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What to Focus on to Make the Law of Attraction Work for You

By Grace Escaip
April 06, 2014

This article explores what to focus on first in order to raise your frequency.

When we are taught how to apply the law of attraction, the people who teach the law will frequently say that we should not focus on what we do not want but rather on what we do want, and I believe this is true; however, if this strategy has not given you positive results when trying to make the law of attraction work in your favor, maybe you can begin exploring what you are focusing on and why you want what you want, because very often the essence of what we supposedly want, in reality what we want and need, what we are looking for, is our wellbeing… Almost everything we wish for (if you dig deep down), we realize that what we want in order to feel good and safe, and what provides us with wellbeing for the most part - as well as plenty of internal security - in this planet, is the energy of love, of compassion, of joy, and in order to allow these energies to enter our lives, we must focus in opening our hearts and connecting with ourselves and with a source of higher wisdom.


Many times, even if we are able to focus only on that which we want, we are unable to manifest what we want and it’s often a consequence of the fact that it is our wounded self who is doing the focusing, and the intention of our wounded self will always be to control, protect, or avoid. Our wounded self (regardless of what it happens to focus on) will always focus from fear. All that our wounded self wants, it wants in order to obtain love and security. It wants to be safe and it will always focus on the outside in order to obtain it; our wounded self believes that love, wellbeing, and our safety need to come from the outside, from something outside of us; our wounded self never has the clarity to see what we really want and need, and that’s why its obsessed with trying to manifest in the outside instead of learning how to love ourselves - because our wounded self is very ignorant and does not know that what we are really after, what we really need is the connection with ourselves and with the higher source of wisdom and love. That is what will really bring us wellbeing and internal security, which is what we really want and need. As long as we continue to believe that our security hinges on something outside of us, we will always be trying to control the outside in order to feel safe, and we will always be very fearful of not being able to control it and of not being able to manifest it; whatever our wounded self wants to manifest, it wants to manifest it in order to avoid our present feelings and the outcome of things, and this is what trying to manifest from fear means, because we think that that is what our safety and wellbeing hinges on, and when we try to manifest from fear (to control), we automatically close our hearts and our frequency is lowered, making it hard for us to apply the law of attraction in our favor.


The law of love establishes that our focus of attention must always be, first and foremost, in loving ourselves and others. If you are willing to love yourself and therefore others, if you are willing to consciously choose the intention to learn and you remain focused on this, your heart will open up and it will be easier to allow the energies of compassion, love, and joy to enter your life creating thus your peace and wellbeing. Also, as you focus on learning how to love yourself and others, you will have much more clarity as to what it is that you really want and need; the law of love establishes that the focus of attention must be in learning how to love yourself and others in the now and at any given moment, without any attachment to the outcome (loving for the privilege and joy of loving). This will immediately rise your frequency and will connect you with yourself and with a source of higher wisdom, which will allow the answers to come through you, answers that you need in order to know what loving actions you need to take in your behalf in order to manifest the things you really want, since in order to manifest in this planet we need to co-create with a higher source of wisdom, yes!, a higher source of wisdom will helps us, support us, and guide us, but it is us whom from our loving adult self must execute the loving actions in this dimension. The law of love establishes that in order to truly love yourself and thus raise your frequency and thus make the law of attraction work in your favor it is not enough to affirm, visualize, or change through willpower our thoughts and feelings in order to think that you love yourself and that you are loved, with whatever this represents to each individual… All this can support and help you, but the law of love clearly establishes that in order to truly love yourself and others and everything that surrounds you, you must execute your loving actions!, and that way your frequency will immediately rise, which is what is needed in order to make the law of attraction work in your favor.


Something else that has been misunderstood in the teachings of the law of attraction, with respect to not to focusing on the “negative feelings,” is that you should not focus on them and least of all on those that we do not like or that upset us (because that is something that we do not want!). The sad thing is that many times, this makes us try to control or avoid our feelings, and doing this is not loving and it therefore lowers our frequency. The law of love states that what does not help us is focusing in believing that we are victims of our feelings and that we are not responsible for them; those that we create and those that we don’t, and that we have nothing to do with them and that we cannot manage them. The law of love says that we need to focus on loving ourselves and that therefore we also need to focus and pay attention to our feelings because they contain all the information about whether or not we are loving ourselves and how to learn to do it, and once we do this, then on the one hand we actually stop creating the feelings that upset us and that we ourselves create, and on the other hand we learn how to handle the painful feelings of life that we ourselves do not create. Learning to do this helps us maintain a high frequency; that’s why the law of love states that what helps us raise our frequency is to remove our focus of attention from all things external to us and to turn it around or direct all of our focus on ourselves, towards our inside, which our feelings form a part of, and this is one of the first loving actions that we can take in our behalf, which will allow us to apply in our favor the law of love, raising our frequency, and therefore making the law of attraction also work in our favor.


The law of love says: “Put all of your focus in loving yourself and others, and the life that you really want to manifest will follow”.


You can be assured that through the practice of Inner Bonding, you will be focused on loving yourself, and you will learn how to do it, and therefore, you will be making the law of love and the law of attraction work for you.


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We do not heal alone. We all need the caring, support, and honest reflection of others to know ourselves and move beyond the false beliefs that limit us. The wounded self may falsely believe that we have to handle our challenges alone, that we are weak if we need help, but the loving adult takes the loving action of reaching out to others for the necessary help and support.


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We do not heal alone. We all need the caring, support, and honest reflection of others to know ourselves and move beyond the false beliefs that limit us. The wounded self may falsely believe that we have to handle our challenges alone, that we are weak if we need help, but the loving adult takes the loving action of reaching out to others for the necessary help and support.



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