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From the Foreword of Diet for Divine Connection: "While I’ve found Dr. Paul’s work to be immensely valuable, both in my own life and in the lives of my clients over the years, the aspect of transformation she brings into focus in Diet for Divine Connection fills a gap in our culture’s understanding that’s truly groundbreaking....The message in this book is essential and timely.  Sadly, one out of four women in North America is on antidepressants. This staggering epidemic of unhappiness is due in great part to these two things—our diet, and our disconnection from our divine source. The way in which Margaret connects these two fields offers a quantum breakthrough in our understanding....

"If ever I start to feel disconnected from my own self-love, my divine connection, I turn to either Margaret’s work or Margaret herself. She has proven herself to be a trusted guide over the decades. In this book, she will clearly show you how to use food to strengthen your own divine connection in a profound way.  It is with great joy that I invite you to turn these pages and take in her wisdom and guidance for yourself."

Marci Shimoff, #1 NY Times bestselling author of Happy For No Reason and Love For No Reason

Endorsement for Diet for Divine Connection: “I have loved Margaret Paul’s teachings for over 20 years. She has always been ahead of her time and continues to be a renegade leading thinker and teacher in in the psycho-emotional and spiritual realm with this new book. Margaret deftly combines profound and integrated teachings for our modern times with certainty, experience and great clarity…all the while living what she teaches.

"Her holistic way of looking at wellbeing is inspirational, leading edge, and a great gift to anyone wanting support emotionally, physically, spiritually and mentally.

“This new book finds her evolving and integrating even more of her learned and hard-won wisdom by including even more aspects of our humanness…our bodies, our food choices and our minds and brains, all the while continuing to point us home to our true and most sacred selves.

“I am so happy Margaret Paul is on this earth.”

Alanis Morissette, singer, songwriter, teacher and visionary

Endorsement for Diet for Divine Connection: "Profound and practical insights for integrating the psychology of healing our hearts with the foods we eat to expand our consciousness and strengthen our divine connection with spirit."

John Gray, PhD,best-selling author of Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus

“Diet For Divine Connection is a wise, comprehensive, integral guide to good health on all levels. In it, the masterful Margaret Paul offers us an in-depth and accessible roadmap to learn how to love ourselves through aligning our thoughts, actions and food choices with great wisdom and love. A magically transformative book for all serious seekers of health, healing and wholeness. I highly recommend it!”

Katherine Woodward Thomas, New York Times Bestselling Author of Calling in The One and Conscious Uncoupling

Endorsement for Diet for Divine Connection: “Dr. Margaret Paul spent years uncovering the ways we can connect with our guidance, and how that is related to the many different kinds of nourishment (both physical and emotional) we give our bodies. In Diet For Divine Connection, you will discover how to heal resistance to physical and emotional self-care, and how to loving act on your own behalf in any moment. Margaret Paul is connected with her own internal GPS, teaches us how to do the same, and in the process, so much healing takes place. We’re fortunate to have her as our guide.”

Geneen Roth, author of This Messy Magnificent Life and the #1 New York Times bestselling book Women Food and God

Margaret Paul has synthesized a remarkable amount of research sharing a wealth of insights of what and how we eat and think are connected to our physical, mental, emotional states as well as our spiritual consciousness and ability to evolve. She brilliantly shares with us how we can raise our frequency, giving us deeper access to our ability to connect with the divine.

After absorbing life-changing information, readers are masterfully led into Margaret Paul’s powerful Inner Bonding work. Through experiential exercises and case studies readers are taught life-changing skills to heal what is disconnecting them from their divine self.

“Diet for Divine Connection is truly remarkable, filled with so many resources. I will use this book as a guide to read again and again. This book is a true gift to anyone who reads it and speaks so well to how to navigate the times we are living in.”

Sandra Ingerman, MA,author 12 books including Soul Retrieval and Walking in Light

“In her magnificent new work, Diet for Divine Connection, Dr. Margaret Paul has given us deep and immediate access to the unshakable foundations of inner security, vitality and a high-frequency consciousness. Only with these foundations can we experience the happiness and authentic success we desire and deserve in our lives. She shares not only from her vast expertise and decades of work, research and practice, but from the source of wisdom itself, which can only be accessed by someone who has embodied and lived all she offers to others---her book is a rare and potent transmission that will heal, integrate and ignite your mind, body, heart and soul into wholeness.”

Claire Zammit, Ph.D. Founder,,Founder,

“This wonderful book [Diet for Divine Connection] will help you align your mind-body-spirit to create a healthy, vibrant, life-affirming diet.

“Food is medicine. Food is spirit. Dr. Margaret Paul is a skilled, empathic teacher and beautiful human being. In this book, she lovingly shows you how to access your divine guidance, and how listening to your divine guidance will support you to choose the right foods for your body and restore your wholeness and well-being.” Judith Orloff MD, author of The Empath’s Survival Guide

Judith Orloff MD author of The Empath’s Survival Guide,author of The Empath’s Survival Guide

Diet for Divine Connection may be the most useful and healing book about diet and nutrition I've ever read. Margaret Paul explains that the only truly effective diet is one that springs from your own inner guidance and intuition. In clear and simple terms, Dr. Paul teaches you exactly how to use your intuition to create both a food and a thought diet that heals and enlivens your entire being. No matter your age, health or dietary challenges, Diet for Divine Connection can save you years of struggle. Best of all, because it's truly a soul-based path to physical and emotional health, you'll discover life-changing new inner reservoirs of energy, peace, and precious clarity. If you care about your health and well-being, don't miss this treasure of a book.”

Ken Page, LCSW,,Author, Deeper Dating: How to Drop the Games of Seduction and Discover the Power of Intimacy

“If you’re ready to discover the root causes of disconnection from self, others and Divine guidance, then Diet For Divine Connection is a must read groundbreaking book. For anyone desiring mind, body, spirit healing, Dr. Paul clearly describes the connection between the foods you eat and the thoughts you think, with your ability to connect with your Divine guidance – your inner GPS - and she offers a pathway to healing through her six-step Inner Bonding process.”

Charlotte Reznick PhD,Author of The Power of Your Child’s Imagination: How to Transform Stress and Anxiety into Joy and Success

“A powerful message whose time has come! Dr. Margaret Paul’s Diet for Divine Connection is a cutting-edge spiritual look at how junk food and “junk thoughts” sabotage our connection to the Divine. Margaret’s proven processes will support you in shedding old habits and false beliefs so you can live, love, and lead from your inner wisdom and create a life of radiant health and inner peace.” 

Linda Joy,Visibility Catalyst, Bestselling Publisher, and Publisher of Aspire Magazine

Endorsement for Diet for Divine Connection: “This is not just another book about food and the body—it weaves together many other aspects of a healthy life: the importance of high-vibration foods that resonate with your essence, the power of your “state” when you eat and digest, and the full presence of you-the-soul to guide self-nurturing. This is a valuable and comprehensive guidebook for transforming your entire self at the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels.”

Penney Peirce,author of Transparency, Frequency, and Leap of Perception

Endorsement for Diet for Divine Connection: “In this breakthrough work, Dr. Margaret Paul brings us the science that connects diet and the Divine. Dr. Paul also teaches us how to overcome any blocks to loving ourselves so that we can let go of junk foods and junk thoughts and open to at-will Divine connection. Read it—it will forever change your understanding of food and spirituality, and how to embrace the thought and action choices necessary to achieve Divine connection.“

Hyla Cass MD,author of 8 Weeks to Vibrant Health

"Diet for Divine Connection cuts through the conflicting theories on nutrition, empowering the reader to made intelligent food choices for their optimal wellbeing on every level. It addresses the psychological reasons that often hold a person back from implementing positive changes, which come down to a lack of self-love. Most remarkable, is Margaret Paul’s understanding of the spiritual impact of our food diet and thought diet. With great wisdom and compassion, she shows us how we can embody an inspired, graceful, vital existence, even in these challenging times. This is truly a ground-breaking contribution. Read it and reap!”

Miranda Macpherson,author of Boundless Love and The Way of Grace: the Transforming Power of Ego Relaxation

Endorsement for Diet for Divine Connection: According to the reports from thousands of individuals and numerous physicians, when people switch to a non-GMO organic diet, they experience dramatic improvements in health, clarity, concentration, weight loss, memory, and energy. Many recover from anxiety and depression. The toxins in food have robbed millions of their health and vitality. Reversing this trend sets the stage for the kind of life we all desire. Healthy food is the urgent first step. Thank you Margaret for ringing that bell.” 

Jeffrey M. Smith,Founder, Institute for Responsible Technology, Bestselling author and filmmaker

Endorsement for Diet for Divine Connection: "Junk food and junk thoughts both have the same net effect. They clog you up and limit your vitality and your capacity for joy. In this penetrating and provocative book, Dr. Paul illumines how it’s all connected, and invites you on a pathway to greater mental, physical and spiritual wellness."

Ocean Robbin ,CEO, Food Revolution Network

Dr. Margaret Paul has dedicated her work to helping others lead happier, healthier, more emotionally free lives. She is a wonderful teacher!

Judith Orloff, M.D.,Psychiatrist, author of "Second Sight" and "Emotional Freedom"
Beverly Hills,,CA

FROM THE INTRODUCTION OF "DO I HAVE TO GIVE UP ME TO BE LOVED BY GOD? "Here, in the treasure that you now hold in your hands, is a method for recreating yourself as a powerful, spiritually connected, loving adult self, capable of taking personal responsibility for your own feelings and behaviors. This book offers you a process through which you may do that. It also contains a powerful method for healing relationship and family conflict, as well as for healing self-destructive and addictive behavior. I am very excited about this material. It takes the truths found in Conversations with God and other of the newest wisdom literature, and renders them functional in everyday life. Anything that takes a huge wisdom and turns it into a practical tool is a treasure indeed. It is one thing to behold the wisdom and quite another to be able to use it. Margaret Paul has for over a dozen years been working with, and teaching to others, a process which allow people to do just that. Now everything you could want to know about that process, and the eternal truths which underlie it, has been placed in a book. This book. This marvelous gift that that has come to be placed before your eyes."

NEALE DONALD WALSCH,author of Conversations with God and Friendship with God

Dr. Margaret Paul gives us a highly recommended book, "Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By God?" for experiencing spiritual exercises that remove the blocks to experience the presence of God in our lives."

GERALD G. JAMPOLSKY, M.D.,author, Forgiveness, The Greatest Healer of All

FROM THE FORWARD OF "DO I HAVE TO GIVE UP ME TO BE LOVED BY GOD? " Would you think me crazy if I said there was a single process that could solve all the issues with which we as human beings struggle? Over the years, I begin noticing a common denominator in all these problems and came to the conclusion that there is only one issue: humankind's lack of experience in feeling our Divine self and our innate connection with the Divine. All other issues stem from this. Within the pages of this enlightened yet practical book, we are taught a most loving process [that] will take you on a life-changing journey down a path full of awakenings, tears, compassion, reunion, joy and peace. This path, in reference to our divinity, is one seldom even thought about, much less explored.

LINDSAY WAGNER,actress, author, humanitarian

ABOUT "DO I HAVE TO GIVE UP ME TO BE LOVED BY GOD" - "Margaret Paul has written a powerful book that explores one of the most significant relationships of all - our relationship with God. She creatively teaches us the value of stepping into a new spiritual paradigm-into love and trust of self, others and God."

JACK CANFIELD,co-author, Chicken Soup for the Soul; Chicken Soup for the Christian Soul

"Margaret Paul is an insightful and profound teacher. She skillfully helps us to explore, heal and deepen our relationship with God."

BARBARA DE ANGELIS, PH.D.,author, Secrets About Life Every Woman Should Know

"Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By God? is a treasure chest full of gifts which provide the essential tools for achieving inner peace, joy and fulfillment. A glorious book!"

JOHN GRAY,author, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus

"Margaret's latest book, "Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By God?" is a powerful, effective method for learning to love ourselves at the deepest spiritual level so that we can love others fully."

GAY HENDRICKS, PH.D. and KATHLYN HENDRICKS, PH.D.,authors Conscious Loving and The Conscious Heart

"Dr. Margaret Paul's "Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By God?" beautifully shows how God's love nurtures and directs our psychological growth, restoring peace, passion and sanity. You will find much to agree with, argue against and ponder; this book will leave you changed.

HAROLD H. BLOOM FIELD, M.D.,Healing Anxiety Naturally

"Once Again, Margaret Paul brings her expertise and her loving concern to the question of how to heal our relationships in her newest book, Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By God? This time, she talks about our most important relationship, that with God and she provides clear and beautiful direction to guide us through our areas of wounding and resistance to a transformative connection with our Higher Power. Read this book! It could change your life."

MARY MANIN MORRESSEY,senior minister, Living Enrichment Center, author, Building Your Field of Dreams

[About "Inner Bonding"] A wake-up call to the most exciting miracle of the universe: your life.

Peter and Lynda Guber,film producers

[About "Inner Bonding"] The system of reparenting discussed in this book will supply you with the most loving, dependable, supportive friend you'll ever have yourself. What a joy to know you're not alone anymore.

Lindsay Wagner,actress and co-author of The High Road to Health

"Inner Bonding" is a welcome addition to the material on the Inner Child. It gives us a pragmatic, solution-oriented framework for resolving inner conflict.

Stephanie Covington, Ph.D.,clinical consultant and author of Awakening Your Sexuality

Margaret Paul [in "Inner Bonding"] offers us a simple and very effective tool for healing our inner upsets and quieting the confusion in our minds. I recommend that you use this valuable tool daily on your path to wholeness.

Susan Jeffers, Ph.D.,author of Feel the Fear, Do It Anyway, and Dare to Connect

"Inner Bonding" is a powerful book for anyone interested in quality relationships. It offers practical tools, not just theory, to help us reach inside and heal those deep problems and addictions that have held us back for so many years.

Thomas Crum,author of The Magic of Conflict

The authors', Margaret Paul, Ph.D., and Erika Chopich, Ph.D., in the book "Healing Your Aloneness: Finding Love and Wholeness Through Your Inner Child", provides a new and fresh understanding of the inner world. They have created a valuable roadmap for healing the child within us, and in that way becoming more emotionally free, integrated, and whole.

Walter E. Bracklemanns, M.D.,Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at UCLA, Member of the Los Angeles Psychoanalytic Society

Through this process I went from being my last resort to being my own best friend! Meeting my inner-child was the most rewarding moment in my life. I finally experienced the total goodness and light that is the essence of my being -- my true self. What could be a more powerful gift. It feels good to be whole!

Catherine Oxenberg,actress

This book ["Healing Your Aloneness"] is a profound look at the cause of inner pain and, most importantly, offers a way of healing.

Susan Forward, Ph.D,Co-author of Toxic Parents and Men Who Hate Women and The Women Who Love Them

It is very obvious that the authors are onto something big. They have made an explicit and important break with other 'child within' writers by emphasizing that it is not simply a healthy Inner Child or Inner Parent but a healthy relationship between the two which is the key to personal health. The work ["Healing Your Aloneness"] is practical, compelling, and very readable.

John Vasconcellos,California Assemblyman

Pages: 1

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Which is more important to you, safety or intimacy? Safety and intimacy are often mutually exclusive. True intimacy has its up and downs, its closeness and its distance, its peace and its fear, its joy and its sadness. Since there is always the possibility of loss, there is no true safety in intimacy, yet it is the spice of life. Which is more important to you, safety or intimacy?



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