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Co-creating Your Relationship

By Michael Barmak
December 22, 2023

Learn how you and your partner can feel more connected by finding new activities to do together.

Couple having funI can't tell you how many times I've heard couples say, "We want to make our relationship work." What if making your relationship work wasn’t work? Instead of focusing on each other, you were looking forward in the same direction.  Rather than trying to recreate what you once had, you co-created something brand new. 
This would require coming up with new activities to try-something different than the same-old, same-old. You and your partner would find activities that are new and interesting to both of you.  Here are some ideas to get you started:
1.     Pick a charitable organization and volunteer at their next event.
2.     Write a short story, a poem, a book or even just the story of how you met!
3.     Take a ballroom dancing class.
4.     Join your local dramatic club and help out with their next production.
5.     Take a class through a local adult education school.
6.     Plan a trip even if you don’t actually take it.
7.     Map out a theme-based trip (all the baseball parks on the east coast; top ten presidential libraries; five best jazz clubs in New York) and set off on a journey
8.     Learn a new language or American Sign Language.
9.     Plan creative date nights, like couple’s night at a pottery center or a sip and paint night. You might even develop a passion for the artistic activity or discover a hidden talent. 
10.  Plant a garden, start bird watching or take a walk through a little-known nature reserve. 
Your co-creating possibilities are endless! Take a chance, go on a new adventure and watch your relationship grow. 
Michael Barmak, MSW LCSW ORDM is a Certified Inner Bonding Facilitator in private practice. He works with individuals and couples on Zoom and in person. Michael can be reached at 908-591-4712 or through his website,


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Daily Inspiration

When being loving, we are not grasping, demanding, needy or clingy, because love has nothing to do with getting or taking. We give freely, to ourselves and to others. We also receive graciously when the gift is freely given. When being unloving, we may try to manipulate a gift - whether it be of time, money, attention, emotional support, approval, sex or affection - but when we are loving we know that a gift not freely given is not really a gift. Notice when you are being loving or unloving.


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When being loving, we are not grasping, demanding, needy or clingy, because love has nothing to do with getting or taking. We give freely, to ourselves and to others. We also receive graciously when the gift is freely given. When being unloving, we may try to manipulate a gift - whether it be of time, money, attention, emotional support, approval, sex or affection - but when we are loving we know that a gift not freely given is not really a gift. Notice when you are being loving or unloving.



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