Attracting Your Beloved 30-Day Course

Read the wonderful reviews from this course - participants love it!


"I loved loved loved this 30 days of attracting your beloved. I am 68 and have not had a real love relationship.  It what I desire. Thank you so much it was a God thing for me to take this. I feel sad that it is over. I just loved everything about it."


Nancy K

"Thank you for this insightful course. I learned a lot and it helped me integrate inner bonding on another level. I think even when you already have a beloved this class can be helpful and will strengthen your intention for love and kindness."


"Thank you so much, Margaret, for this wonderful course! It has helped me become aware of the reasons why I am still alone, in spite of wanting so much to be in a loving romantic relationship. I’ve learnt so much ! And you’ve given us fantastic clues to change this pattern. Thanks for all those insights! They were a game changer for me.


“The course was excellent with lots of new strategies and also food for the soul.”


I deeply recommend the "Attracting Your Beloved' online course with Dr. Margaret Paul! It really helped me to "get clear" on what I wish to find in a spouse and friend.  It made me think, and it honored my intentions and personal choices.  It honored me, and I came to see that "I am my beloved" first - before my spouse.I think everyone needs to take this course BEFORE they start dating.

Anastasia Hanson

"The other IB courses I’ve done have been amazing & created so much change but this one for me is another level - it’s just phenomenal. Thank you for the wonderful experience. Rather than just having the knowledge of IB it’s now becoming integrated on a daily basis & the few things I’ve been stuck on for years are gradually becoming unstuck - so I look forward to continuing the journey."


"After a horrible break-up two years ago, I decided to give up on dating. My dating experiences have always started off fast, plateau around six to nine months and then crash. I couldn't figure out why this keeps happening. I have done a tremendous amount of work on myself over the years but there still has been a lot of unanswered questions in the realm of relationships. I have found all of those answers taking the recent Attracting Your Beloved Inner Bonding Course. Simply put, I have continued to abandon myself over and over again. A light bulb (break- though) came on during this course and with the rest of the material presented, I continued building on the awareness that I can have a healthy and productive relationship as a loving adult as long as I meet my self-care. Otherwise, I will continue to stay in the loop of wounded-self crashing with others. This course has given me hope and strength to start dating again. Thank you!"


"Margaret's guidance has helped us adapt Inner Bonding to our individual paths on our journey to find our beloved. You can practice the six steps of Inner Bonding on your own, but I've found that the 30 day, step by step course has made the work so much more effective. I'd recommend this course to anyone who's struggling with issues that have so far prevented them from finding their beloved. It's focused, it's compassionate, and Margaret's gifted teaching shows us ways to bring peace and healing to the wounded parts of ourselves as the basis of creating loving relationships with others."

Ed. S

The workshop was on point, and exceeded my expectations.  The workshop will be life changing for me and can be for those who choose to apply the knowledge. 

Kala,Entrepreneur and Community Activist

"Dr. Paul's Inner Bonding coursework is simply phenomenal. I wholeheartedly recommend the "Attracting Your Beloved" course for everyone...whether you are searching for your Beloved or are already in a relationship - even a marriage - as this course will open your eyes to what is truly healthy and loving in relationship, both towards yourself and your partner. Beyond that, this course provides insight into Dr. Paul's Inner Bonding process, which is a transformative method of learning to have greater self-awareness and self-love. If you are wanting to learn more about love - for self and for others - this course is unparalleled in terms of both quality and value!"


"Margaret, the depth and breadth of this course blew me away. I feel such a sense of generosity from you with all the wisdom and support you've offered us through the emails, videos and visualizations, coaching calls, and posts to the forum. And I can't believe the territories we've explored in just 30 days -- definitely unlike any other course of this kind that I've experienced! I know I'll be reviewing, and continuing to deepen my understanding, of each of the topics you covered in our daily emails. "

Liza N.

"I have learned so much - I cannot even express in words how much I have learned. Every time I go back and review the daily topics, and re-read the discussions, I learn it a deeper level and have a more meaningful understanding. Even though I am not ready to date, I feel so confident for when I decide to date. I have really learned so much about myself, my patterns stemming from the wounded self and how to love myself. This is fascinating work and completely life changing."

Heidi K.

"I have to ditto the postings from other class members in thanking you so much for this AMAZING course. I feel sad that I didn't have this information so many years ago at critical times in my life when I needed it most. Your information in this course is life changing. I bought both books, Healing Your Aloneness and the Inner Bonding book. I am deeply immersed in the Healing book right now. I printed out every single e-mail from the 30 days and have made a 3-ring notebook for myself. I will download the class calls to my i-pod. Thanks to everyone in the class for sharing your vulnerability. I feel hopeful that at age 67 I will no doubt meet my beloved when I am able to access this self love on a daily basis and attain the right frequency.
I notice a definite and noticeable shift in myself since taking the first Love Yourself class this past February. Big ((((HUGS)))) and love from me for providing "how it works" since I've been searching for this course my whole life."


"I'm not sure what I expected from this course, but I got much more than I thought I would. Keeping the focus on myself during the course resulted in many "aha" moments -- none of which I experienced while taking courses that focused on things like dating tips or other externals. And while I've written lists before about what I want, what I don't want, etc., at the end of this course I realized my list started to change when I asked myself if I was, myself, being the kind of person that I want my beloved to be. In other words, am I my own beloved? It was really quite a revelation, and I highly recommend the course. I also appreciated the depth of the responses Dr. Margaret provided in the forum whenever questions were posted. Thank you for this course."

Lisa F.

"I took the Attracting your Beloved course after having yet ended another failed relationship. At 52 with a long history of failed relationships, I knew it wasn't just bad luck that was getting in the way of finding and maintaining a healthy relationship. I knew that I needed to learn from my previous relationships - what attracted me to them, why I stayed and why they failed and my role in the failure. I also needed to learn what a healthy relationship was, and what to look for. The most important learning in this course for me was that if I wanted a healthy happy relationship and I had to BECOME healthy and happy. The wealth and breadth of information, the videos, the conference calls, the member support was incredible. WELL worth every penny! I actually met someone while on the course and was able to recognize and appreciate healthy aspects of him as well as possible 'pink flags'. It's too early to tell yet if those 'pink flags' will turn 'red' but my eyes are wide open and will reassess with my new found understanding, as I go along. If it becomes unhealthy, I will leave."

Danielle R

"I would highly recommend the Attracting your beloved course to anybody as it contains pearls of wisdom rare to find. It has given me hope to find a resolution to the many problems I encountered in intimate relationships, and to the resistance I built up in myself as a defense. Dr Margaret teaches the principles with clarity and provides plenty of practical examples about the different ego strategies one can be faced with - in themselves and others - and gives you the key to overcome them."

Cloe S

"I am very grateful I have taken the Attracting your beloved course. It is my first steps Into Inner Bonding. I feel a door has opened for me, a journey has begun, I feel like this is the path for me now. I feel loving connections have been made within myself, like never before. I also feel a true and clear way out of co-dependance and that is such a comfort and relief. I havent attracted my beloved yet but I feel a peace within and a new way of looking at intimacy. I appreciated the daily videos and how much depth and substance there was in every letter. I also very much appreciated your presence through the coaching calls."


"I wanted to thank you for the Attract your Beloved course - I learnt so much from that course & from previous courses. Over time it's been changing my relationship with myself & others in such an amazing way. 

"I've also met my beloved. He first contacted me while I was doing your Attract your Beloved course but I didn't recognize our potential as a couple initially because I was hung up on immediate chemistry. Over time I noticed he had a lot of the characteristics you discussed in the course. We became a couple on 24 December last year & on a trip to Hawaii last month he proposed to me.  I've never experienced unconditional love from a partner before, it's feels solid & safe. I'm so privileged to have him in my life & without your words of advice I wouldn't have given him a proper chance. Thank you so much.

"I don't know where life will lead & I've got plenty more learning to do but I'm so grateful to have felt this love & to know what a relationship can be like. It's also helping me tap into a deeper love for myself too & for everything around us.

"Thank you so much for being a pivotal part of this journey towards love."



Best gift I have ever given to myself! What I have learned is priceless.

Thank you for sharing your knowledge.

Kimberly ,Pharmacist

"I want to thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. This course was a real game changer and opened my eyes in so many ways! I am really grateful for your wonderful work. Thank you so very much!"


"My life has transformed so much over the last month! Since signing up to the course I have attracted 3 beautiful men into my life, at this point I'm not sure any of them are 'the one' but I am so enjoying the gifts they are bringing me, it feels safe and healthy to have male friends who appreciate me and don't push for anything more and this feels like a really important step for me so I'm going with it and most of all enjoying it, not needing it to be anything else."


Clare Millar,,Eat For Victory

"I am finding this course one of the most laser sharp, get down to the nitty gritty courses I have ever taken. Thank you for putting to words what I feel and for the great clarity...truly so transformational."


"Thank you for a revealing and insightful course. I truly learnt the qualities of what is needed to attract and keep a truly loving relationship with myself and my beloved. 

“I also found it extremely useful to work personally with Dr. Margaret on the telephone calls, and understand the dynamics that were keeping me locked in the same old patterns in relationships. 

“I have taken many 'love' courses, but many do not place enough emphasis on cultivating that loving relationship with self and how this should be done. I am also pleased to say, that I obtained clarity on all relationships in my life and not just  in relationship  to men"


“I had so many “aha”-experiences in this wonderful and very rich course and learned so much new about myself and relationships. I feel now much safer and clearer in navigating dating and relationships and finding out what is the best for me and the others. Thank you so much!"


“The attracting your beloved course was so eye-opening for me.  It helped me get very clear and precise on what was important to me in a mate and how to bring that about by learning to love myself first and foremost.  I got to see all the ways I had been abandoning myself in my past relationships and I finally understood why they never worked out.  I also now understand "frequency" and that without keeping my frequency high, it is impossible to attract the relationship I so deeply desire.  This is a great course for anyone seeking to improve all their relationships, especially the one with their significant other.” 

Sarah R.

“I feel the Inner Bonding course coupled with Attracting Your Beloved are a powerful combination that I have benefited from tremendously. Given relationships are one of the greatest struggles in life, the Attracting Your Beloved course really takes the IB home by zeroing in on the relationship blocks and patterns. This is a great course and thank you very much for offering it. Attracting Your Beloved helped me to see how judgmental and passive aggressive I behaved in past relationships. IB has helped me not to abandon myself as I used to do. Together these helped me raise my frequency and I truly attracted a high quality person and may have found my beloved. I would not have done this without the work I did with you. Asking you questions in the forum was extremely helpful. The thing I find most surprising is that an online course can be so effective. Your daily presence through the videos and forum, coupled with the coaching calls made me feel you are present with us. This has been more effective than in-person sessions with therapists. I commend your approach!  I have recommended you to family and friends. I will forever be grateful for the healing I experienced through your work. “ 


"I took your Attracting your beloved e-course last year and it was life changing.”


I am extremely pleased with the 30-day Love Yourself Inner Bonding course. I have been following your work for some time and have found it very illuminating and helpful, but I was never quite sure how exactly to DO the Inner Bonding process (meaning that I read the steps and various articles and listened to workshops, but I hesitated to actually try it as I was daunted!). 

I found the Love Yourself course extremely valuable. It was incredibly well designed, broken down into manageable steps to take day by day, with lots of fantastic support on the forum, so that I was able to gradually learn how to practice Inner Bonding (and begin to love myself!). With diligent attention and practice (all the elements to support me were there in the emails, audios, videos, coaching calls, and forum) I definitely feel that I leaped light years ahead in my capacity to have a loving adult inside of me and to begin to move out of the place of my wounded self guiding my life (to my pain and detriment!). This course is a lovely complement to any other psychological or spiritual work one is doing, and frankly, it has addressed my issues in a way that none of the other things I have engaged in (over many, many years) have quite succeeded at! I will definitely continue to use the Inner Bonding process in my life and will stay connected with the community! Thank you so much for your love and support, Dr. Margaret! 




"I deeply appreciated the course. It was enlightening and I finally started feeling better after years of struggling for a painful breakup. I think this course it’s more than “just” attracting our beloved, because it gives people so many keys to live a better life. I read the introduction to Inner bonding and I want to go further, so I think I’m going to participate in the Love yourself course as well. …thank you for your precious work, I think it’s a life-changing one."


"Thanks so much for the Beloved course (and the Love Yourself course, too). I really appreciate your forthright responses on the forum, and the way you cut through to the truth and the heart of the matter. I really value being able to draw on all your wisdom and insight so that I can gain more clarity for my life. After a lifetime of codependence, I’m learning new ways of being in the world, ways that feel freer and more empowering. I’m so grateful to have you as a guide to show me the way. I look forward to taking more courses from you in the future."



"It’s utter magic how much this course helped me. Before signing up, I feared it would be too advanced, given my track record in love, but all that turned around with this course. Just one month after it ended, my beloved and I met. It has been a journey full of joy and blessings; I still cannot believe this loving and harmonious relationship is happening to me! I know none of this would have come about without Dr. Margaret’s help, so, definitely take the course--it works!!"

Miriam W.

"Just to say thank you so much for this wonderful course! I have taken away so much from it. It is quite challenging to describe exactly what I have gained from it, but it feels like a subtle yet significant shift in being aware of my own emotions and behaviour. I have finished the course feeling a sense of empowerment and that I can actually at last begin to trust myself and my relationship decisions. That I have more understanding and the tools necessary to start making better decisions."  9.15


"I wanted to let you know that after taking the 30 day ‘Attracting Your Beloved’ course I have met and begun a new relationship – the first one in 7 years at the age of 40!

"Although it is still very early days, I am astonished that I have met someone so kind, honest, open and relaxed.  I have NEVER experienced such a sense of safety with a man and my inner child feels so comfortable with him.  He really is a joy to be with.  

"I am thrilled and yet calm - not experiencing any of the previous senses of panic or fear because I know, come what may, I will never lose me again.

"I’m in no doubt that this has happened due to the inner work I have undertaken since discovering Inner Bonding and I am so very grateful to you and to my higher guidance."


"Thank you so much again for a wonderful course. I have taken all of your 30 day courses, and each one takes me to a new level by opening my heart and mind one step further! What amazes me of these courses is how ultimately they all teach you how to love yourself more by exploring a different arena of life.

The Attracting your Beloved course basically changed my view of dating. I used to think that I was lucky if someone that I more or less liked (without knowing why I was attracted to that person), liked me back... which basically lead to a lot of self-abandonment, pleasing and care-taking. And it also meant that I was subject to how lucky I was to stumble across Mr. Right in my life. Now I understand that I need to learn what qualities I am looking for in a partner and not to settle for anything less, given that that wouldn't be loving to me. This course confirmed my own conclusions (through IB work), that what matters the most is for your partner to be open to learning. I also learned that knowing how to love yourself and knowing what is loving to your inner child increases your chances of meeting and recognizing your beloved. I used to be incredibly skeptical on relationships. But together the Relationship course and the Attracting your Beloved course have changed me completely. My closest friends are bewildered on how I changed my views on relationships so drastically =)....

I am deeply thankful for your work, heart and Spirit; and for life (or my Spirit) for having me guided towards you." 10.14


"I loved this course. The information you covered is not found anywhere else and it has been so practical and informative and deep and so clearly explained that I feel much more confident about meeting my beloved, and on top of it I have incredible resources to refer to. I love it that we must become the person we want to attract - makes so much sense. I have learnt a lot about what went wrong in my previous relationships and I now have Inner Bonding to support me in my own growth and love for myself. What you offer is unique and precious and I am so grateful for you and your love for making the lives of others the best they can be."


"I benefitted enormously from this course. It has given me a completely new understanding of what a beloved is, what a relationship is, what true commitment is, and so many of the misconceptions that have hindered me in these areas. It has also shown me the necessity of becoming a beloved to my own essence first. The gentleness, compassion and amazing clarity presented here will stay with me and guide me for the rest of my life. Thank you Margaret. Your teaching is a true blessing." 10.14


"Wow! Forget trying to ‘get engaged’ or ‘get the guy’ or ‘find the one’. This course brought me astounding ‘ahas’ of clarity that no other course or materials have come close to doing. There are fundamental aspects of this course and most importantly in Dr. Margaret’s compassionate and expert facilitation (not advice) that sets it totally apart from every other course being offered in this area. This course is not just about dating, rules or gender based behaviour of men and women. This course is about true love, connecting to your own higher guidance so you always know how to make your own loving decisions for yourself in every situation and at every stage – enabling you to let go of the need to ever again depend on a dating/love/ life coach, psychic or spiritual teacher.  I wouldn’t be surprised if other dating/love coaches are signing up for Dr. Margaret's course."  10.14


"This course was enormously insightful and helped me put lots of the principles learned from the 'Love Yourself' course into context.  It's relieved me of a lot of the anxiety and skewed thinking I was putting my little girl through with regards to attracting a beloved partner in my life.  

"I've been on my own for 7 years and the way I was treating myself I don't think that was likely to change.  Now I feel as if I have got off the train that was heading in the wrong direction and calmly started to walk home!" 10.14


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Which is more important to you, safety or intimacy? Safety and intimacy are often mutually exclusive. True intimacy has its up and downs, its closeness and its distance, its peace and its fear, its joy and its sadness. Since there is always the possibility of loss, there is no true safety in intimacy, yet it is the spice of life. Which is more important to you, safety or intimacy?



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