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The Power of Knowing What You Want

By Dr. Margaret Paul
May 12, 2014

Discover the great power in knowing what you want and not giving up.

"What this power is, I cannot say. All I know is that it exists…and it becomes available only when you are in the state of mind in which you know exactly what you want…and are fully determined not to quit until you get it." ~Alexander Graham Bell, 1847-1922, Inventor and Educator

I hope you read the above quote again and let it really sink in. It is a profound statement about the Law of Attraction, even though I doubt Alexander Graham Bell ever heard of this law.

He knew from personal experience that when you know exactly what you want and you are deeply devoted to manifesting it, you often succeed.

Knowing What You Want

This might sound simple, but often it's not simple at all. Let's take the example of a woman who says she wants to meet an available man and get married.

It sounds like she knows what she wants, yet she keeps meeting and getting involved with unavailable men. If she really wanted to meet an available man, why would she keep getting into relationships with unavailable men?

The answer is because there is something she wants MORE than getting married – which is to protect against losing herself in a relationship. Consciously, she believes she wants to get married, but on the deeper level, she believes that the only way she can be in a relationship is to give herself up. She believes that if she stays true to herself, she will be rejected.

So what does she REALLY want? What she really wants is to be safe from her fears of rejection and engulfment – and she is getting exactly what she wants! As long as she gets into relationships with avoidant, unavailable men, she is safe from having to deal with her fears.

The challenge in knowing what you really want is to be honest with yourself regarding what is most important to you: to get what you say you want, or to protect against what you fear. If you say you want to be successful in your career, but what you really want is to avoid failure, then you will never take the risks you need to take to eventually be successful.

Not Giving Up

The second part of Bell's quote is that you …"are fully determined not to quit until you get it."

Again, be honest with yourself – how determined are you? How long are you willing to persist? How much faith do you have that if you really want something and don't quit until you get it, you will eventually get it?

The problem with persistence is that you are not going to be completely determined until you are completely clear on what you want. I find it easy to persist once I'm very clear on what I want, but not until then. Once I know what I want, nothing deters me from getting it, so this clarity is vitally important for manifestation.

The Power That Exists

"What this power is, I cannot say. All I know is that it exists…and it becomes available only when you are in the state of mind in which you know exactly what you want…" We don't have to know what this power is to know it exists. It doesn't matter if you believe it is God or Love or Spirit or Divine Intelligence or Energy. What matters is that you can experience this power "… when you are in the state of mind in which you know exactly what you want…"

Not only will you frequently be able to manifest what you want when you know exactly what you want and are determined not to quit, but you can also experience the profound joy of knowing that you are being supported by this power – that you are not alone.

How wonderful is that! How wonderful is it to know with your whole being that you are not alone – that there is a power co-creating your life with you? Incredibly wonderful!


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