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Moving In - Going Deeper with Step 1 of Inner Bonding

By Suzi Korsak
November 19, 2011

Do you think you feel too much? Read on as you discover the gift of the body. It is here, in embracing both physical and emotional feelings that we can be set free through the six steps of Inner Bonding.

     Step One of Inner Bonding is stated “willingness to feel pain and take responsibility for your feelings”, and when I first heard this, I thought, sure, why not, I am already feeling pain every day of my life. I believe the day I moved in to my body, I began to unpack the hidden feelings, like boxes left in the garage for years after a move. I am not so sure if I was unwilling, but certain I was unaware of my body in general. Feeling, physically and emotionally was something I was working to move away from because I was told I was too sensitive, that I felt things too deeply and I had to lighten up. Step One is so much more than willingness to feel pain, it is a willingness to move into your body and bring your energy back to your heart center so that you can be aware of the physical feelings associated with the emotional feelings. The physical feelings are your guidance system, just waiting to be activated. The physical feelings are just as important as the emotional feelings. Emotional feelings can be confusing, but when investigated with the assistance of a physical feeling there is clarity. A new view of a situation, reminding me of the hokey pokey….you put your whole self in, you put your whole self out….maybe the hokey pokey is what its all about….sorry, my guidance often makes me laugh. What I’m saying if I incorporate all my faculties, physical, emotional and spiritual, I am more likely to follow the path that will bring peace and joy to my soul. I have to first learn how to put my whole self into my life by embracing all feelings, not only wounded and core, but the physical feelings that accompany this information to bring clarity. The body itself is a great gift from God, with information given within our physical beings not only for survival but to thrive. If I never moved in with this awareness of where I was placing my energy, I could not have connected to my essence.

      I became aware of where fear came from. As a child I had to leave my body to feel safe. The real and present danger created the necessity for me to learn to leave my body as a survival mechanism. As an adult with a full and complete nervous system, I have the capability to process not only what is happening in the moment, but the gift of processing my past with the help of my guidance. My guidance includes my physical body, my emotional body and spiritual body that creates my connection to Spirit. I can from this place of being whole, move in and make a home. In Feng Shui, the art of balancing energies within a space, one should only place in their homes items that they love, so too when I look through the boxes of my past. I can each day unpack a new box from the garage, find what it loving to me, what is the truth, dispose of what no longer serves me in my home and create a new space where love presides.

     So the next time you start your six steps, in Step One be willing to move into your body completely, knowing that inside are many gifts that will bring you the information that you need to find the love and peace that your soul longs for.


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