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Intensive Testimonials
Reading about other's experience at Intensives can help you to decide if this is something you want to do. It can also help to allay any fears you might have about attending an Intensive. While most people are nervous when they first come, by the 2nd or 3rd day they are having a wonderful time and wishing it would go on longer!
Click here to add your own personal testimonial about Inner Bonding Intensives.
Testimonial |
"In a supportive and loving environment, I was able to explore my thoughts,
behaviors and intentions when in relationship to myself and others. The Inner
Bonding process offers a way to freedom, clarity and joy. If you are ready to
take full responsibility for yourself, open to what is possible for you and
experience an Intensive." Santa Fe Intensive, 5/04
Karen L. McGinn,Logistics Manager San Anselmo,California |
"The intensive was one of the best things I have done for my well being and
personal growth. I wish this method to learn about ourselves and love was in
the schools and churches." Santa Fe Intensive, 5/04
Tom Hillenbrand,Jeweler/Musician 315/655-5936 |
"This intensive was a major gift and turning point in my life. Watching
Margaret Paul was so confirming, affirming and such a tremendous role model for
pure consistent, unconditional love without a shade of judgment." Santa Fe Intensive, 5/04
Patricia Bruno,Businesswoman Austin,Texas 512/507-7304 |
A transformational experience, beyond any previous therapy. Each intensive that I attend allows me to move closer to achieving my full potential. Inner Bonding is the key to successful relationship. I deeply appreciate the opportunity to participate in this safe, loving, learning experience. Margie is a dedicated teacher, with a wonderful gift to share. 2003 Enid Kessler,Interfaith Minister/Addiction Counselor New York, NY, USA |
Spending 5 days in this loving [intensive] environment is a freeing and joyful experience. It brings me such a sense of what life on the planet can be, and teaches me how to live my journey in a way that lets the light in - Inner Bonding is a process to practice with intention, and thereby I have found joy. 2003 Rick Fria,Construction Management Snoqualmie, WA |
This [intensive] was probably the safest I have felt since birth! Margaret Paul created a nurturing container of pure love and curiosity which allowed me to face and address an issue I have hidden from for 50+ years. I came hoping for a breakthrough experience and I found it.
Marti Neal,Therapist Salem,Indiana 502/641-5805 |
I feel that Margie is an enlightened person. She has an intensity that stimulates all levels of communication within my being. I'm a better person for my work with Margie [at the intensive] and I look forward to continuing my growth.
Michael Narutowicz,Entrepreneur Baltimore,Maryland |
Before the intensive I was feeling hopeless and cynical about trying one more thing. After the first day, this workshop had changed my life permanently. What I had thought was a lot of money to spend on a five-day intensive I now will pay willingly and gratefully again and again as I continue to bring Inner Bonding into my life.
Karen Kral,Graduate Student, Counseling Santa Fe,New Mexico 505-466-2999 |
After having completed my second Intensive, I am filled with inner peace and joy. This feeling comes from having found my spirit! With my spirit as my guide I am never alone. I am very excited about the work that I have done and look forward to integrating the Inner Bonding process into my life and work. Thank you Margie!
Joanne Blayman,Registered Nurse Chapel Hill,North Carolina 919/602-6472 |
My experience with Inner Bonding [the intensive] was that the six step process took me much deeper into my psyche than I expected or have experienced with other psychotherapist's methods. I recognized how deceptively controlling I am of myself and others to ensure my needs and responsibilities are handed over to my wife and others. I will now be learning to take responsibility for my needs and begin to give much needed love and attention to my inner child.
James Schmidt,Retired Aerospace Engineer Albuquerque,New Mexico 505/831-8996 |
Even though I had just completed a two year Master's degree in Counseling Psychology, I learned so much more about loving myself during the intensive. The experience has substantially changed my life and I now have a very practical tool to use in transforming my fears and worries into compassion and love. I highly recommend the experience - my wife and I are incredibly grateful!
Mark Lersch,Intern - Counseling Santa Fe,New Mexico 505-455-2999 |
If you consider five days of your life, there is no better way to get to know yourself and walk away with a process for continued positive growth. I loved being here learning from Margie and all the participants. The bonding that occurred was both inner and with everyone with whom I shared this time. Michael Solomon,Entrepreneurial Advisor Ross,California |
The Intensive provides a safe environment to create a healthy dialogue between your healthy adult and inner child. The workshop participants provide a wonderful mirror of our own issues and experiences. The Inner bonding process gives you an opportunity to tune into your spiritual connection and learn what is in your highest good.
Wayne Minor,Sales Ft. Lauderdale,Florida 954/439-4632 |
I came to this intensive program somewhat reluctantly as my wife wanted to attend. I leave, five days later, with an intense sense of gratitude that I attended and a feeling of being greatly privileged as I and others in the group spoke our truth and discussed our issues. The feeling of safety and encouragement and Margaret's insights made a great deal of
progress possible. Many times I felt a chill as comments and suggestions made by Margaret hit home and were understood at the gut level by the participant. I would encourage all human beings who want to grow emotionally and spiritually to attend this program. Shazad Carpenter,CPA and Therapist San Jose,California 408-666-6791 |
Intensive #2. Now I really 'get' how to use the 6 steps and know that by constantly and consistently practicing them that I will release the fear and anger that has been blocking me from the sunshine of spirit.
David Rhodes,Business Owner - Realtor - Psychologist Chapel Hill,North Carolina 919/624-3540 |
The [couples] workshop offered an excellent opportunity to learn by examples what it means to listen to your inner child, to open to spiritual guidance, and to practice the entire sequence of the Inner Bonding process. Observing (and sometimes participating) in other people's explorations offered both an opportunity to see the Inner Bonding process in action, but also an opportunity to see an issue one has being dealt with by another person who has the same issue. Doing one's work with Margie as a coach is very effective.
Dorothy McKinney,Engineer San Jose,California |
I came to the intensive with an overwhelming sadness and anger, but I did not know the cause, or essence of it. I trusted Margie and her assistants (Patti and Colin) to know how to unleash these feelings. By trusting, and having a willingness to learn about myself - I have broken down the walls that protected the pain I was holding onto. I no longer want to focus on these negatives, I want to use the knowledge for loving myself and others. Laurie Dalton,Property Master/ TV and Film Los Angeles,California 323/662-9833 |
The Ossining Intensive was powerful and incredibly healing. Michael and Nancy made a truly safe - and sacred - place for us in this lovely old farmhouse. They helped us explore the defenses we had created against extremely painful memories, losses and fears from childhood, all with the intent to know and love ourselves more deeply. They are so grounded in this wonderful Innerbonding process -- and it works! Nancy brings her strength and Mother Earth presence and Michael his persistent, gentle spiritual connection: a dynamite combination! The meditations, dancing, hilarious story-making, inner child's play like blowing bubbles, and Notessence collages of our core selves all helped create community and gave us a way to integrate this profound experience. We were empowered and transformed. And we laughed as much as we cried. This was my third intensive
and filled with gratitude for the way my life has changed over 15 months.
Thank you Nancy and Michael for the gift of seeing ourselves through the eyes of grace. Thank you for the privilege of being with other beautiful souls and sharing a part of their journey.
Namaste. Susan Settle,Psychotherapist Amherst area,Massachusetts settlexpress |
When David and I set out for this couples workshop, we were both filled with anger and blame towards the other person. I decided before I started to get rid of that feeling and try to find my peace of mind. I found that and so much more. I discovered that I had a wounded, abandoned child that I had not been taking care of. Once I opened up and became a loving adult taking care of my inner child, I felt more alive. The workshop gave me the tools (the six steps) to connect with my inner spirit and take care of myself. Once I become the loving adult, I can be part of a wonderful relationship.
Joanne Blayman,Registered Nurse Chapel Hill,North Carolina 919-602-6472 |
When we came to our first intensive we were both emotionally drained and ready to walk away from the relationship. Months and months of anger, blaming, shaming, attacking, and withdrawing had taken their toll. We reached our turning point the first day when we both realized the simple truth - through the six steps of the Inner Bonding process - that the real issues were not with the other person, but within our individual selves. Almost miraculously, this simple (simple, not easy!) process not only allowed us to see the real source of our pain, but gave us concrete, incredibly effective tools to change the pain into joy. As a result, we have now reached the deepest most loving space ever in our relationship. Our love is solid and now we have the tools and process to keep it alive.
David Rhodes,Business owner, psychologist, realtor-broker Chapel Hill,North Carolina 919-624-3540 |
I took an Inner Bonding workshop two years ago. I wasn't ready to do the 6 Steps at that time - at least not on a regular basis. The Intensive has given me numerous opportunities to put into practice the 6 Step process and it worked every time. Having several opportunities to work in front of the group with Margie was like 6 months of therapy. Listening to the other members of the group allowed me to grow in ways I didn't expect. I am committed to the Inner Bonding process and I know it will continue to transform my life. Art Ross,Shopping Center Developer Simi Valley,California 805/258-1363 |
The Ossining, New York, Intensive in June 2003 was an extremely safe, fantastically fun and deeply healing experience! It is evident that Nancy Weston and Michael Barmack have done huge amounts of personal healing using the Inner Bonding Process. They each have tremendous respect for individual process and allow participants to chart their own course of
healing utilizing the tools of Inner Bonding. I highly recommend an intensive to anyone who is interested in deep exploration of themselves. It was truly a gift to be a participant at the first Innerbonding intensive hosted by trained facilitators Nancy Weston, Michael Barmack and facilitator in training, Nancy Swisher. Kate Reardon,M.S.W., LCSW Massachusetts |
It has been one week since our intensive came to a close, and I find myself quietly reflecting in gratitude for the experience. And yet, the first phrase that comes to mind to describe it is MIND BLOWING (although mind expanding would probably be a more apt term!). The Inner Bonding system is an amazingly inclusive approach to healing, bridging the gap between psychological and spiritual truth in a wonderfully integrative way, illuminating no gap ultimately exists. For me, this has worked almost magically, helping to connect different parts of myself which I've spent years fearfully defending. And on a deep, intrinsic level, this has created a more authentic, intimate experience of Self -- interpersonally and intrapersonally. I still have a long way to go, but somehow, I've walked away from our time together with a somatic knowing that I'm more than up for the ride -- it is indeed, as Margie describes, a sacred privilege. I met two of my spiritual guides for the first time on this journey, and luckily for me, they both agreed to come back with me to New York! Mike Moran,Creative Arts Therapy Student, Songwriter New York,New York 212-807-8853 |
This was my 2nd Intensive and it was a wonderful learning experience. I really enjoyed the safe community in which to learn.
Veronica Narutowicz,Registered Nurse Baltimore,Maryland 410/321-4716 |
This is my 4th [couples] intensive and I am very excited to say the amount of personal and spiritual growth I have experienced is amazing. There is no way you could experience this process and not feel a shift in your life or your core being.
Cindy Shore,Mom to be New York,New York 212-452-3285 |
Wonderful! Don't talk yourself out of it [the couples intensive]. When you change, everything around you changes. This will change you. Steven Shore,Retail New York,New York 212-472-7391 |
My (what I thought was a good) marriage of 27 years had just ended, my AA sponsor of 21 years had just died and the grief was so overwhelming I was not able to do my job so I quit work when a leave of absence was denied. Life as I had known it was over. I was scared, overwhelmed, stressed to the max, feeling alone and abandoned and worthless and inadequate and just wanted to be dead. The divorce will have been final 2 months by the time I return home from this Intensive and I know now that I can face what lies ahead without feeling victimized and violated if I'll utilize the tools I have gained at the Intensive. I will actually be able to self actualize and be authentic "in the real world". I can give up expecting others to take care of me and I can give up attempting to control what others say, think and do. I am grateful for this life changing event Julie Hammer,R.N. San Angelo,Texas 325/653-3252 |
I am so very grateful of the love and safety and skill and support here (and amazing honest openness of sharing of everyone). I learned so much about myself with this work and Margie, and I learned so much from each of the other couples [at this couples intensive]. The Inner Bonding process is a gift from Spirit that I wish every person could experience. I arrived disconnected from my inner self, with limited awareness of how my past impacts my feelings today. After five days I gained so many valuable insights that allow me to truly express myself. This gave me the tools to change the way I behave in my relationship in the future.
Randi Burnham,Nurse Practitioner DePere,Wisconsin 920-399-0867 |
This intensive created a space safe enough for me to open to an issue I've buried for a very long time. Margie - you are brilliant, a true Master at what you do. It was a privilege to work with you and I look forward to working with you again. Your ability to cut through to the core with strength and compassion makes you amazing. Connecting with this group to the level we did was also amazing. Thank you for sharing your passion and your gift of sight.
P.S. Thanks for really seeing me at all levels!!!
Merry Oislander,Teacher Deer Park,New York 631/242-5547 |
This was my 2nd Intensive and even better than the 1st (difficult to imagine). The Intensive feels like I'm catapulted into a new level of understanding that would have taken years by conventional therapy. It truly feels like years of therapy are done in 5 days in the most loving environment one could possibly imagine. Deb Klugger,Home Building/Real Estate Broker Ocala,Florida 352/620-3510 |
The couples intensive has been instrumental in opening my eyes to the way I've been in my relationship with Cynthia. More importantly, it has opened by eyes to how I can be, and has created hope that we can create a loving supportive relationship for the two of us together. Mark Moore,Entrepreneur Walnut Creek,California 408-489-4272 |
I have been to many intensives. There were all very different and I got so much from each one. I really believe that the couples work/intensive saved our relationship. We have also gone to a few on our own. Do yourself a favor...and go!
Cynthia Collins,Owner, Anti-Aging Clinic Walnut Creek,California 925-984-1014 |
In the first 5 minutes of work we did in the intensive, we moved further than we did in an entire year of couples therapy. The environment was wonderfully loving, supportive and non-judgmental. At the same time, it was a highly effective environment in which to learn and grow. I came into the intensive open and ready to grow. I got more than I bargained for! My husband came into the intensive skeptical. He left his skepticism behind long before the end of the first day. This was a tremendously valuable experience for me as in individual, for us as a couple, and for us as parents. In addition to the Inner Bonding process - which I consider a valuable tool, I came away seeing clearly the dynamics of my relationship with my husband which does produce good results, and more importantly, what I can do to create more loving, fulfilling relationships in my life. -- Couples Intensive, Santa Fe, NM, 2002 Norma Meyers,Non-Profit Executive Los Angeles,California |
"This has been an incredible experience. It has changed the way I look at life and myself. I healed a lot of old wounds, and made a lot of new friends. After spending 5 days at the intensive, I am excited to get back to my real life, and live with a greater appreciation for myself and others."
Veronica Narutowicz,R.N. Baltimore,Maryland |
"After 30 years of personal growth work, my experience in the Intensive gave me the tools to embrace myself and live my life more fully. At 56, it's time for me to know joy without reservation. I had such a need for the simple basics of how to love myself. I know this practice of inner Bonding will allow me to be myself, and reclaim my personal power and creativity. Just knowing how to navigate when my wounded self is triggered will be an exciting practice. The context of the Intensive is safe and transformative; a place to be reborn."
Puja Dhyan,Minister Pagosa Springs,Colorado 970/264-6876 |
An Inner Bonding Intensive is like being handed a recipe for the most healing dish you can imagine and then showing you how you by yourself can cook it, and then eat it, and share it with others, and bring health to your whole system of being on this planet. Basically, it shows you how to take really good care of yourself."
Beth Fairservis,Artist Williamsburg,Maine 413/268-3588 |
"The 5-Day Intensive was the most loving and fulfilling experience I have ever given myself. No one should ever hesitate to take advantage of such a precious and life enhancing adventure." Lucerne Valley, CA - May 2002 Carol Docouto,Sales Ontario 905/887-0528 |
"Inner Bonding is not something you can think your way through. It absolutely gives you the tools necessary to re-program the thinking into feelings and when you're really truly open you will see and find the truth! There is no joy or real love without this process. I am so grateful for Inner Bonding! -- Lucerne Valley Intensive, CA - May 2002 Linda Selvage -,Artist Ojai,California (805) 640-3615 |
"I have been on the healing path for a long time and found that this intensive gave me some of the most profound support I have ever received. I found the strength to look at and feel some extremely difficult issues. I am a survivor of childhood trauma and feel that my body and heart had the chance and safety to open and own what happened to me and to consider that healing is really possible. Thank you so much. I am flooded with gratitude." Lucerne Valley, CA - May 2002 Rose Oceania,Performance Artist, Teacher, Writer Northampton,Massachusetts 413/587-9454 |
"The Inner Bonding workshop teaches a powerful process to connect with long forgotten parts of my inner self. Better yet, it shows how to apply this in the real world. I can't wait to start!" Lucerne Valley, CA - May 2002 Mark Moore -,Dir. Engineering Palo Alto,California 408/489-4272 |
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