Intensive Testimonials

Reading about other's experience at Intensives can help you to decide if this is something you want to do. It can also help to allay any fears you might have about attending an Intensive. While most people are nervous when they first come, by the 2nd or 3rd day they are having a wonderful time and wishing it would go on longer!

Click here to add your own personal testimonial about Inner Bonding Intensives.

"The second time around has been extremely valuable, I've had a real experience to know the value of unconditional love, living my truth and that I'm never really alone. I'm so thankful that I listened to Phyllis - my guidance - and came here even though I really didn't know why I was coming. As Colin says "this shit works". As a final note: the second time around is better because I'm better." Lucerne Valley Intensive, CA - May 2002

Linda Joanou,Artist
San Diego,California

"This was 20 years of therapy in 5 days! This is a life changing experience." February 2002 - Lucerne Valley, CA

Cynthia Collins,Skin Care Clinic
Walnut Creek,California

"One of the most beautiful, painful, mystical, fun experiences of my life. Joy beginning to break through the clouds!" February 2002 - Lucerne Valley Intensive, CA

Heather O'Neill

"This has been my third intensive and I'm so full of gratitude. I've healed so much since my last one. I've had so many changes in my life that if someone had told me that this was going to happen, I would have thought they were crazy or mad. Thanks to Inner Bonding,I'm enjoying life more and more and freeing myself gradually of all the blocks, false beliefs and addictions that were deeply instilled in me. Thank you, Margie, thank you God and thanks to myself." February 2002 - Lucerne Valley, CA

Pedro Alvarez,Marketing Consultant and Graphic Designer
011 34 956252451

"I cannot put words to my experience that could possibly express it. Some things must be experienced, lived and felt. The Inner Bonding 5-Day intensive did for me what a year of private therapy didn't. It gave me the tools to truly begin to heal myself and grow. It is such a gift to have finally found a process that works." Lucerne Valley, CA - 7/01 and 2/02

Michele Zeff,Comedian/Muse/Artist
San Diego,California

"My experience of the intensive was life changing. All of the work I had done to this point prepared me for the powerful release and revelation in the Intensive. I felt safe among fellow seeker who held a sacred space for healing. This process of Inner Bonding is so clearly empowering and the practice creates true community. What a gift I gave to myself!" Santa Fe, NM - April 2002

Barbara Buckingham-Hayes,Counselor

"The intensive was a wonderful learning and growing experience. I would recommend it to anyone who is interested in learning more about themselves and their relationships. Margaret is a wonderful and gifted teacher." 2/02 - Lucerne Valley, CA

Lee Ann Lanning,Vice President and CFO
Fort Wayne,Indiana

"Before coming here I was kind of resistant to coming to the Intensive. But after coming here and experiencing the bond with not only myself but with all the other people, it was a wonderful experience. Margie has a way of being very loving and right to the point and you just open up and feel all the pain which leads to an abundance of joy and freedom that I never knew was possible." Couples Intensive, Lucerne Valley, CA - 8/01

John Koprowski,Ironworker

"The couples intensive is the best gift anyone can give to themselves and their spouse." Couples Intensive, Lucerne Valley, CA - 8/01

Danielle Koprowski

"I came here [to the intensive] with no knowledge of Inner Bonding and with the intent to prove it wasn't for me. I walked through the door and into the garden of Eden, and I realized that this isn't the final destiny, but the beginning of a wondrous, awesome, beautiful journey. And I am grateful." Lucerne Valley, CA - 7/01

Tina Graves,Teacher

"I am so thankful for having the opportunity to experience this intensive. I want everyone I love to go and experience it. I've never been exposed to a group that was so supportive, loving and nonjudgmental. No where in the world can you find a more empowering process." Couples Intensive, Lucerne Valley, CA - 8/01

Cindy Marks,Financial
New York,New York

"I experienced a deeper connection with my authentic self, with others and with my Guidance. I learned so many useful pieces of information and tools for the journey, and I experienced immense love and support from each staff member. I am profoundly grateful for this blessed [intensive] experience and I will carry the peace, love and joy into the world." Santa Fe, NM - April 2002

Diane Wagner,RN, Reiki Master

"Intensive is definitely the right word. Very, very helpful. I feel I made progress I would not otherwise have made. Thank you so much for this experience. Margie's instruction and wisdom are great and the others in the group were beautiful souls." Santa Fe, NM - April 2002

Marian Watson,Attorney/Writer

"This is a rare gift which Spirit has brought to us through Margie. She is a model of courage, dedication and compassion. Now, it is up to us to do our work." Santa Fe, NM - April 2002

David E. Watson,Information Technology

"It has been a good way to become more aware of the ways in which we operate out of the wounded self, and how to take better care of oneself and a good way to learn about oneself regarding aspects that would not normally be revealed in society or normal social contacts." Santa Fe, NM - April 2002

Eileen Hutcheson,Flower Essence Practitioner
St. Louis,Missouri

Although it is impossible to actually describe the intensive experience, I will make the following attempt. I experienced true healing of emotional and spiritual wounds, the warmth of an open loving environment, and the grace and love that is God. Prior to the intensive I was a carpenter with no hammer and no diagram. The intensive experience and Inner Bonding have given me the tools with which to build the "dream house" that is my life and access to the plans. Since the intensive I have felt like a caged bird who has been given the freedom to fly. Just as a side note, the accommodations were wonderful. The food was excellent. Lucerne Valley, Royal Way Ranch and the desert were more beautiful than I could have ever imagined. Lucerne Valley, 7/01

Danielle Koprowski,Accountant

"All couples who are looking for an answer, this seems to be the place to go. This has helped where everything before didn't." Couples Intensive, Lucerne Valley, CA - 8/01

Steven Shore,Owner, Retail Business
New York,New York
516/829-4730 ext. 7

"I've known the power of the practice of Inner Bonding for several years. As I've taken this journey I've found the intensive experience to be the safest and most compassionate place I could ever imagine. It is always amazing and joyous to experience deep, transformational work and to watch as others go to a deeper level of healing. I can think of no greater gift that I have ever given myself than to participate in the intensive experience. I found Santa Fe incredible. The retreat center has a wonderful serenity that contributes such a calming energy for this deep work. The closeness of a wonderful and challenging hiking trail up a nearby mountain was one of my favorite things. I often had profound experiences of clarity there." Santa Fe, New Mexico - 4/2001

Patricia Gerrish,Nurse
Hazel Park

"My second intensive here has been a wonderful experience. I noticed I was different from the first intensive by a large degree in that I did not feel the overwhelming need for approval. I feel I was here to work and that's what I did. The space held was extremely safe. Margie, Valerie and Colin really supported each person often through some very difficult work. I could really feel their love for us and the work. The repetition of the Six Steps really helps to start to get it in your body. The issues others worked on often related to my own issues and their work brought up mine to look at. Retreat Centre - loved it - felt comfortable - the views are magnificent, the energy is peaceful and alive - food exquisite." Santa Fe, New Mexico - 4/2001

Nancy Cronyn,Psychotherapist, RN

"This 5-Day Intensive has been the most profound inner experience of my life! It is a very powerful process. And it really works!!! I've learned to be mindful of my feelings, aware of my resistance and compassionate to my inner child, while connecting to my Spiritual Guidance. Inner Bonding changes my life and positively affects the life of my husband and children. I highly recommend it to anyone who is open to learning." Lucerne Valley, CA

Marleen Guffens,Teacher
Hong Kong

"I came not sure of what would happen. I left feeling in my power and how to be in my power." CouplesI ntensive, Lucerne Valley, CA - 8/01

Sean Davidson,Teacher
Huntington Beach,California

"The couples intensive helped illuminate the common dynamics (resist/control, etc.) that we experience in our relationship. I learned from everybody's work (including our own) how I can lovingly learn through conflict." Couples Intensive, Lucerne Valley, CA - 8/01

Sylvia Poareo -,Social Worker
Huntington Beach,California

"I find it hard to put into words, mostly because I cannot put love into words. I know now what it means to be my own best friend. What's more, I have the tools for being that friend. I'm profoundly thankful." Lucerne Valley, CA

Linda Joanou,Artist

"Absolutely mind-shattering. Inner Bonding is an incredibly powerful tool to use on the journey of life. I've had an outwardly successful life, but have felt for a long time that something was missingÖ´hat life was less than full (sometimes totally empty). I came to the Intensive hoping to find some guidance about being more fulfilled in life. What I got was so much more; real, personal connection to Spirit, Energy, the higher force that I had theoretically believed was there, but NEVER had more than a brief, experiential glance." Lucerne Valley, CA

Erik Blum,Technology
San Francisco,California

"Relief. Internal relief. I knew something was missing in my heart and life. A heaviness was weighing me down. I was able to discover why I was feeling aloneness, codependency, addiction and pain. Now I can allow myself to discover and enjoy the real me. The environment & love through an intimate group setting is relaxing and very comforting. My belief in a Higher Power, and guidance from Spirit is a strong rediscovered comfort." Ossining, NY - 7/01

Lisa M. Davis,Interior Designer

"April 3 is the day I was born. July 27, 2001 is the day I began to live! I thank the wonderful people who shared from the heart (throughout this intensive). I started the intensive with tremendous turmoil mixed with an inability to get in touch with my true feelings. I'm leaving these 5 days with a glowing feeling inside. It shines bright from the love I feel for my core essence and from the hope I have for my future based on the "tools" I've been provided. From the bottom of my heart, thank you Margie, Patti, Nancy, Bob and my fellow intensive attendees." Ossining, NY - 7/01

Erika,Marketing Director

"I came to find a process to connect with & develop a spiritual process. I was very impressed with the simplicity and profundity of what we did. The process was not mystified and very accessible. I also found the sharing of other tools and techniques to be very generous ad useful. The tapping energy process was absolutely healing." Ossining, NY - 7/01

Tanya Marquette,Bldg. Proj. Consult./Homeopath
New Paltz

"I found the Intensive to be a focused, safe and intentional space where I was able to work on issues current in my life and receive insight and support and expert coaching in creating new ways of being with myself with Spirit and with others." Couples Intensive, Lucerne Valley, CA - 8/01

Tom Pemberton,Massage Entrepreneur

"The Intensive experience brought home the reality that we are all responsible for our feelings. In a couple, it's so easy to blame and not realize that it's the inner child that's needing attention. I am grateful to have witnessed 5 other couples work on similar issues as my husband and I. So much thanks to Margie, Nancy and Bob. I'm certain we will return!" Couples Intensive, Lucerne Valley, CA - 8/01

Nancy Swisher,Counselor, Writer

"There is no more succinct way for me to describe my experience with Inner Bonding, than to quote from the song, Amazing Grace: 'I was blind, but now I see.'" Lucerne Valley, CA - 11/2000

Rick Fria,Construction Management

"It has been my second intensive. I can not say with words how the whole Inner Bonding process has affected my life. For the first time in my life I'm feeling hopeful. I feel that there is a way out and that it is in my hands. I deeply thank God for bringing me here, for the people, for the space, for the assistants and for Margaret Paul. And I thank my Inner Kid for forgiving me and still loving me. Thank you all." Lucerne Valley, CA - 11/2000

Pedro Alvarez,Marketing Consultant

"I came with the intention of being open to learn and I was highly rewarded. I have new insights into who I am, what I need and, with Margie's help, how to get it all! The group experience added to the effectiveness as we all worked and openly exchanged our thoughts, feelings and experiences. This was a really safe place to explore my demons and realize the beauty of who I really am." COUPLES Intensive - Lucerne Valley, CA - October 2000

Mark Lininger,Financial Services
Los Angeles,California

"These 5 days have been an immersion in exploration and love. An opportunity to integrate a healthy approach to learning to care for ourselves in a spiritual way into our daily lives. Remarkably effective - The benefits of learning from the group - catapult our individual experiences - exciting, inspiring COUPLES Intensive - Lucerne Valley, CA - October 2000

Sharon Lapid,Retired Businesswoman

"The intensive was a wonderful experience for me of loving exploration. One of the most important things I learned about was how I give up my personal power in various ways through pulling, making someone responsible for my own acceptance and love towards myself, and for the healing of my [inner] children's wounds." COUPLES Intensive - Lucerne Valley, CA - October 2000

Catherine Sacre,Program Manager

"Another step in the ladder of growth. It has given me a handle on working with my resistance that has been a pervasive part of my old self. I am truly grateful to you, Kevin and Lindsay for your work." COUPLES Intensive - Lucerne Valley, CA - October 2000

Carl Spetzler,Management Consultant
Portola Valley,CA

"An excellent tool for breaking the pattern and destructiveness of addiction. In a 5-day period, Inner Bonding helped to heal the wounds that my 17+ years of 12-step recovery haven't reached. There is surely more healing to be done, but I am so hopeful. The process is very thorough. It really works. You'll be so grateful to have tried it." Davison, MI - September 2000

Melanie Morris Sawyer,Land Manager

"Amazing, Amazing! I found an unequaled connection to everyone here, and more importantly, to myself. Thank you so much, Margie. Loved the center! Santa Fe, New Mexico - 4/2001

Kacie Stetson,Writer
Santa Monica,California

"Very safe, loving, nurturing and eye-opening. The experience of each and every person somehow hit home. I will treasure this experience always!" Santa Fe, New Mexico - 4/2001

Carol Day,Real Estate Broker
Santa Fe,New Mexico
800/775-5550 x331

"This has been the most profound experience of my life thus far. Love you guys." Davison, MI - September 2000

Bonnie Jean Cucchi,Landscape Desiginer
Key West,Florida

"My experience of the couples intensive was that relationships begin just with my Inner Child and God. It is very difficult to connect with others when my intention is to have that connection fill a void in myself. There is no point thinking about what you are going to say, when you decide to share your feelings with Margie. For some reason the issues or intentions become very clear when you start the Inner Bonding process. I am very thankful for attending as a couple, and it definitely helped my relationship with Pat because I am now conscious of myself, my child and my spirit." Couplesí ‰ntensive, Lucerne Valley, CA - 8/01

Dee Gronlund,Soul Searcher

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Become open hearted and willing to learn and choose to be with those who are also open. When two or more are gathered with a willingness to learn about love, there is the deep joyousness of connection.



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Dr. Margaret Paul

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