Saturday Immersion

Hosted ByKaren Kral, MA, LPC
Start09/28/2024 08:00 AM
Finish09/28/2024 03:00 PM

Saturday Immersion

Hi there, I'm Karen Kral, a Certified Inner Bonding Facilitator and Trainer.  I created the original Inner Bonding Facilitator Training Program in 2017-2018,and am a skilled and fun group leader.  I sometimes bring my unique style of Inner Bonding, called Inner Bonding in Action, into my group work for a more dynamic experience of the Inner Bonding process.

The Saturday Immersion is A day of Inner Bonding processes, opportunities for learning and practicing Inner Bonding, for connecting to your Inner Child and Guidance, and for receiving support from others via Zoom. We will focus on group learning in this day of immersion, and therefore, not all participants will have a chance to do an individual process. If you want to be guaranteed personal process time, please register for the "protagonist" option below.  

  • Immersion #1: Saturday, Sept 28th, 2024

  • Immersion #2: Saturday, October 19th, 2024

  • You can register for one immersion or both

  • 8am-3pm Mountain Time (includes two short breaks and a 45-minute meal break, so close to 6-hours of group time.)

  • Cost:

  • Participant: $150 per Immersion day

  • Protagonist: $250 per Immersion day

Please check out my website for more information.
And, check out my video to get to know me! 
I hope to see you soon!

Explore More Inner Bonding



Do you have a dream? Are you following your dream? Are you spending some time each day manifesting your dream? Life has aliveness when you have the courage to follow your dreams.



Inner Bonding Events

09/28/2024 08:00 AM
Saturday Immersion
Karen Kral, MA, LPC

10/19/2024 08:00 AM
Saturday Immersion
Karen Kral, MA, LPC

10/23/2024 08:00 AM
5-Day Virtual Intensive
Dr. Margaret Paul

All Inner Bonding Events