Workshop Testimonials

Wondering if you should attend a workshop? Reading these testimonials will convince you!

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'I'm so glad and happy that I took this Workshop, it has helped me so much.  I can relate to most of what was covered.  I'm now taking the steps to love myself.  I always thought that I was going to get it from someone else.  I now know that I'm going to get love from myself.  Thank you.' Rowe, MA Workshop, 5.12

Paula Latona,Massage Therapist
New York,NY

'Even if you have been a member on the Website, this Workshop will deepen your practice and take you to the next level. I was scared of opening up to strangers, but you created a safe environment for us.  Thank you!'



'I learned about the core feelings—deep down—and why I try to control others.  And why I sabotage myself from my own Amazingness!' Los Angeles Inner Bonding Workshop, 4.12

Sonia Chapa
King City,CA

'The Workshop gave me what I needed. I liked the structure of the workshop in that working in teams and pairs gave everyone the chance to participate and gain a lot. It also helped create a safe environment. Margaret was an excellent Facilitator and it was wonderful to see her in action in person!  Thanks!' Los Angeles Inner Bonding Workshop, 4.12

Catherine O\'Mahony, Personal Adviser

'This was a wonderful experience.  Having done a bit of inner growth with other people, I had many similar beliefs and techniques, so this was a great segue into Inner Bonding which provides a concrete step by step procedure for loving ourselves and others. Margaret was fabulous—clear, warm, human, humble and very knowledgeable.  Thank you!' Los Angeles Inner Bonding Workshop, 4.12

Jill Porterfield,Retired Classroom Teacher

'I began this experience with some amount of fear.  Quickly, after arriving I began to feel safe and by the end, now, I feel open and compassionate towards myself and my new friends. Margaret gets to the point and consistently and loving guides our understanding of the process.' Los Angeles Inner Bonding Workshop, 4.12

Donovan Porterfield,Retired

'There are so many pieces falling into place, leading me to a deeper knowing of how to handle my life and relationships.  The tools are invaluable and clear and easy to use.  I am just so very happy I came to be a part of this!' Los Angeles Weekend Workshop, 3.11

Caroline Waters,Artist/Producer
Culver City,CA

'The Workshop is a comprehensive and personalized presentation of Inner Bonding - a thorough, practical approach and technique.  I gained confidence in doing the 6 steps and benefited from Margaret's energy and experience.  I recommend the Workshop because it is a perfect way to learn Inner Bonding and become more practiced, so as to take home the skills.  I loved being around people who want to learn and grow and are on a path of healing.  It is like salve for the soul!' Los Angeles Weekend Workshop, 3.11

Lisa Devine,Health and Wellness Coach

'I was very pleased at the diversity of the participants, (age & sex), as this added to the experience when they shared.  This process, Inner Bonding, is a wonderful learning experience and really works.  I specifically liked when Dr. Margaret worked with individuals, as it really helped me understand how the Inner Bonding process works.  Three ways I've benefited from this Workshop are: 1. It raised my self-esteem 2. Learned that I have, we all have Guidance and how to connect to it. 3. Improved my relationship with myself.  I would recommend this Workshop - everyone needs this opportunity and understanding.  It could ultimately heal families and our sick society.' Los Angeles Weekend Workshop, 3.11

Elizabeth Karner,Retired
Laguna Woods,CA

'The Inner Bonding Workshop is wonderful and empowering.  I feel a deep sense of well being.  It reaffirms the path I already was on and makes me conscious and determined to stick with it. When I started Inner Bonding I did not have the ability to be alone, to spend time in my own company.  If I felt upset or cried about something I would need a friend or loved one.  Two years later, just a few months prior to the Workshop, I lost my 16 year old son in a tragic accident.  I am immersed in the deepest pain possible and not afraid of it.  I can just cry and cry like my heart is breaking and be able to comfort myself and be there for myself and know that this will pass.  I am able to go through what I am today (death, divorce, moving countries) because I have ME.' Los Angeles Weekend Workshop, 3.11

Shonali Bose,Filmmaker
Los Angeles (moving to Delhi, India)

'At the Workshop I reconnected to my higher self, and experienced confidence building to do the right thing.  It gave me hope that my partner and I can learn the tools we need to have a healthy relationship, first with ourselves and then with each other.  I really liked the Visualizations led by Margaret.  I would recommend the Workshop because it is very reflective and so empowering to be given permission to take care of yourself.' Los Angeles Weekend Workshop, 3.11

Suzanne Morey,Principal, Public School

'I wanted to attend this workshop, no obstacle would have prevented me from attending.  At the workshop I was able to immerse myself in the process, previously, I only read the instructions on your website.  I specifically liked learning about all of the ways that we deny ownership & responsibility for our Inner Child, and all of the ways we can integrate this Inner Child into our lives.  I did benefit in understanding dynamics of relationships much better, and in understanding false belief systems and how they sabotage our happiness.  I would recommend the Workshop because it is excellent for achieving awareness of how to evolve into a better person.  I am grateful for this experience.  It has opened up my understanding of my life.' Los Angeles Weekend Workshop, 3.11

Maria Erso,Designer (Retired)
La Mesa,CA

'Wonderful, important.  Tools and focus/attention on how to love Inner Child better than I've ever know how to do.  Learned that there is so much more she needs to be given.' Kripalu Workshop, 9.10

Sherry Golden,Executive Assistant

'Very helpful in getting, (beginning), to get in touch with myself.  Seeing how I'm sabotaging my relationships.  Regular therapy hasn't gotten to the core of my problems/issues.  This has.  I'm hopeful things will change for me now.' Kripalu Workshop, 9.10

Denise,Admin. Assistant
S. Plainfield,NJ

'Learning about Inner Bonding has been like learning the secret to life.  I have been struggling in my life for so long - spinning in circles.  Inner Bonding has a clear, logical method to healing and becoming all you can be.  I am blown away by what I have learned and I am grateful.' Kripalu Workshop, 9.10

Clare Fogle,IT Project Manager

'Profound - a confirmation of things that I had been guided to do.  Positive & supportive.'    Inner Bonding Weekend Workshop, Rowe, MA, 4/10

Samuel Riche,Salesman

'I met my Loving Adult.  I didn't even know she existed after all these, (48), years!' Kripalu Workshop, 9.10

Jodie L.,Consultant

'Fantastic.  Just what I needed.  Not only did I learn more about the 6-Step process, but I found my Spiritual Advisor.  Also, learning that I'm the only one can control my happiness.  Stop looking outside for approval from the outside, we have to love ourselves.' Kripalu Workshop, 9.10

Debbie Kasinskas

"Completely and utterly life-changing.  I have been working on this broad idea inside of myself and 'coming home to myself' for awhile, so this is just what I needed in my life at this time.  These 6-steps are very powerful and I will now use them to help fully heal myself and really let my Inner Child know she is worth it and that I am making a commitment to take care of her!" Kripalu Workshop, 9.10

Maren McCarthy,Former Social Worker/Volunteer @ Kripalu

'I was skeptical at first, but had an incredible week-end.  I'm so excited to get home and practice what I've learned in life and in my new relationship.' Kripalu Workshop, 9.10


'Amazing.  I came to the Workshop to reconnect with my desires and my Inner Child and for that it has helped me tremendously.  I also got a lot of insight into resistant/giving in and codependent tendencies I've had in many of my relationships.'      Inner Bonding Weekend Workshop, Rowe, MA, 4/10

Joe LeVasseur,Student
Budd Lake,NJ

'Very, very enlightening!  I was able to have insights about myself and my childhood that I have not had in 10 years of self-study.  What a brilliant, beautiful process.  I look forward to seeing the amazing, positive changes that will happen in my life as I continue to practice Inner Bonding and nurturing my Inner Child.  Thank you!'  Kripalu Workshop, 9.10

Carol Prentice,Social Worker/Yoga Teacher
St. Catharines,Ontario

'I found it to be a valid approach to breaking down the beliefs, resistance that prevents me from owning my feelings and controlling or taking responsibility for my own actions.  Though it seemed a lot to absorb in one weekend, it definitely gave me the resources to practice and learn more.  I left feeling much more in control and with a sense of relief about some difficult personal situations.'   Inner Bonding Weekend Workshop, Rowe, MA, 4/10

Kathleen Ryan,Teacher

'Margaret is an amazing facilitator.  She is so intuitive and real.  I did not know what to expect and was very edgy about the weekend, but found the experience very safe and truthful.  While I know I have a long way to go before I grasp the process, it is good to have made a start, and I look forward to continuing the journey.'       Inner Bonding Weekend Workshop, Rowe, MA, 4/10

Sue Prindle,Retired

'A wise and warm introduction to profoundly effective work.  Brilliantly designed and warmly presented.  As a professional I've seen a lot of approaches to personal growth & liberation and this is by far the best I've encountered.  The intention of Dr. Paul makes all the difference; she is a gift to this culture.'    Inner Bonding Weekend Workshop, Rowe, MA, 4/10

Sue Fraser Frankewicz,Expressive Arts Therapist
Shelburne Falls,MA

'So helpful.  I've been out of touch with my feelings all my life.  I don't even know what boundaries are.  This seems as if it were created just for me.  The integration of spirit with deep psychological work is the missing piece in all the other therapies & meditation practices I've done.'    Inner Bonding Weekend Workshop, Rowe, MA, 4/10

Peter Cutler,Web Design, Marketing

'The knowledge and understanding that was shared was extremely valuable to me.  You clarified so many things & reinforced things I knew deep down but hadn't completely accepted as my truth.  I feel that I now have a practice that I can begin to guide me to a happier & more fulfilling life.'    Inner Bonding Weekend Workshop, Rowe, MA, 4/10

Brendan Penney,Realtor

'This workshop was challenging, amazing, spot on - exactly what I have needed forever to move through the stuck (agonizing at times) places in my life & in my relationships.  I've realized that I have choice at my disposal, choice to come to my own aid & support rather than endlessly succumbing to feelings of helpless & victimized.  Thank you for helping me reclaim myself at mid-life!'   Inner Bonding Weekend Workshop, Rowe, MA, 4/10

Ellen Saxe,Psychotherapist
413)625-8632, 413)585-8785

'Life-changing.  I came to this conference hoping to gain some insight around my relationships with men.  I'm learning with an understanding of what holds me back (myself), where my wounded thoughts come from, and how to heal myself.  I have the power to change my life, and I 100% commit to making that happen.'  Inner Bonding Weekend Workshop, Rowe, MA, 4/10

Angela Lussier,Creative Career Consultant
So. Hadley,MA

'I have been practicing Inner Bonding for about 1.5 years and this is the first workshop that I have attended.  I am very grateful that I did finally attend.  Hearing Margaret explain the principles, and seeing the process in action, helped me to get an even clearer understanding.  Also, as a usually very reserved person, I was very pleasantly surprised to find how safe I felt, and how much I was able to open up and connect with myself and others.' LA Workshop, 3.7.10

Sharon Kidwell

'I've been a member of Inner Bonding for two years & have always been intrigued.  I finally came to the weekend session and it was more than I ever expected.  Everyone should take this course.  It is never too late to find peace, happiness & serenity.' LA Workshop, 3.7.10

Carmen Huff,Quality Assurance

'Margaret is a truly gifted Facilitator working with a transforming body of work.  I've been on a journey of personal discovery for almost 20 years, but got insights from this workshop which were new and insightful for the first time.  I actually went somewhere in the guided meditation on day one and on day two I was able to have an inner dialogue I've not experienced before.  This was very meaningful.  I also enjoyed and got great benefit from the breakout sessions with my group.' LA Workshop, 3.7.10

Charles Hannah,Film Producer

'I have been struggling with trying to understand or trying to find a 'system' that can help me to understand and at the same time that I can use to heal me.  I think that Inner Bonding has the structure in a very simple and usable, yet powerful way.  Thank you.' LA Workshop, 3.7.10

Tatiana Torres,Paralegal

'Unlike many courses and workshops I've done, Inner Bonding speaks to all aspects of who we are: Mind, Body, Spirit, Emotions.  I appreciated very much the smallness of the group and the intimacy that it allowed.  This work is profound.  Thank you, Margaret.' LA Workshop, 3.7.10

Carrie Zivetz,Life Consultant
Los Angeles,CA

'For anyone who is put off by the idea of 'spiritual' or 'higher power' - DON'T BE!  This workshop effectively helps you connect with your own wisdom from which it is so common to feel separated.' LA Workshop, 3.7.10

Nancy Sisti,Psychotherapist
Santa Monica,CA

'Having previously read 'Inner Bonding' I had the essential parts of this process already.  What I did get was more insight into accessing the higher source and how important that is to the whole process.  Not being a particularly metaphysical person this was a real accomplishment.  I also got an improved vision of what the wounded self is and why it is important not to confuse it too much with the classic definition of ego.' LA Workshop, 3.7.10

Charles Halberg,General Contractor
Chula Vista,CA

'The experience was wonderful.  I have been practicing Inner Bonding for several months, and the workshop has deepened that practice immensely.  While some growth is not easy, sometimes quite painful, I feel the process truly working to heal as much of what I was unable to face before.  Thank you.' LA Workshop, 3.7.10

Jan Borunda,Art Director
Los Angeles,CA

'The Inner Bonding Workshop has allowed me the freedom to spread my wings.  For many years I felt like a bird locked in a cage.  I possess this God given talent of flight however I'm confined to this tiny cage.  Inner Bonding helps to raise your Spiritual I.Q. so that you may figure out how to unlock this cage and begin to do what God has put us here to do…FLY.' LA Workshop, 3.7.10

Donald Walker,Manager
Los Angeles,CA

'I have tried many healing methods and spiritual paths, and nothing has ever given me so much personal empowerment to heal myself and be responsible for myself.  The process is inspired yet concrete and totally applicable in everyday life.' LA Workshop, 3.7.10

Maggie Hollinbeck,LMFT

"Opening - Giving language to inner experience - very helpful in the process of sorting.
Helping me connect to truth of my inner life.
Helping me learn to take care of myself.
Helping me to feel joyful.
I loved all of the work - witnessing Margaret work with people…Very loving experience…Very positive role modeling to my own inner dialogue." Kripalu Workshop, Lenox, MA, 10/09

Claudia Kenny,Farmer (organic vegetables)
Chatham, NY

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