Intensive Groups

Title Description Type
--Intensive at the high desert RW Ranch, CA, July, 2006 We met in the 90-100 degree heat, ate delicious meals, (who could forget the bottomless jar of homemade chocolate chip cookies?) and practiced IB with air conditioning and swamp coolers, alternating. All of us reached a better understanding of, and more compassion for, our wounded selves. Some of us even made significant breakthroughs. Thank you, Margaret, Lisa, and Colin, and to each of us who were present. Public
11/05 La Casa de Maria (Best Ever) Intensive November, 2005 La Casa de Maria Intensive Group (Best Ever, Thanks, Irene) Public
August Moon - Private Request Join Private
Dolores Intensive June 2008 - Private Request Join Private
Durango April 2007 For members who attended the 5-day intensive in Durango, CO: April 18-22, 2007. Public
Durango October 2007 Sharing the love, healing and laughter from our wonderful Intensive. Public
Eternal Spring, Santa Fe Intensive April, 2006 Santa Fe Intensive, April 2006 Public
Flowerdale 09 - Private Request Join Private
Gay Bennies Attendees at the Intensive held in Santa Fe, 18 October thru 22 October 2006: Margaret Paul, Pattye Spezia, Sharon Appleby, Dawn Brinkley, Ben Caballero, Nicole Emery, Anna Forsyth, Lesley Harvey, Jon Hussman, Julia Padawer, Marina Siddoway, Noel Sorrell and Ted Tobias Public
Gidgi Gurus Public
IB Feb 09 Public
Jan2007 Santa Barbara Intensive I should have asked Suz for a more dilicious description, but I couldn't wait to start this group going. I miss you all already... The girl who likes to resist. Public
LA Advanced Inttensive For the incredible members of the LA advanced intensive, June '06 Public
March 2009 Durango Intensive - Private Request Join Private
Noel's Angels - Private Request Join Private
Oct. Santa Fe Intensive Public
October 2005 Advanced Intensive Participants from the October East Coast Advanced Intensive 2005 Public
October 2009-Sparkling Old Souls - Private Request Join Private
Our Tribe - Private Request Join "June, Two Thousand 'n Ten-sions" Private
Santa Barbara 2008 Santa Barbara 2008 Public
Shooting Stars - Private Request Join Dolores, Colorado, June 2009 Private
Spring 2008 - Determined Strengthened Motivated Inner Bonders Public
Stargazers: my app is better than your app - Private Request Join Private
Team Zorro: Sophia lodge, Dolores October 2008 - Private Request Join Private
The Right Bus - Private Request Join Private
Yoda's Group - Private Request Join Private
Zen Kangaroos Participants of the wonderful 5-day intensive workshop in the California high desert, at the end of Nov/ start Dec 2006 Public
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Self-judgment is the way the wounded self tries to control us into doing what we "should" do, what is "right". The wounded self tells us that if we do what we should do, then we can control how others feel about us. However, believing we can control others' feelings is an illusion. All that happens when we judge ourselves is we feel badly. Notice this, without judgment!



Inner Bonding Events

10/23/2024 08:00 AM
5-Day Virtual Intensive
Dr. Margaret Paul

All Inner Bonding Events