When Did You Stop Trusting Joy?
By Nancy SwisherNovember 09, 2010
This article invites you to contemplate your relationship to the feeling of Joy in your life. What beliefs, conscious or unconscious, block your joy and your faith in it?
Given our natural state is Joy and more than likely you do not experience it 24/7, my question is, when did you stop trusting your joy? When did you make a decision that Joy was not real, that you could not guide your life from there? But rather, it would become fear and safety that would guide your life. When did the switch happen? It had to have happened.
And now, do you make it your #1 priority to find and follow your Joy? This question is not meant to demean the other feelings, or to minimize any feeling. They are all our guideposts along the journey to the full expression of our Spirit in human form, but the other feelings of anxiety, sadness, loneliness, confusion and fear surface when we block our joy. And we block our joy with old stories about how life ‘really is’. That’s what we all do. We have all done that and we all still do that unless we are indeed in a state of joy all the time.
This is not to say we should be in a state of joy all the time, but to prod you to look and see what you really believe about the feeling of joy. Can you be so joyful that you giggle for no reason when you awaken in the middle of the night? Why not? Can you be so joyful that you truly feel love for everyone you see at the grocery store? Why not?
Did the child inside you make a decision that it is not safe to be totally joyful? Did she decide that that was not an adult way to live? Did he decide it wasn’t masculine? Did she decide that joy wasn’t real because no one in her family displayed joy? Did he decide that showing joy brought criticism and did not lead to success?
Look and see what your beliefs are about joy. I urge you to do this because joy is truly our natural state. If you want to be the authentic you, you must experience your joy and you must realize that it is real; it is spirit flowing through you, it is your life-force, it is your guide. Plus, and most importantly, the world needs your joy. It is your responsibility to align with it and bring it to your life and the lives all of those you touch.
Nancy Swisher, MA, MFA serves clients by phone and in person in Fairfield, Iowa. She can be reached at http://choosingselflove.com or call 641-233-5072 for a free 20 minute session to explore your transformational goals.
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