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"Will I Ever Find The Love Of My Life?"

By Dr. Margaret Paul
September 08, 2014

Are you having a hard time finding a loving and connected relationship? Are you ready to heal the blocks that may be in the way of attracting your beloved?

"I'm tired of being alone and going to sleep alone. Will I ever find a loving partner?"

"I really want a relationship, but I keep attracting unavailable people. What am I doing wrong?

"Why do all my relationships end up the same?"

"I'm scared I'm destined to end up alone."

"I want to share my life with someone. I want to wake up with a partner and share a dream or chat with my partner about the coming day."

"I want to come home to someone with whom I can share my day. I hate coming home from work to an empty house.”

"I want someone to play with, to watch TV with or go to a movie with, or go on vacation with. I'm so tired of doing these things alone and my friends have their own lives."

Most people want to share their lives with someone. Yet many people have a very hard time finding and creating a loving connected relationship. Frequently, something is in the way of attracting their beloved.

I have worked with many clients who were able to find the love of their life after healing the fears and blocks that were in the way. Some of the more common fears and blocks are:

1. Fear of engulfment – of losing yourself in the relationship

As much as you might want a relationship, if the fear of losing yourself within a relationship is greater than your desire for a relationship, this fear will win out over and over.

Do you believe that you have to give yourself up to be loved by another? Do you believe that you are not good enough the way you are so that you have to be overly nice and compliant in order for someone to love you? Is this what you've done in your relationships?

Giving yourself up is a prescription for never finding your beloved.

2. Fear of rejection

Have you been hurt in relationships? Most of us have. Is avoiding the pain of rejection more important to you than being in a loving, connected relationship?

Relationships can be painful, so until you learn how to manage the possible heartbreak, you might be pushing away the love of your life. Learning how to lovingly manage the loneliness, heartbreak and helplessness of important relationships is vital for being able to attract your life partner.

3. Fear of making a mistake

Are you too cautious because you are terrified of making a mistake – or making another mistake? While we all need to be willing to make mistakes to move forward, there are ways of knowing early in a relationship whether this is the right person for you.

4. Self-abandonment – love addiction, being invisible

When you abandon yourself rather than love yourself, you become invisible to others. Others tend to treat us the way we treat ourselves, so if you are ignoring your feelings, judging yourself, turning to various addictions to numb your feelings and making others responsible for your feelings, you are unconsciously pushing others away and making yourself invisible.

When you make others responsible for your worth and sense of safety, it's very easy to become love addicted, i.e., addicted to someone giving you the love you are not giving to yourself. This generally taps into the other person's fear of engulfment and they eventually pull away.

Since we attract at our common level of woundedness or our common level of health, becoming a healthy partner is essential for attracting a healthy partner.

Another important issue in attracting a loving partner is knowing how to tell, early in a relationship, whether or not someone is who they appear to be. There are actually many ways of knowing early on whether or not someone is an appropriate partner for you.

If you would like learn more about attracting your beloved, join me in my upcoming new course: "Attracting your Beloved: A 30-Day At-home Experience to Learn How to Attract the Love of your Life." This course starts September 24, 2014.



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Today, notice what is more important to you - trying to get others to like you or loving yourself. If you are devoted to having control over how others' feel about you, notice how much energy this takes!


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Today, notice what is more important to you - trying to get others to like you or loving yourself. If you are devoted to having control over how others' feel about you, notice how much energy this takes!



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