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Energy Tells the Truth

By Dr. Margaret Paul
April 03, 2023

How often do you ignore your inner feeling experience of someone - instead, allowing your outer, behavioral experience to govern your choices?

lying, manipulatingA friend of mine recently said to me, somewhat in awe, "I'm just discovering that energy is everything!"

Right, it is, but what does this mean, exactly?

Our energy is the frequency, or vibration, that automatically emanates from our being, and is a result of our intention. Each of us is always radiating energy. Energy operates on a continuum from extremely negative to wonderfully positive and reflects our intent - from a dark, evil intent to a kind and loving intent.

Whenever our intent is to protect ourselves with some form of controlling behavior, our energy is of a low frequency - heavy, dark, difficult to be around. Whenever our intent is to be loving and to learn about love, our energy is lighter and easier to be around. Learning to discern the differences in our own and others' energy is very important regarding being loving to ourselves.

Let's take an example…

Richard, 28, fell in love with Rachael, also 28, an extraordinarily beautiful woman with a winning smile. Richard is a very kind, caring and compassionate person who tends to be a caretaker. Richard believed that everyone was basically like him - kind and caring.

Richard also believed that anyone who was beautiful on the outside must also be beautiful on the inside. Instead of caring enough about himself to discern who Rachael really was, Richard allowed lust to determine his decisions and married Rachael. In time he discovered that Rachael was a hard, cold, and calculating woman, likely a narcissist or sociopath, who was in the marriage only to be taken care of financially. The marriage eventually ended in a difficult divorce, with Richard losing much financially.

Had Richard tuned into Rachael's energy instead of being dazzled by her looks, he would have quickly discovered that Rachael lacked caring, kindness, empathy, and compassion. Had he been willing to go within to his own inner feeling experience of Rachael, he might have learned that she was operating from a much lower frequency than he, and was not a good match for him. Had he been willing to experience Rachael with his heart and soul, rather than his mind and genitals, he would have known that she was not for him.

How often do you ignore your inner feeling experience of someone - instead, allowing your outer surface or behavioral experience to govern your choices? It is only your feelings that are capable of discerning a person's energy. If you feel a sense of inner uneasiness, pay attention to it. It might be telling you to be cautious. Even if a person appears on the surface to be open and friendly, the deeper intent is betrayed by the energy. If the deeper intent in being open and friendly is to control, you can feel it in your body if you tune in.

However, if your intent is to control, you may not be able to accurately discern another's energy because your ability to discern is affected by your own intent.

When your intent is to learn about what is loving to your inner child, then you can tune into your inner experience and discern another's intent.

Energy is everything. How people look, what they say, or how they behave does not really tell you anything. It is the energy behind their behavior and words that really matters. A person can say, with the softest voice, "I love you," and the energy behind these words can be totally different, depending upon the intent. If the person's intent in saying "I love you" is to get something - approval, sex, money, time, attention, and so on - the energy will not feel good inside you. You might feel pulled on or even drained by the expression of love. If the person's intent is to share love with no agenda in mind, it will feel very good inside you. Your job, if you are going to be a loving adult for your inner child, is to stay open to learning about loving yourself so that you are open to learning about another's intent. Your inner child will feel safe when you become a discerning loving adult, willing to know the truth about another's intent and resulting energy.

Heal your relationships with Dr. Margaret’s 30-Day online video relationship course: Wildly, Deeply, Joyously in Love.


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Daily Inspiration

Today, notice what is more important to you - trying to get others to like you or loving yourself. If you are devoted to having control over how others' feel about you, notice how much energy this takes!


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Today, notice what is more important to you - trying to get others to like you or loving yourself. If you are devoted to having control over how others' feel about you, notice how much energy this takes!



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