Intensive Testimonials

Reading about other's experience at Intensives can help you to decide if this is something you want to do. It can also help to allay any fears you might have about attending an Intensive. While most people are nervous when they first come, by the 2nd or 3rd day they are having a wonderful time and wishing it would go on longer!

Click here to add your own personal testimonial about Inner Bonding Intensives.

"I learned that my thoughts and all of my creations are my responsibility.  By taking that responsibility, I can change them, if I really want to.  The tools and information received are beyond educational and informative.  The skills learned are a new way of being and acting in life.  I feel like I lost 30 lbs. of emotional baggage.  I will engage with my soul more often to heal my wounded child and my wounded adult.  The best vacation I ever had!" Durango, CO Intensive, 4/08

Tamara Shafer,Strategic Business Consultant

"When I came to the Intensive I came as a wounded little girl.  As I leave today I leave with a greater insight, perspective and acceptance for my wounded self, love for my little girl and excitement about the doors I am opening for myself.  The tools and techniques I've learned have already had a profound impact.  I know as I practice and exercise these tools, my joy and love will grow with me." Durango, CO Intensive, 4/08

Katie Hodges,Accounting & Business Management
Salt Lake City,Utah

"Words fail in describing the sheer brilliance of the Inner Bonding process.  I have been in intensive therapy, 12-step and other self-help studies consistently for over a decade, and Inner Bonding has provided a key to unlocking true healing.  The Intensive was fun, challenging, intense, freeing and eye opening.  Five days is the perfect amount of time to take a journey from the bondage of self to self love and freedom.  I've made connections to the other participants that I hope will last a lifetime." Santa Barbara, CA Intensive, 2/08

Elizabeth Hill,Therapist

"The Intensive is a deep immersion in Relationship of the self to the Self.  It is an open invitation to learn to truly love oneself and heal the essential Relationship from which all other Relationships are patterned.  The opportunity to do this work is phenomenal - the opportunity to do it in a community of like-minded, non-judgmental, openhearted friends is a rare & precious gift.  The Intensive is indeed the most loving gift one can ever give oneself." Santa Barbara, CA Intensive, 2/08

Carol Kennedy,Artist & Educator

"As my 2nd Intensive, this was an even more profound and wonderful experience.  The safety and authenticity that are created in this group allowed me (& others) to go deep into feelings, emotions, insecurities & false beliefs.  Everything was well thought out in the Intensive - focusing on always being open & in the truth constantly.  The amazing process of learning to work with, heal & evolve completely within oneself is a brilliant & revolutionary method - completely unique." Santa Barbara, CA Intensive, 2/08

Lisa Mansfield,Real Estate Agent

"The Inner Bonding Intensive has been the most profound gift, and the best part is that I have come to the understanding through this Intensive that the most valuable gifts we receive are the ones we give ourselves.  To deeply nurture and validate what our inner child is saying is our access to feeling whole again, just as we were in the womb.  I am excited about the journey back to myself that I have now embarked on." Santa Barbara Intensive, 2/08

Katherine Warnett,MSW, LCSW Psychotherapist, Birth Doula

"Inner Bonding is an empowering process that allowed me to journey into my emotional underground in a very safe and supporting way.  It provided me with the motivation and necessary insight for positive change and growth.  It has strengthened my sense of self and will undoubtedly benefit me for the rest of my life.  It is certainly recommended to anyone who has the willingness and desire to want to improve in every area of their life. Inner Bonding has been the missing piece that has now given me an effective way to resolve problems quickly with confidence, clarity and conviction. I am grateful for this new resource of self care and awareness." Santa Barbara Intensive, 2/08

Marcia Derwin,Consultant, Massage Therapist
Ft. Washington,PA

"This was an amazing experience to learn how very much my Inner Child needs ME to be here for her and love her. The most wonderful insight was knowing I can love my little girl and take care of her needs first, yet still be the giving person to others I was meant to be. Thank you so much Margaret and Sharon for helping me to see the beauty I have inside." Durango Intensive, 10/07

Tamara Stover,Mother
Greensboro,North Carolina

"The Intensive was amazing! The information taught and learned is invaluable! Anyone who walks away from a 5-Day Intensive and hasn't changed their life hasn't given of themself." Durango, CO Intensive, 4/07

Justin Bradshaw,Business Owner

"This was my first Intensive with my partner and it was incredibly powerful - we each worked on issues about our own work & personal issues, and saw how we try to control each other in different areas.  The understanding I got is going to transform my relationship with him - I can already feel the increased aliveness, curiosity and openness." Advanced Intensive, NY, 11/07

Emily Agnew,Musician & Counselor
Rochester,New York

"I first attended a weekend Workshop (2 days) which gave me a great overview and encouraged me to attend the next Intensive. I've done my share of therapy but this Inner Bonding Intensive (5-day) has given me an amazing connectedness to myself and the tools to continue my process of growth and self-improvement. The gentleness in helping me become aware of areas of work for me - allowing me to accept the input - I felt acceptance and safety and a sense of belonging that I've never felt before in my life. I've grown a true and authentic sense of self-worth. The friends I made will be lifelong. I've received the gift of a new family made up of those friends. The Inner Bonding steps are the light at the end of the tunnel. The light is forgiveness and hope and love - and my antidote to loneliness and emptiness." Santa Barbara Intensive, 1/07

Tim Lennon,Broker, Owner - RE/MAX Greater Atlanta

"It was for me a profound experience where I got in touch with my essence, and met beautiful and creative people who shared their gifts with me - the 5-Day Intensive was guided by Margaret and Sharon's wisdom and expertise." Durango, CO Intensive, 10/07

Margarita Rivera Swank,LMFT

"The 5-Day Intensive was a great experience. The information I learned will help me grow to be my very best person that I can be. I learned we always have choices. Thank you Margaret and Sharon." Durango, CO Intensive, 10/07

Catherine Hopper
Hicksville,New York

"There is no greater joy in life than sitting with others who are on the same path in a deep intention to learn about loving ourselves.  It's such a delight!!  Margaret, thank you so much for continuing to help me explore the deeper layers of myself.  The deep sense of peace I feel right now is amazing.  Much love to you." Advanced Intensive, NY, 11/07

Merry Oislander,Teacher
W. Islip,NY

"Margaret's books are wonderful & opened up a new, loving way of being for me.  In the Intensive I learned how to apply it all in a very personal, immediate way.  The energy & the love in the room accelerate the learning process.  There's nothing else like an Intensive with Margaret!" Advanced Intensive, N.Y. 11/07

Sue Huggans,Insurance Services Rep.
West Hartford,CT

"I traveled from Belgium to California to attend the Intensive, and am very happy I did. I was looking for a more open and trusting relationship with myself and others. The Inner Bonding process has helped me tremendously to resolve inner and outer conflict in a nurturing way. I found it also very empowering as a practice I can carry on myself after the Intensive. And most of all, it has also opened for me a clear path to an even more joyful life. I am very excited at this new energy I'll be bringing home." Lucerne Valley Intensive, 11/06

Christophe Mikolajczak,Organizational Consultant

"It is a life changing experience each and every time I attend an Intensive.  'Change your life, attend an Intensive." Advanced Intensive, N.Y., 11/07

Cindy Shore,Mom

"It's been several years that I've been working with Margaret & several Intensives I've attended too; and each time I have learned to go deeper into the Inner Bonding process.  It is for me like peeling out different levels of my resistance and moving more & more into the intention to learn.  This time I've learned more about my intention to control and my desire to change it." Advanced Intensive, N.Y. 11/07

Kashia Coulouvrat,Psychiatrist

"This was my first Inner Bonding Intensive and I was not sure what to expect, though I had high hopes of improving my connection to my guidance. The Intensive far surpassed what I hoped for. The experience of doing deep work with Margaret and watching others do their own work was very powerful and moved me forward spiritually in ways I couldn't have imagined. I'm looking forward to going to my next Intensive next summer! Thank you to Margaret and all my fellow Inner Bonders for providing a safe and loving environment to grow in." Colorado Intensive, 7/07

Mary McCanta,Technical Trainer

"Leaving this Intensive, I feel like a different person than the one who arrived. I have been given tools for a whole other way of living life - one that is healthy, functional, loving, open & worth living. Having done lots of therapy in my life, I am profoundly grateful to Margaret for having discovered & shared with us this method for a deeper form of self-integration & healing. I look forward to using these tools & awareness every day! Inner Bonding, if a critical mass of the human world were practicing it, would bring about World Peace. Margaret is no less an activist for World Peace than Nelson Mandela & Mother Teresa." Colorado Intensive, 7/07

Carol Kennedy,Artist/College Professor

"Coming to this Intensive has opened a huge awareness of how I have been abandoning myself by being a caretaker to control others. I have gently been led to my inner child and have given myself permission to cherish her with the support of her loving guidance." Colorado Intensive, 7/07

Penny Boyle,Mom

"Connecting with my inner child has been one of the most wonderful experiences of my life. Finally finding that perfect mom inside me that I have been looking for all my life has been a life changing experience. I cannot wait to go home and master all these new things that I just learned. I am so blessed and grateful for this experience." Colorado Intensive, 7/07

Lenna Groudan,Business Analyst

"Before I attended this Intensive I had been living in a very unhealthy way regarding myself. I was afraid and felt very weak to do what I knew I had to do. I have been very unhappy, pulled by everyone around me, and allowing it, disregarding my own feelings. I'm now so aware of my feelings and have the tools to take care of them. I also am able to deal with my huge problems facing me and have the strength, through my guidance, and knowledge, through my guidance, to make the right decisions and how to express them!"

Julie Kelly
Watertown,New York

"I had been apprehensive about attending the Inner Bonding Intensive for over 10 years and finally made the decision to attend the Intensive in Durango, CO in April. I felt a calling to do the deepest work in a process I trust and believe in, after having worked with Margaret Paul for many years. The relaxed, loving, accepting environment Margaret creates from beginning to end is incredible. She allows a beautiful and authentic process to occur with each and every participant in which she guides, listens, teaches and encourages us with heartfelt passion. Her Inner Bonding technique is put to its ultimate practice in the 5-Day Intensive, allowing us to really absorb and assimilate this incredible, deep and powerful process. I loved the mood of the Intensive being, "do what is in your highest good," at every moment. It was perfectly structured, yet comfortably relaxed at the same time. By the 2nd day, our group of 12 had bonded with each other, and we all formed friendships and connections that were amazing - we had shared so much of ourselves with each other. The location, Blue Lake Ranch in Durango, CO was exceptional! Stunning flower-filled grounds, exquisite rooms with beamed ceilings, great, cozy beds, marble bathrooms and a warm, accommodating staff who prepared our meals with care and love...fireplaces everywhere, peaceful and serene...truly a deluxe experience. I can't wait to come back!! P.S. The morning meditations were really moving. They were incredibly centering, spiritual, and grounding each morning before we began our day."

Lisa Mansfield,Real Estate Agent
Los Angeles,California
310/993-2303, 310/45

The Inner Bonding Intensive was very helpful. I was able to tackle a couple of my current issues - mostly my need to control other people's actions. This keeps coming up for me in different forms and this one let me deal with my control issues around my relationship with my significant other and trace it back to my very young days. I also dealt with my need to be needed, as expressed in a willingness to take on too many volunteer activities which are cutting into my time to enjoy my personal relationships, especially to enjoy my new grandson! My significant other was at this intensive, his first experience of Inner Bonding, so it was great that we could discuss our relationship issues and understand where each other's issues were coming from. I have attended many activities with Margaret and continue to marvel at her caring, stamina and general personal "togetherness". Colorado Intensive, 8/07

Donna Shirley,Professional Speaker and Management Consultant

"Margaret is an amazing, caring, giving, insightful person who I was honored to come to know. With her help I am on my way to learning how to give my little girl the love she so desperately needs. I felt a special bond with Margaret's Assistant, Sharon Pearson. The wisdom and love she shared is priceless. Blue Lake Ranch in Durango was a beautiful place that came to feel like home. Their cook Jackie especially made all of our Inner Children feel loved and mothered. The love and closeness my fellow Inner Bonders gave has me ready to return time after time. Thanks, blessings, and love to all from Durango, April 2007." Intensive.

Tamara Stover,Mother
Winston-Salem,North Carolina

"I think Inner Bonding is an extremely powerful tool to start bringing joy into your life just by shifting your intention into the willingness to be open and learn. I am so grateful I came all the way from Spain to the Mountains in Colorado, from now on my safety place." Durango, CO, Intensive, 4/07

Rebeca Jimenez Cirujano,Journalist
34 915476370

"This is the first time I felt in a safe enough place to explore & share my inner self and truly be open to loving feedback. In the process, tools have been imparted to me that have the potential to change my life for the better. My only constraint now is me! Thank you." Durango Intensive, 4/07

David P. Best,Industrialist
San Francisco,California

"After 30 years of being lost to my Inner Child (and being aware of him), I have now found my little inner friend. He's mine and mine alone, and I'll now take very good care of us. I Love me." Durango, CO Intensive, 4/07

Kelly Taylor,Self-Employed
St. George,Utah

Incredible - I didn't believe it would work ahead of the Intensive. But it works once you've faced your pain, control and other issues. I feel so grateful for being there and the wonderful place we were in." Durango, CO, Intensive, 4/07

Marion Decker

"I felt apprehensive on my way to the Intensive which dissapated immediately upon entering the room where the other attendees were smiling, greeting one another and preparing for the day. It is a completely trusting environment. This experience was life changing. Not only the work done one-on-one with Margaret, but the Love, support and input from everyone in the room contributed enormously to my transitioning from a wounded place to a loving, compassionate place. This REALLY works!" Los Angeles Intensive, 3/07

Barbara Hillyard,Wish Granter
Cowan Height,California

"Given the opportunity to share what the 5-Day Intensive meant to me I decided to wait and as a new bonding buddy put it 'give this testimonial the energy it deserves.' I have been home a week, back into my life, and I have found the words to explain what the Intensive experience meant to me. When a person learns to drive, life is never the same. When you first leave home, get married, or have a child your life is never the same. Your perspective is changed forever. That's exactly what the Intensive was for me, life altering. I have practiced the tools of Inner Bonding as things came up this week and it works. I am living in a place of peace and joy that I have never been able to maintain before. The 5-Day Intensive has equipped me with tools and a support network to enjoy the journey called, the rest of my life." Santa Barbara Intensive, 1/07

Sharon Paprocki,Teacher
Green Bay,Wisconsin

"My experience is one of the best in my entire life. I leave today with tools to make the last half of my life the BEST! Thank you! Blessings to you Margaret for not giving up on me and giving me a second, third and fourth chance. My life will be so much better and brighter! Yes, brighter. It's okay to let my light shine." Santa Barbara Intensive, 1/07

Suzanne Morrin Ritter,Coordinator

"It was a powerfully, transformative experience, resulting in a deep sense of connectedness within myself, with my spouse, and my fellow workshop attendees." Santa Barbara Intensive, 1/07

Gary Ritter,BS, RPh DC

My experience of these five days of Inner Bonding was one of the most healing and enlightening times. It was all wrapped up for me in the last day of jumping in and allowing my little child her place in my life. She is now alive, seen and fully appreciated. Thank you, thank you." Santa Barbara Intensive, 1/07

Susanna Barry,Consultant
Santa Monica,California

"If you ask me to list the top 5 most loving things I ever did for myself in my entire life, making a decision to go to the 5-Day Intensive was definitely one of them. I want to do this again!" Santa Barbara Intensive, 1/07

Katherine Bouglai

This was my second Intensive. I'm a 62 year old (fairly "Hot" Grandma) who struggles with alcohol abuse. The past 3 days I have learned "how to", and that I must stand up and speak my truth. I'm quite shy and believed I should be "nice" to my husband and family members. I have been tortured inside by not being honest. I now feel empowered to speak up when things don't feel right. It will be the loving thing to do to my husband who has no idea what he does to contribute to the situation. I'm excited about the possibilities for my future happiness! L.A. Advanced Intensive, 4/07

Mary Campbell,Retired Nurse

"As a hypnotherapist, I have experienced many exploratory journeys. I can honestly say this is the safest space for opening, learning and loving yourself, others and the world around you. I will not be able to see anything in limitation again. Possibilities abound and I am open to them. Namaste."

Pam Miller

"This is my second Intensive and it was wonderful to dig deeper and get clarity on issues that were not resolving. The support of the group allowed my Inner Child to feel safe to heal around these issues. Fabulous!" Santa Barbara Intensive, 1/07

Penny Boyle,Mother/Wife MGP(Making Good People)

"It has been a tremendously inspiring and liberating experience. Inner Bonding is a process of learning how to take loving care of ourselves in each and every moment. It has given me the understanding, insight and tools to enable me to do this in a way I've never before been able to with other therapies. It's given me my life!" Lucerne Valley Intensive, 11/06

Diana Toomey

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Judgments, whether toward yourself or others, often create resistance. Others pick up your judgmental energy even if you don't say anything. Today, notice your judgmental thoughts and replace them with kind, compassionate thoughts.



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03/19/2025 08:00 AM
5-Day Virtual Intensive
Dr. Margaret Paul

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