An Introduction To Inner Bonding
We invite you to learn about the powerful self-help healing process of Inner Bonding, created by Margaret Paul, Ph.D. and Erika Chopich, Ph.D.and recommended by Lindsay Wagner. Join us and discover how to heal the fears and false beliefs of your wounded inner child. Learn how to heal your aloneness, addictions, anxiety and depression. Receive relationship help and parenting advice. Through the spiritual growth of Inner Bonding, experience the joy, inner peace, self-esteem, sense of safety and loving relationships for which your heart and soul have always yearned.
Are you tired of reading personal growth books, attending
workshops, retreats and seminars, or trying therapies that do not
bring the lasting results you hoped for? Inner Bonding is a process
that always works when properly practiced.
Discover how to heal from trauma, as well as childhood physical, emotional and sexual abuse - to heal your life! Learn anger management, conflict resolution, and stress management. Attain personal growth and spiritual growth, receive relationship and parenting advice, heal sexual and intimacy problems, heal your wounded inner child, and attain personal power.
Join Dr. Erika Chopich, best-selling co-author of Healing Your
Aloneness (featured on Oprah), and Dr. Margaret Paul,
best-selling author/co-author of Do
I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By You?, (over a million
copies sold) Healing
Your Aloneness, Inner
Bonding, Do
I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By My Kids? and
I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By God?, on a spiritual
journey of personal growth, relationship growth and empowerment. Learn
the powerful Inner Bonding process through this Web site, as well as
through books, workshops, healing retreats, couples retreats, individual sessions and phone consultations. Work with Margaret Paul, Erika Chopich, and other
Inner Bonding facilitators to heal yourself and your personal and
business relationships. Discover your passion, purpose, and true
work. Develop a personal relationship with a source of spiritual
Guidance, and enhance your creativity.
- Do you want to know how to become so inwardly secure that you
are not buffeted by criticism, judgment and rejection?
- Do you want to learn how to stay centered, open-hearted and
powerful when someone is yelling at you or blaming you, especially
in work and family situations?
- Do you want to learn how to not lose yourself in the face of
others' controlling, engulfing, or smothering behavior, especially
from those close to you?
- Are you stuck in resistance, wanting to make changes but not
following through, with issues like weight, exercise, lateness,
spending, clutter? Do you want to get unstuck?
- Do you want to learn how to remain reliably loving with
yourself and others, regardless of how others are behaving? Do you
want to stay loving in the face of fear with your mate, your
family, your friends, and your co-workers? Do you want to become
strong enough to love?
- Do you want to access instant wisdom in the face of arguments,
conflict, anger, and hostility? Do you know how to create inner
and relationship safety?
- Do you want to learn to define your own worthiness instead of
having to look or perform "right" to get others' approval for your
sense of inner worth?
Practicing Inner Bonding leads to the inner security and deep inner safety that enables you to stay in love and lightness of being in the face of fear and conflict. Practicing these powerful Six Steps moves you out of staying stuck and into the power to take the loving action in your own behalf.

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Daily Inspiration
How much energy to do you spend worrying? Worry is a form of control. The wounded self may believe that, "If I worry enough, bad things won't happen," or "If I worry enough, I will come up with the answer and control the outcome." Yet what worry actually does is cause stress in the body, and it cuts you off from the real help that is available - which is from your spiritual Guidance. Today, do not indulge in worry.
By Dr. Margaret Paul