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When Love is Longing

By Sheryl Paul
May 07, 2013

Do you only feel in love when your partner isn't fully available? Would you like to learn how to open your heart and feel more love and attraction for your partner once the chase is over?

A hammock hanging in a well groomed and wooded park. Hollywood has done a number on all of us. From the time we’re old enough to ingest information, we’re inundated with images and messages about love, romance, and marriage that are shrouded in a shimmery cloud of fantasy. There’s nothing wrong with fantasy; the problems arise when fantasy and reality become blurred and we unconsciously absorb the unrealistic messages of, “You can have it all” and “Your Perfect Partner is waiting for you around the next corner” and “When you meet The One, you’ll ‘just know’”. We watch film after film and read novel after romantic novel that reinforce these damaging messages and then we wonder why our culture is so dysfunctional when it comes to love.

Much of Hollywood films are predicated on the theme that the story ends when the relationship begins. This means that for ninety minutes we’re hooked on characters who are chasing after each other, always missing each other, both literally and emotionally, our longing building in direct proportion to their longing, watching them miss and then kiss and then miss each other again until – ah! at last! – they make mad, passionate love and then ride off into the proverbial sunset.

As a result of this programming, we’re wired to equate love with longing, which means that the only time we feel in love and certain is when our partner isn’t fully available.

We chase. We long. And then we think we’re in love.

Here’s the news flash: Love is not longing.

In order to understand this, you must understand a key dynamic that afflicts Western culture: The Pursuer-Distancer Dynamic.

In my new program, Open Your Heart: A 30 day program to feel more love and attraction for your partner, which opens for public registration today, I discuss the Pursuer-Distanced dynamic in the first week’s video, as it’s only when you understand this dynamic that you can fully understand the walls that are erected when you’re in a committed, loving relationship with someone who’s fully available. In a nutshell, in almost every relationship there’s a pursuer and a distancer. The pursuer is the one who holds the certainty, the in-love feelings, and the apparent lack of fear. The distancer is the one who carries the doubt, the lack of love feelings, and is more often the one erecting walls and barriers of various kinds.

So when a client says, “I was so in love with my last partner. I didn’t have any doubt at all,” I immediately ask, “Were you the pursuer or the distancer?” To which they invariably respond, “The pursuer. My partner was never fully available and I always had the sense that there was one foot out the door.” There’s usually a thoughtful pause, and then,

The only time I’ve experienced butterflies and certainty is when my partner wasn’t fully available. Once the chase ended and I knew that he/she wasn’t going anywhere, the walls went up and the doubt set in.

It’s essential to understand that it’s not that the pursuer is more in love or has any less fear about intimacy than the distancer; rather, it’s that the pursuer feels safer to let in the love feelings because he knows that his partner will put up a wall. This wall, no matter how subtle, makes it safe to feel “madly in love.” If the tables were turned and the distancer becomes the pursuer, as often happens at various points in a longterm relationship, the pursuer would then come into contact with his fears.

But if you’ve found your way to my work it’s likely because you’re the distancer and you’re struggling with your lack of certainty, attraction and feelings of love. While it’s not as fun to be the distancer, it also presents the opportunity to heal layers of fear that aren’t activated otherwise. And as I’ve shared in my recent posts, while it’s difficult not to feel love and attraction for your partner, it’s not a dealbreaker when you learn the Love Laws and consequent Loving Actions that will help you open your heart and grow your love garden. These Laws and Actions have worked in my own marriage, my clients’ relationships, and my friend’s marriages, and I’m sure they’ll work for you as well. No matter how long (or short) you’ve been together, it’s always a good time to learn about the Laws and Actions you can take to cultivate more love, connection, intimacy and attraction.

To learn how to feel more love and attraction for your partner, click here

In one of my touchstone books, “We: Understanding the Psychology of Romantic Love,” Robert Johnson writes:

So much of our lives is spent in a longing and a search – for what, we do not know. So many of our ostensible “goals”, so many of the things we think we want, turn out to be the masks behind which our real desires hide; they are symbols for the actual values and qualities for which we hunger. They are not reducible to physical or material things, not even to a physical person; they are psychological qualities: love, truth, honesty, loyalty, purpose – something we can feel is noble, precious, and worthy of our devotion. We try to reduce all this to something physical – a house, a car, a better job, or a human being – but it doesn’t work. Without realizing it, we are searching for the Sacred. And the sacred is not reducible to anything else.

Our culture misdirects the basic and essential human longing for the sacred onto people and things, primarily love relationships. So what happens when you find yourself with someone who’s fully available and there’s no longing? Or if you fall “madly in love” only to find the feelings fade or disappear one day? Or if those intense feelings of passion were never there to begin with? What typically happens is that you mistakenly assume that you’re with the wrong person, that you don’t really love them or love them “enough.” And if you’re prone to anxiety or are an over-thinker – and you don’t understand the normal, healthy trajectory of love and concepts like projection - you’ll likely find yourself spinning on the hamster wheel of anxiety asking unanswerable questions. (Do I love him enough? How can you answer that since love can’t be quantified!)

That’s when the work of learning about real love begins. And here’s the paradox: When you follow the Love Laws and take the subsequent Loving Actions, you can grow the feelings of love and attraction that you were seeking. Do you want to learn these Laws and Actions? Join me for my new program, Open Your Heart: A 30 day program to feel more love and attraction for your partner, and discover that the relationship of your dreams is standing right in front of you.

The spots are filling up fast, so learn more, sign up, and join me and others around the world as I guide you on a thirty day adventure to open your heart!

Open Your Heart: A 30 day program to feel more love and attraction for your partner



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