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Be Your Own Guru

By Suzi Korsak
December 29, 2011

Ralph Waldo Emerson once said "Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." The six steps of Inner Bonding allow you to see the path you've been following and allows you a new way to see your life and your relationships. Read this article and begin the discussion about how Inner Bonding helps you become the person you've always been waiting to find.

"Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." Ralph Waldo Emerson

            A guru is defined as is one who is regarded as having great knowledge, wisdom and authority in a certain area, and who uses it to guide. Seth Godin calls these people a Linchpin (also the title of his book)...these people as he has described, have tapped into their own unique gifts and talents and are creating new maps for others to navigate this shift in the workplace. Each person has a spark of the Divine called their soul, essence, sometimes also known as the inner child and this spark has within in it what you need to be a linchpin or a guru in your very own life. The six steps of Inner Bonding help you draw your own unique map for your pathway to love, prosperity and peace.

            Step One: Tuning into your feelings and taking responsibility for them

How can I draw a map for my life, if I don't know where I am? Checking in with my feelings not only has information about where I am, but also how I go here....information about my beliefs, those beliefs are a part of my decision making process, therefore essential to my feelings are also my guidance, they are infallible when I learn to trust them, when I no longer am looking outside of myself and focusing on the information given to me within my body.

            Step Two: Moving into a compassionate intention to learn

The awareness in this next step is a key in this process. If I cannot find compassion for what I am to discover in the next two steps, I will be stopped in my tracks, and unable to create the map that leads me to my version of my very best life. I make the commitment in this step to ask the question "Can I have compassion for the part of me that chooses to resist knowing?" each time I come up against resistance.

            Step Three: Dialoguing with your inner child and wounded self

In this step I can open up to the information of all of the feelings present and in Step One. In this place I can ask questions like "What am I saying or doing that is causing these feelings?" and in that discussion I can unearth what has been buried within the tissues of my body as well as the thoughts in my head in order to check my current map to see where I might have an area out of proportion, or perhaps out of place so that my questions of my higher power in my next step will be clear.

            Step Four: Dialoguing with your Guidance

The work accomplished in Step Three allows me to have a new map, but map isn't quite as accurate as it could be. I take the information and beliefs from my dialogue with my inner child and wounded self and ask my guidance "What is the truth about this belief?" Asking along the way, "can I have compassion for the part of me that has carried this belief?" so that I might be open to the information guidance has so that I might make changes to my map so that I have an accurate starting point. I now know through these four steps where I am at this moment. This is key.

I can now take this new map, and my connection to guidance to explore loving actions, ideas, and tap into my own creative spark. This is where the design of your own life can take shape. Out with what doesn't serve you, as you would clean out a garage....and use that space to create the life you alone were meant to live. In this step and as we take the step in Step Five, our loving adult creates the safety so that the child learns that you, the loving adult has the best answers.

            Step Five: Take Loving Action

This is the step that is pivotal in becoming a linchpin, or a guru of your own life. Take the action that you have discovered in Step Four. If for some reason you come up against resistance...move back to the question "can I have compassion for the part of me that is in resistance?" and move back into the dialogue of Steps Three to discover what belief is creating the resistance. The follow through creates trust, and the more you trust yourself, the less likely you are to search for another with the answers.

            Step Six: Evaluating the Action

In this place you will know it is loving, by checking back into your body as you did with Step One. What am I feeling now? Is there something that needs to be seen? Do I feel complete at this moment?

            In the end, you are the only authority that has the deep personal knowledge and tools to create the path meant entirely for you. Do not let the world miss out on all that you have to offer. Trust that with all of your guidance and these six steps you can create the life of your dreams.


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