Intensive Testimonials

Reading about other's experience at Intensives can help you to decide if this is something you want to do. It can also help to allay any fears you might have about attending an Intensive. While most people are nervous when they first come, by the 2nd or 3rd day they are having a wonderful time and wishing it would go on longer!

Click here to add your own personal testimonial about Inner Bonding Intensives.

"Always helpful, consistently supportive of transition. With each Intensive that I experience I become more aware of my thoughts that interfere with my own fulfillment. Margaret is a true mirror of truth and her honesty has been a true gift in my life."

Enid Kessler,Minister
Great Neck,New York

"Each Intensive I do unpeels more layers and takes me deeper inside. I am so grateful to Margaret and the other participants who help to unfold this process, and I come away from this Intensive with great appreciation for my commitment to Inner Bonding and to my wholeness. Many thanks for another wonderful loving experience." NY Advanced Intensive, 5/05

Merry Oislander,Teacher
Deer Park,New York

"It was my third Intensive and another great experience. It's amazing to me how at each time I discover new issues and I work on them. It's also a great spiritual experience of communion with other people. Learning from other people's work is very valuable for me too." Santa, Fe, NM, 4/05

Kashia Coulouvrat,Physician

"An Amazing experience!!! Sharing we experienced with other participants was so rich and insightful. I learned so much from sitting through other people's process. We all share the same core issues in different settings. I felt oneness so intensely during the intensive. The opportunity to get connected to my core essence, true beauty, my own power, and being in touch with my inner child was so powerful and potent. What's great thing about Inner Bonding is I can get in touch with them anywhere, anytime!! We formed such a special family. I know I can count on other participants for their availability to share and support." Santa Fe, NM Intensive, 4/05

Yuko Hashimoto

"This helped me to understand the principles of Inner Bonding in a very powerful, experiential way. I feel that this is the most concrete, accessible process that I have found to date to connect with both myself and my Spiritual Guidance, and I highly recommend the Intensive to anyone seeking their growth and their joy." Santa Fe, NM Intensive, 4/05

Dr. Ilene Krems,Psychotherapist
Culver City,California

"I've done a lot of work on me in the last 8 months. But for the first time I really get the process. I'm very thankful that I had the courage to come, because I really believe my life will change from the process of Inner Bonding. You made the process feel easy and real. Thank you.from Tonya Gachett and the little 12 year old girl in me." Santa Fe, NM Intensive, 4/05

Tonya Renee Gachett,Loan Consultant

"After having read two of Margaret's books and worked half way through her "Healing your Aloneness Workbook", I got stuck. I was so desperate that I eventually decided to travel half way around the world out of Germany to attend a 5 days Intensive. But then I experienced the very best of all the previous 44 years of my life. I found the key to healing which I had been searching for such a long time! I would like to encourage all persons in Germany who have considered attending an Intensive to do so, though I consider English knowledge at conversational level necessary." L.A. Intensive, 2/05

Dirk Luebbers,Translator
+49 40 43277775

"I knew self-love was my core issue. For the last 30 years I have been searching the psychological and spiritual scene for the tools. The progress has been slow. The Inner Bonding Intensive helped me make a great leap and has given me tools I need to make rapid progress. For the first time in my life I feel at home with myself. Inner Bonding is a profound healing modality." L.A. Intensive, 2/05

James Molloy,Field Service Engineer
Escazu, Costa Rica

The Inner Bonding Intensive and Dr. Margaret Paul's wisdom, attention, and love brought out things that would have taken years to uncover in traditional therapy. I am more present, in the intention to learn, and have forged a stronger connection to my higher guidance - all in 5 days! I now more readily acknowledge the many deeply painful feelings that I formerly ignored. I also recognize the varied addictive behaviors I employ to avoid those uncomfortable feelings. Ive uncovered a slew of false beliefs that were causing me grief. Importantly, I've learned that I need to acknowledge my essence (innate talents and gifts) and to insure that I make time for the things I love in my busy life. Best of all, I now have the tools to heal and comfort myself and I own the fact that only I must learn to give myself the attention, approval, acknowledgment, and love that I need. Besides all that....the other participants were kind, supportive, and loving, the retreat compound was breathtakingly beautiful, and the food was delicious, healthy, and plentiful! Hiking in the desert hills, soaking in a hot tub with a view of the mountains, viewing a full sky of constellations (for the first time in many years) were also a special part of my Inner Bonding Intensive journey in Lucerne, CA. I highly recommend the Intensive to anyone seeking a deeper sense of self love and appreciation along with a solid connection to one's spiritual guidance. I will never forget this experience! L.A. Intensive, 2/05

J.W.,Design Business Owner
New York,New York

"What a gift I received. Margaret's wisdom and compassion offered each of us a safe haven to explore our inner depths, to embrace the feelings which had held us hostage for so long, and to open to a new path of light - to reconnect with our own TRUE essence. What a journey I had, what wonderful tools I left with, what wonderful people I've connected to. Attending and participating in this intensive for me was like taking an express train from: fear to strength; ignorance to wisdom; lethargy to action; darkness to light; passenger to engineer." L.A. Intensive, 2/05

Pat Heubner,Retail Management
Long Island,New York

"No other experience has gotten me closer to healing my core shame and realizing the manipulative power of my wounded self. As an MFT intern on track to be a licensed therapist, I highly recommend Inner Bonding, particularly the Intensive to anyone involved in the counseling profession. Inner Bonding is by far the most profound and effective healing modality I have experienced." L.A. Intensive, 2/05

Jeff Frymer,MFT Intern
Los Angeles,California

"The Intensive is such a safe environment for deep healing to happen - by deep healing I mean to really get that you are not your wounded self. Even if you've practiced Inner Bonding for a long time, there are always more layers of healing to do. And it's a wonderful journey!" L.A. Intensive, 2/05

Nancy Swisher,Inner Bonding Facilitator/Writer

"I had a wonderful time at the Inner Bonding Intensive. This work is deeper than anything else I've done and during the Intensive you really get tools that you can use at home to maintain the connection that you've created." L.A. Intensive, 2/05

Juliette Gelbard

I met Margaret about 24 years ago. I participated in her "Women's Group" in the early '80's and learned from that experience that she was the most gifted, talented, insightful and intuitive teacher I'd ever met. I found her, after all of these years, and went to her 5-day Intensive in Montecito, California last November. She radiated more than I'd remembered and her gifts and nurturing ability have grown a thousand-fold since I'd last seen her. The Intensive changed my life and the way I love myself, my children, my husband and the way I understand friends. Traditional therapy dims in comparison to the learning and growth that is accomplished in an Intensive. The wonderful people who came from all over the world, literally, shared their lives and their hearts. Each day the room was filled with acceptance, understanding, encouragement and growth. I am so grateful to have found Margaret after all of these years. Innerbonding works. 11/04

Barbara Hillyard,Family Mediator, retired
Orange County, CA
(714) 505-4711

"It was very powerful, very deep, and I have no doubt it will have lasting transformational effects. I felt safe and supported throughout. I really loved the emphasis on the spiritual - the missing link in so many therapies - and how mind, body and spirit are equally honored. Plus, it was fun! L.A. Intensive, 2/05

Dery Dyer,Journalist
San Jose

"Coming from Spain to this incredible healing experience is worth every inch of this half of the world travel." L.A. Intensive, 2/05

Pedro Alvarez,Graphic Designer

"I came to the Intensive with no sense of how to get to my inner voice. That my child was wounded was apparent in everyday life - interactions with my wife, family, friends, all were reflecting a desire to have my little boy taken care of - and of my desire to take care of everyone else. But nothing of me. After the Intensive I finally have access to the tools. I've found my voice and I intend to keep my child safe and secure." L.A. Intensive, 2/05

Ray Barber,Technology Consultant
Los Angeles,California
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"I believe the experience of the Intensive was life altering. For the first time, after many years of searching through countless therapies, I have discovered the gift of giving up control. Through Inner Bonding I will focus on being a loving adult to my wounded inner child. I'll let my higher self guide me and I will not hand her to others to fill me." Santa Barbara Intensive, 11/04

Marcy Bloomstein,Real Estate Broker
New York,New York

"It was my third Intensive and a fabulous experience again. Each group is different & the energy of this group was great, Margaret told me that it was because I was at a very different place compared to my first intensive - And it feels great, happy & true. I will encourage everybody to come to the Intensive, I've met wonderful people who I hope I'll see again." Santa Barbara Intensive, 11/04

Kashia Coulouvrat,Physician

"Came desperate, left happy." Santa Barbara Intensive, 11/04

Monte D. Umphress,Letter Carrier
El Cajon,California

The Intensive showed me that the love I was longing to find was always abundantly available inside myself as soon as I opened to the Inner Bonding process. When I align my Inner Child with my Compassionate Adult and listen to my Spirit Guide then my mind becomes clear and my heart overflows with an abundance of loving Energy - Thanks, Margaret" Santa Barbara Intensive, 11/04

Sue Ellen Cheairs
Santa Barbara,California

"I started very scared, very depressed, very skeptical and ended with answers I needed to heal myself from the misery I was going through. The words scared me (Spiritual, Guidance, among others) but after participating I got the tools I needed to begin in my healing."Santa Barbara Intensive, 11/04

Lalia Baisley,Jeweler

"Before Inner Bonding came into my life I was a loner and an atheist. Since it has, I'm still a loner. But now a happy loner because I experience the continuing joy of internal connection among spirit guidance, loving adult and inner child. The solidity and reliability of this most fruitful relationship depends, however, on meeting the challenge day by day, hour by hour, of making sure that the decision maker, the loving adult is indeed fully loving. Happily, this challenge becomes easier and easier to address as the days go by - Life in joy can become habitual." Santa Fe Intensive, 10/04

Noel Sorrell,Consultant
Albuquerque,New Mexico

"This 3-Day Intensive was awesomely powerful. I identified with each and every person's work. Their learning was my learning and I'm sure that this opportunity truly gives me the opportunity to reframe my life to allow me to move forward with my soul's journey." Advanced Intensive, Amherst, MA, 10/04

Enid Kessler,Interfaith Minister
Great Neck,New York

"This was a phenomenal experience! I really got things in a much deeper level - integrated them. I am genuinely excited about strengthening my practice (personal & professional) and continuing to grow more and more present to myself. And I love the fabulous people in Inner Bonding! What a joy!" Advanced Intensive, Amherst, MA, 10/04

Susan Settle,Inner Bonding Facilitator

"This 'intensive' experience has been the most significant experience of personal growth for me in 25 years. I am deeply moved by the love and support of the entire group. Margaret Paul is a living example of the work she has created and facilitates." Santa Fe Intensive, 10/04

Dianna Hazelton,Mother, Artist

"In three days, I've identified deeper levels of ways I control and what I need to do to release my false beliefs to Spirit. From Day One, our group was a connected and supportive team. Everybody came open and wanting to learn how to be more loving, and left in a more compassionate place for themselves." Advanced Intensive, Amherst, MA, 10/04

Michael Barmak,Inner Bonding Facilitator
New York,New York

"Phenomenal life changing experience. Margaret Paul is a woman with deep integrity and spiritual connection. There is no other spiritual healing process like it on the planet. Just take the loving action, the leap of faith to come and participate in this transformational experience!" Advanced Intensive, Amherst, MA, 10/04

Kate Reardon,Licensed Clinical Social Worker

"Being able to witness other people totally changing their lives for the good, is truly a remarkable experience." Intensive, Santa Fe, NM, 10/04

Larry Jay Sommers,Finance
Las Vegas,Nevada

"The intensive is a safe and wonderful way to go deep into woundedness, to process and heal and to connect with spirit." Advanced Intensive, Amherst, MA, 10/04

C. Michael Stowers,Ceramic Artist

"Another incredible learning experience. I am so grateful to Inner Bonding & to you Margaret for the incredible changes occurring in my life. My committment to wholeness get stronger & stronger with each Intensive. Thanks so much." Advanced Intensive, Amherst, MA, 10/04

Merry Oislander,Teacher
Deer Park,New York

"I am filled with gratitude for my new awareness. There is only one need and that is love. Love starts with acceptance. Acceptance comes from Spirit. All I need do is remain open to Spirit. I stand in awe of the power of learning which comes from 12 open students and one gifted and guided teacher." Advanced Intensive, Amherst, MA, 10/04

Stuart Paris,Consultant
Great Neck,New York

"Please try this before giving up, I've seen it save couples that thought all was lost. Sometimes the issues are not what you think. You owe it to your relationship to try this." Couples Intensive, Santa Fe, 8/04

Steve Shore,Business Owner
New York,New York

"Before you book your next vacation or purchase that luxury item - invest in going to an Inner Bonding Intensive. It's life changing at its best!" Couples Intensive, Santa Fe, 8/04

Cindy Shore,Happy Mom
New York,New York

"The best thing I've ever done for myself. It has evolved my soul. Truly miraculous!" Couples Intensive, Santa Fe, 8/04

Cynthia Collins,Skin Care Clinic Owner
Walnut Creek,California

"Both Judy and I rediscovered our abandoned Inner Children while we were participating at the Inner Bonding Intensive in Santa Fe. The added bonus was finding our power again. This has been an amazing process both individually and as a couple. Margaret Paul has been miraculous as the leader and co-founder of the Inner Bonding process. This process has allowed me to realize that I can be in a relationship without losing myself." Couples Intensive, Santa Fe, 8/04

Art Ross,Real Estate Broker/Shopping Center Developer
Westlake Village,California

"Finally, after years of having relationships end the same way with the same problem (intense fighting and thinking the other person is the problem) and ending up alone, I finally was able to see myself and how I was contributing to the problem or how my way or being was activating or contributing to the result of separation. I see that I was addicted to anger, and I was looking outside of myself to validate who I am. I know and will take the time to love and take care of myself, and that anger is my addiction and not the solution." Couples Intensive, Santa Fe, 8/04

Michelle Ota,Mortgage Broker
Del Air,California

"I have enjoyed attending Intensives in the past on my own - attending with my partner was an even more rewarding experience since I was able to observe our system and my role in it. As well, we now have a shared experience and vocabulary to work through our challenges together." Couples Intensive, Santa Fe, 8/04

Liz Radzick,Management Consultant

"[The Intensive] is a personal experience and group process where you can be in touch with yourself and others in a powerfully healing way. I loved every minute of it and can't wait to do it again! I learned so much from witnessing others, as well as doing my own work. It's a good way to access your feelings and the messages they are giving you, and find the support and guidance you need in the moment, at any moment." Santa Fe Intensive, 5/04.

Naomi Roen
So. Burlington,Vermont

"In a supportive and loving environment, I was able to explore my thoughts, behaviors and intentions when in relationship to myself and others. The Inner Bonding process offers a way to freedom, clarity and joy. If you are ready to take full responsibility for yourself, open to what is possible for you and experience an Intensive." Santa Fe Intensive, 5/04

Karen L. McGinn,Logistics Manager
San Anselmo,California

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Become open hearted and willing to learn and choose to be with those who are also open. When two or more are gathered with a willingness to learn about love, there is the deep joyousness of connection.



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03/19/2025 08:00 AM
5-Day Virtual Intensive
Dr. Margaret Paul

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