Life Is A Verb! Live it!
By Suzi KorsakJanuary 24, 2012
Ever feel your life is on hold? What are you waiting for? Your life is happening now...Helen Keller once said "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. To keep our faces toward change and behave like free spirits in the presence of fate is strength undefeatable." Learn to view your feelings not as a block to your life but the key to opening to adventure!
I spend about twenty minutes in the morning before my day begins in either quiet, or exploring the deeper questions and beliefs I've discovered in my previous day. When I first came to Inner Bonding, my morning process would be nearly two hours, getting up at the crack of dawn...which frankly I didn't think I had the time to spare...but I was determined to "do it right", believing once I got this I could be happy and find my peace...but it was necessary to do it right. When I was caught up in doing it right...I wasn't living. I was waiting. Waiting to get approval...to see I understood by looking into Margaret's eyes.. just like a child might look to a parent for approval when trying something new. As long as I was caught up in getting approval, I am not living, I am waiting for approval to live. Now Inner Bonding is the same as breathing, and I am not so interested in getting it right as much as I am committed to loving myself, having compassion for all of me, the good, the bad and the ugly. I am more than what I do, the body I inhabit, the friends and family I am connected to. I can have compassion for the times I act without love for myself or another, bringing in compassion to seek a more loving action, or to let go of what cannot be changed, accepting what is, and who I am in this moment.
I live life when I check in the morning...is there a belief, or something that needs exploration this morning...or is my soul seeking silence before my day begins. I don't have to have a perfect practice of meditation, prayer, or Inner Bonding...above all I have to listen to the still small voice that is my essence. What are you in need of this morning? Quiet? Journal writing? Exercise? Listening to the voice, making time for me each morning so that I know I am my priority, the one I am responsible for each day....that it is no one else's job...I've taken care of my commitment reestablishing the connection before I allow the unconsciousness of my day to dictate my path. It's a waking up, a connection to my heart that allows this peace.
I can move to freedom from this space. I am free to connect to that same voice I established in the morning....what is loving to me now? How are you feeling? Do you still feel self-compassion, can you feel compassion for others? What information are you receiving from your work environment? What would your soul like to create today? Is it a new business? a new recipe? a new way of putting clothes together as an outfit....writing in a journal....calling a friend and making plans? Life is not still, but has movement...if we treat life as a place that we get to when we get it right, become successful, retire, meet the right person, have children, buy a house, get a job, lose weight....if we hold back, or hold our breath life becomes stagnant and something difficult to endure.
Feelings as an integral part of living are not to be held in, stuffed down or ignored. Feelings are just as natural a part of our beings as breathing...giving us moment by moment information and direction. If I choose to look at my feelings with judgment, such as this is a "good" feeling..."I want to hold on to that" or this is a "bad" feeling "make it go away"...then I am now essentially not allowing the life force energy move through me or give me information. A life lived includes breathing and feeling, not as a definition of who I am, but telling me where I am, and giving me direction to where my soul can best express itself in this life. Just like the feeling of pain after a cut tells us to check it, clean it, and discover what it needs to heal...our emotional feelings give us information and direction as well. How would it be if you never experienced pain when something needed healing in your body? You might ignore it and complications would occur. The same is true of our emotions...they are important information...not just something to be endured.
When I connect to my feelings, I connect to my soul, my essence and as a result my purpose...my soul's journey. Life is meant to be a verb. Movement. Creation. Connection. Compassion. A life lived as a verb has passion, power, and peace....knowing you are using your gifts to not only give your life substance, but contributing to the whole to create a new existence for others. Don't let the world miss out on the gift that is you.
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