritual Guidance.  I found the demonstrations to be most genuine and helpful in the learning process.' Los Angeles Workshop, 1/09

Muna Crook,Counselor/Massage Therapist

"Transformational Beyond Words!  My heart and soul and true essence overflow with love and gratitude.  I'm so eager and excited to go home and do Inner Bonding, and share this with my husband & son, and most of all MYSELF at any given moment." Kripalu Workshop, 9/08

Margaret Dean Godhard,Mom, Educator
Gainesville, GA
678) 480-9171

"Everyone is always telling me to stop being so controlling.  Margaret is the first one who has given me the tools to do it - a way to reconnect with my core - my inner child - and learn how to take responsibility and feel the hurts that lie underneath it all.  I feel incredibly empowered." Kripalu Workshop, 9/08

Connie Florio Welton,Pharmacist/Educator
Meriden, CT

"I really enjoyed this workshop.  It was very informative & helpful in helping me to overcome my 'victim' mentality and helping me to take responsibility in my life for my own feelings & happiness." Kripalu Workshop, 9/08

Susan White,Medical Sonographer
Milton, MA

"My guide brought this to me and I am grateful.  I faced some challenges in reconditioning old habits, but I leave here with a new toolbox!" Kripalu Workshop, 9/08

Yesenia Garcia,Entrepreneur
N. Bergen, NJ

"Although I have been doing Inner Bonding for almost 2 years through the books, I was still amazed at how I was able to gain some important insights into a problem I have been struggling with for about 1 year.  So being able to do it with Margaret's guidance was wonderful.  Not only that but, there was such a 'holistically healing' experience of being able to get away, eat organic healthy food, do yoga & meditation, that brought the point of doing Inner Bonding 'home'." Kripalu Workshop, 9/08

Saeyoung Min,Psychologist
New York, NY
347) 400-3444

"After reading 'Do I Have to Give Up Me to Be Loved by God?' and doing Inner Bonding for several months alone, and then with a facilitator, I still found the workshop extremely helpful.  There is an endless source of learning and growth through this process and listening and talking about it with others is very helpful to that process.  Margaret is amazing." Kripalu Workshop, 9/08

Laura Laiacona
Clifton Park, NY
518) 253-5348

"No matter how often I do this workshop I always receive a 'golden nugget' every time.  This new awareness allows me to explore further & always brings amazing insight & growth.  Thanks, Margaret for another wonderful experience." Kripalu Workshop, 9/08

Merry Oislander,Teacher
West Islip, NY
516) 527-5371

"It's great to have a method to work through issues.  It's great to know that I can hold myself responsible instead of others because I can change me but not anyone else.  My most precious memory is seeing through visualization my inner child happy & laughing & joyous & filled with life playing naked in the pine tree grove and knowing that she doesn't need anyone else to make her feel so happy & alive!" Kripalu Workshop, 9/08

Joan Gustaff,Wholesale Sales Rep.
North Attleborough, MA

'I came to this weekend not knowing anything about Inner Bonding, but came with some wounded self issues that were fresh and intense.  I found the workshop overwhelming at first, and by the end, I now have a sense of who I am and can be as a loving adult.  I'm looking forward to joy and creativity!' Rowe, MA Workshop, 4/08

Judy Greene,Master\'s Program Coordinator
Huntington Station,NY

'This workshop was an excellent introduction to the process of Inner Bonding.  Margaret Paul is a wonderful leader.  She is articulate, loving, grounded and open.  I felt very safe.  I learned a great deal.' Rowe, MA Workshop, 4/08

Betsy Hall,Retired

'Wonderful experience, very instructive with a lot of practical role plays and lots of time for question and answer.  A good way to deepen your understanding of the process.' Rowe, MA Workshop, 4/08

Robert Goniprow,Retired

'Great to have reinforcement of Inner Bonding as the primary focus.  Enjoyed seeing the counseling demos.  Great to hear Margaret's personal experience also.  Thanks.' Rowe, MA Workshop, 4/08

Herb Pearce,Psychotherapist

'I recognized the guidance part as integral to my healing and growth.  I had a couple of tremendous insights that were core for me and was affecting my relationship with myself and my daughter.  I feel very grateful for this teaching and expect my practice to be life changing.' Rowe, MA Workshop, 4/08

Mary Beth,Educator, Parent
Great Barrington,MA

'It was the right workshop for me at this time of my life.  I found deeper insights into my inner self that offers me new opportunities for healing & growth.  The Inner Bonding process provides me with a guidance to future growth on my own.' Rowe, MA Workshop, 4/08

Raymond J. Crowley,COO
Great Barrington,MA

'A total discovery of recovery, healing and hope.  It is a belief in the joy of the ability to become you.' Rowe, MA Workshop, 4/08

Jane Tougas,Teacher

'This workshop was exactly what I have been asking for for the last few months.  I learned so much re: How to shift my feelings.  I knew my feelings were telling me I was off the mark, & separate from Source.  So How to get reconnected is very good news.  The 6 steps put it in a concise, clear & doable format.'  Rowe, MA Workshop, 4/08

K. Melissa Waterman,Psychotherapist

"Uncovering the layers of taking personal responsibility has really helped me to open to wanting to & being devoted to doing this.  Margaret, thank you for your love, help & unwavering support." Rowe, MA Workshop, 4/08

Meredith (Merry) Oislander,Teacher
W. Islip,,NY

"I think this workshop is phenomenal.  I thoroughly enjoyed Margaret's energy & knowledge.  Nancy was very helpful & supportive as well.  I enjoyed both the experiential & didactic parts of the workshop." Rowe, MA Workshop, 4/08


"Twenty years of marriage, I never understood why my wife called me 'controlling'.  I got it!  The things I learned about my anger and how to own it, and lovingly learn from it are terrific." Rowe, MA Workshop, 4/08

Ed Vigneau,Actuary

"Appreciate so much your authenticity!  I wasn't feeling too well, but got a lot out of the workshop - and felt it was thorough, beneficial and inspiring.  Was able to stay present, engaged, learned so much from the demos." Rowe, MA Workshop, 4/08.

Sheena Bhatia,Teacher Trainer

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What would bring you lightness of being today? Notice your frequency at this moment - is it heavy or light? If it is heavy, notice what you are thinking to create the heaviness. What thought would bring you joy and lightness of being?



Inner Bonding Events

03/19/2025 08:00 AM
5-Day Virtual Intensive
Dr. Margaret Paul

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