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Finding The Gifts Within Problems

By Dr. Margaret Paul
August 29, 2022

Do you accept the challenges in your life as opportunities to learn and grow in your ability to love yourself and others?

The gift in the challenge"Every problem has in it the seeds of its own solution. If you don't have any problems, you don't get any seeds." - Norman Vincent Peale

Sometimes it's hard to believe that problems can have great benefits, but as I look back on my life, I see that it's been the challenges and problems that have motivated me to learn and grow.

Being born as a highly sensitive child to parents who not only completely lacked compassion and sensitivity, but were angry and at times abusive, I chose at a very early age to find my way without them. By the time I was three, I was very independent. Unlike many children who were scared the first few days or weeks of school and cried for their mother, I couldn't wait to go to school, and I loved it from the moment I was there. Of course, I would love to have had parents who were there for me emotionally, but because they weren't, the seeds of independence and self-reliance grew abundantly.

A Challenge That Led to so Much Healing

One of my major challenges as a child was that I stuttered badly, a condition inherited in my family through both of my parents. It was monumentally painful for me to not be able to fully express myself, so due to the fear and pain of this troubling problem, I was greatly motivated to heal it. Over time, I discovered that both emotional and physical stress exacerbated the problem. I found a practitioner who worked on the energetic level to heal genetic issues and he was a huge help to me. I also discovered that food greatly affected my speech, which led me on my search for both health and fluent speech. Having been a sickly child was also part of this motivation. I might never have discovered how much food affects frequency and the ability to connect with guidance if I hadn't had these problems.

My long marriage was very challenging. Like so many people do, I chose a man who was like both of my parents. But if I hadn't been so unhappy, I might never have searched for answers and I might never have created Inner Bonding with Dr. Erika. I'm very thankful that my marriage was so challenging because Inner Bonding is the very best thing that spirit has ever brought to me and to others.

The other important thing that both my difficult childhood and my challenging marriage brought to me is learning how to create abundance.

While I was growing up, my parents were very poor, so if I wanted anything, I had to find a way to earn the money for it – and I did. In my marriage, I ended up having to be the major wage earner in my family, and after we divorced, I was the one who put my children through college. As challenging as this was for me, I was motivated to develop new ways of earning passive income, and for this, too, I'm very grateful. I work with people every day who feel trapped in their circumstances because they never had to learn how to create abundance.

Today, I see every challenge as an opportunity to further evolve my soul in my ability to love myself and others, and to fully manifest my gifts. While I sometimes wish I'd had an easier life, I don't believe that I would have learned all I've learned if I hadn't had so many challenges.

I encourage you to open to learning to discover the seeds of healing and growth that are within each challenge in your life.

Join Dr. Margaret Paul for her 30-Day at-home Course: "Love Yourself: An Inner Bonding Experience to Heal Anxiety, Depression, Shame, Addictions and Relationships."



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Joy comes from being openhearted to receiving the love that is God and sharing that love with others. Today, open your heart by moving into gratitude for all that you have and all that you are, choosing to make love more important than control.


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Joy comes from being openhearted to receiving the love that is God and sharing that love with others. Today, open your heart by moving into gratitude for all that you have and all that you are, choosing to make love more important than control.



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