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By Nancy Swisher
December 31, 2006

Are you persisting toward your joy or are you allowing the discouragement of your wounded self to take over?

I have been thinking about persistence lately. I am writing a book about my own healing journey as it relates to writing itself, and sometimes I can get discouraged because it is still not finished! But discouragement is a wounded feeling, one that comes from a negative belief. What I have decided to do is to see how persistent I am! To view the length of my endeavor as evidence of my persistence. This feels so much better!

Persistence is required for any goal to manifest. And yes, persistence is very essential to the goal of Inner Bonding, which is to develop a loving adult Self that is stronger than our conditioned mind. What does persistence look like in terms of Inner Bonding?

  1. Staying tuned in to your feelings, to you Child, to your Soul.
  2. If you are feeling anything other than peace or joy, to explore what you are doing to create the discomfort. Continue with the 6 steps.
  3. To get support when you are stuck and not judge yourself for getting support! It is the wounded self that thinks we should "go it alone."
  4. Take loving action for your Soul-self. Healing is not just about being free of anxiety and depression. Healing is manifesting our Soul's purpose on the planet! Healing is holding a vision for our life and co-creating with Spirit.

I have witnessed many people begin Inner Bonding, and then drop away. Persistence is not available until we take the action itself. There is nothing called persistence in our body. It is a choice! Until we choose to persist, there is no persistence. Being persistent with Inner Bonding creates the joy available when we walk the path of our soul Self.

Nancy Swisher is a certified Inner Bonding Facilitator


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When you move into this moment with gratitude and appreciation, you open your heart and invite in the presence of Spirit. This week, practice remembering gratitude and appreciation and notice the aliveness of Spirit within you.


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When you move into this moment with gratitude and appreciation, you open your heart and invite in the presence of Spirit. This week, practice remembering gratitude and appreciation and notice the aliveness of Spirit within you.



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