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Coming Home: Creating an Inner Sanctuary

By Mark Lersch
April 29, 2011

There is a place deep within where we can go to take refuge. This "place" is a sanctuary where we can connect and commune with Spirit; where we can renew and remember who we really are and why we are here; where we can bring all of our troubles, worries and stress and lay them down; where we can drink from the fountain of divine energy and be filled from that deep spring within; and where we can seek assistance from our spiritual guidance in order to navigate through life more skillfully and effortlessly.

Coming Home: Creating an Inner Sanctuary

By Mark Lersch, MA, LPC, LPCC

As Inner Bonding teaches us, when we feel overwhelmed by life, instead of trying to control and fix our outer reality, we must dive inward.  We need to turn away from the turmoil and turn toward God…within.  We do this not in order to escape a terrifying world, to stick our heads in the sand or to dissociate from our human problems. But rather we turn inward to face and then let go of unloving thoughts so that we might find our true self, our true home and remember our deeper purpose. 

There is a place deep within where we can go to take refuge.  This “place” is a sanctuary where we can connect and commune with Spirit; where we can renew and remember who we really are and why we are here; where we can bring all of our troubles, worries and stress and lay them down; where we can drink from the fountain of divine energy and be filled from that deep spring within; and where we can seek assistance from our spiritual guidance in order to navigate through life more skillfully and effortlessly. 

You may find it helpful to use your imagination to create an inner divine sanctuary.  I find that such a sanctuary is a unique and special place just for me where I can go in order to personally and intimately commune with the Divine.  A place where I can bring all of my worries, doubts, grief, anger and fears and stare them squarely in the face…and then lay them gently down before the Divine and let them go.  I have found that we cannot fix problems either within ourselves or in the world around us. Problem solving is not our job but problem facing is. 

Our task is to simply bring our "problems" to the Divine, not to be fixed, but to be looked upon and then it is the Divine that dissolves all problems in its loving embrace.  The fears dissipate like fog in the sunshine and somehow the world begins to reflect this inner change as well.  The world becomes brighter, more beautiful and wondrous.  I take a deep breath and I am ready to re-enter the now friendlier world, allowing my kindness, peace and playfulness to emerge more brightly as the fearful barriers dissolve from my heart.

If you haven’t already done so, try using your imagination to create a divine inner sanctuary where you and your inner child can go to commune with God and heal.  Imagine it in whatever form feels the safest and most loving to you. Decorate it with sacred objects and inhabit it with loving teachers, supportive spirit guides and angels. This is your intimate place where you can connect with God in whichever form feels natural and right to you. Have fun with it and revel in creating a unique connection with your spiritual home.  

Creating and using a divine inner sanctuary is a tool that can help us feel safe enough to choose the intention to learn about loving rather than trying to fix things from the intention to control.  In our inner sanctuary we feel supported in facing our fearful unloving thoughts, in letting them go and allowing God to dissolve/heal them.  What is then revealed is our deep desire to extend love as an expression of the natural radiance that we already are. And when we rest in that inner radiance we are "home" no matter what our zip code may be.


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