Empower Your Process: Dolce Far Niente (the sweetness of doing nothing)
By Suzi KorsakNovember 08, 2011
Are you sick of trying to "get it right"? Read on to discover perhaps it is in giving up the doing that you can discover peace in your own version of "dolce far niente"...the sweetness of doing nothing....
There comes a moment of weightlessness, where gravity no longer exists and I am at one with my body, my soul and spirit. I am. This is the place of power, and I am not “doing” anything. This is my version of “dolce far niente”, the sweetness of doing nothing. I am being. I am aware of my energy center, and aware with the intention of allowing my energy to return to the center….I think about it as gathering up items that have spilled out of my purse. I am aware of the energy I have allowed to wander from the center, and simply gather the energy through awareness of this energy. There is a sense of peace and power from this centered place. I realized that all the energy I had spent trying to get other people’s energy to fill the space, could only be filled by mine. My feeling powerless had nothing to do with getting someone to love me, listen to me, see my point of view. My powerlessness simply was I had let my own energy scatter far away from my heart center leaving me feeling weak and inadequate. I, with the intention of loving myself, simply through awareness, bring the energy back in….and felt a deep “thank you” from my inner child.
I believed I had to “figure it out”, “get it right”, or “do it right” caught up in my head in my thoughts to get into my body. Crazymaking, right? I know now I can’t access the wisdom of my body through thinking. In my mind I cannot access my heart. When I feel emptiness and powerlessness, I have the information of two things: I have let my own energy scatter and I am not in my body. If I decide to go into my story rather than back into my body, I am likely to feel anxious, angry, frustrated, depressed and a myriad of other emotions that let me know I have left my body, or in other words I have abandoned myself. I think the judgment for the word abandoned left me in resistance for many years. The judgment that only “bad” people abandon their children left me stuck. If I just notice where my energy is in the moment, is it inside? Or outside? Will let me know if I am present in my body (with my inner child) or am not present in my body (abandoned myself). The only way I could move out of judgment was to view my energy, my life force, from a new view and a new vocabulary. I have found throughout my inner bonding process the need to seek new words when I found I had resistance to particular vocabulary, my meanings attached to them, and as I found new words, I could embrace the old words without judgment.
So my challenge to you is to try this out. Without a story, sit still and breathe in. Locate your energy in yourself and in the room. Notice. Just notice. Don’t do anything but notice, and feel what happens. When you do, if you feel moved to do so, write a comment. I wish you the peace and power I discovered from this place.
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