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Higher Mother or Energy Mother

By Grace Escaip
May 13, 2014

This article talks about the maternal qualities of the energy of love.

The energy of love has a variety of different charges, aspects or qualities; one of these qualities is what we may call maternal qualities or aspects. The energy of love has the maternal qualities of being creative, nurturing, compassionate, unconditionally supportive, unconditionally loving, kind, caring and affectionate, strong, powerful and at the same time gentle, wise, intuitive, embracing, comforting, soothing, etc… If we bring together all of these aspects of the energy of love, we could have as a result a higher mom, since these are all of the qualities that a loving mother would posses, the kind of mother that we all would have wished we had (or that we could be). However, this has been very difficult because here on Earth, there aren’t many role models that can teach us how to be that mother; what I have observed through my personal process is that we can make contact with all these qualities of the energy of love and thus create, connect, and count on our energy mother or higher mother, allowing us to bring to ourselves what we have needed since children, all these maternal qualities of the energy of love.

Because the law of love applies to all and at every moment, this means that we can always have access to these qualities of the energy of love, which we need for our well being; all that we need to do is to be willing to open our hearts and to be willing to receive and learn how to bring to us all of that nurturing maternal energy.

I have noticed that what helps connect with these qualities of the energy of love is to use the wonderful tool that is our imagination, imagining first what kind of mother you would have liked to have had as a child, and also what qualities you would have liked for her to have for now and for the future, identifying what it is that you miss, that you long for in a mother; imagine and create a new mom, a mom that springs from your heart. For example, what I have observed often in myself and in my clients is that some of the characteristics that we would like to see in our energy mother or higher mom, are unconditional acceptance and love, a space where we are never judged, where we are understood, acknowledged, supported, guided, where immense wisdom is transmitted to us, a presence that caresses us, relaxes us and provides us with relief. Once you come into contact with these qualities or characteristics, tune into your heart so that you may contact your higher mom, maybe you see her, or feel her, or hear her; maybe you smell something, maybe it is a light, or a being, or something from nature, etc… In my case, for example, I feel her; I do not see something clearly; it is more like a being of light, yes!, my higher mom is a being of light! I assure you that if you use your imagination and tune in with what you would like to receive from a mom, and if you choose to have the intention of learning with her how to bring to you, to your life, and to others all these qualities, you will come into contact with this maternal energy and you will create your higher mom, which I believe is a gift. It has been something beautiful for me, because besides being able to count on my guides, who also teach and provide me with all that the energy of love contains, there is something delightful, special, about being able to count on a higher mom. For example, when I seek her I can feel how she nurtures me with love, I can even feel how she strokes my head, or any part of my body that may be tense, as if she was giving me a delicious and loving caressing massage. What I have seen in me and in my clients is that each of our individual higher moms is something or someone that we can go to so that we may be hugged, comforted, and held, whenever we are feeling pain, so that she may help us through our difficult moments. We can also seek out this mom when we lack the clarity of knowing what we need, just like a real mother will often know through intuition what her children need; likewise, we can seek out our higher mom so that through her intuition, she may help us have clarity of what we really need at any given moment. 

Our higher mom can model and teach us how to treat ourselves based on how she treats us, because when we come into contact with our higher mom we realize that she always treats us with compassion, love, gentleness, and caring, that a higher mom never judges us, never reprimands us; she never ignores us, she always has time for us, we are never a burden to her, she always makes us feel worthy of love, valuable, we are always good enough for her, she never conditions her love nor does she manipulate us, she never diminishes any of our feelings, we are always important to her as well as anything that has to do with us, nothing that we experience is insignificant to her, she does not judge us when we do something “wrong” and we are not obtaining the results we want in life, she simply guides us and teaches us the actions that we may take and that we have not taken before in order to transform what we want, just like a child seeks his or her mom. Connect with your higher mom every time you need to be treated this way, every time you need advise, a hug, contention, cuddling, support, relief, and care.

Coming into contact with this energy from a higher mother is one of the most healing acts that exist, and you can be certain that practicing Inner Bonding will help you do it; if the concept of a higher mother does not appeal to you it does not matter; what is important is to contact these qualities, and you will thus be applying the law of love and the law of attraction  in your favor.


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