Daily Inspiration
Joy comes from being openhearted to receiving the love that is God and sharing that love with others. Today, open your heart by moving into gratitude for all that you have and all that you are, choosing to make love more important than control.
By Dr. Margaret Paul
Addiction Recovery
Welcome to our Addiction Recovery Center within our Learning Center!
Help with recovery from addictions - substance abuse, including alcohol abuse, drug addiction, food addiction, as well as healing from sexual addiction and addiction to love, power and control.
Addictive behavior comes from the intent to avoid pain. When we have not learned to love ourselves and have not learned healthy ways of managing pain, it is likely we will abandon ourselves by turning to one or more addictions in the hopes of avoiding feeling our pain. The problem is that the addictive behavior, such as eating a muffin or having a beer, works for only a short time, and then the addictive behavior itself becomes a cause of pain. Inner Bonding, which is a process for learning to love yourself rather than continue to abandon ourself, is a powerful process for addiction recovery.
12-Step addiction recovery groups are extremely helpful for anyone wanting to move into abstinence from both substance and process addictions: food, drugs, alcohol, sex, spending, gambling, anger and violence, caretaking, and so on.
Members: To submit an article, click on the subcategory where you want the article to appear and you will see the link to submit your article on the next screen.
Recovery from alcohol abuse, drug addiction, nicotine addiction, and food addiction through the spiritual process of Inner Bonding. Heal the anxiety, depression, aloneness and emptiness that underlies substance abuse. Photo by Arcaion
Articles about recovery from sexual addiction and love addiction. Through Inner Bonding, heal the anxiety, depression, trauma, low self-esteem, low self-worth, neediness and emotional pain that underlie love and sex addiction. Photo by Joerg-Design |
Articles related to all forms of addiction, using the Inner Bonding process as the foundation for recovery from substance abuse and addiction and process addictions - such as gambling addiction, work addiction, spending addiction TV addiction, video games and Internet addiction. Articles related to addiction to anger, withdrawal and caretaking. Photo by Lechenie Narkomanii |
Sometimes it is helpful to have role-modeling for dialoguing with the wounded, addicted part of ourselves. Perhaps these dialogues can be of help to you to dialogue and take loving action rather indulge in your addictive behavior. If you had a loving adult taking loving action for your inner child regarding addictive behavior, what would this look like for you? What would your inner child like from you? We invite you to write about your own experiences regarding what has worked for you. Photo by Shlomaster |