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The Meaning of Life

By Dr. Margaret Paul
April 06, 2009

What has heart and meaning for you? What brings you joy? What would your life look like if you followed your bliss?

fulfilled, meaning of lifeSome say that the purpose of life is to seek happiness.

Is happiness the purpose, or is happiness the result of another purpose? Is happiness the meaning of life, or is happiness and especially joy the result of discovering what has heart and meaning for you?

There is not one right answer to this question. The answer lies within each of us regarding what gives meaning to our life.

What Gives Meaning to Your Life?

Perhaps, in seeking happiness and joy, we discover what has heart and meaning for us. Is this how it is for you? Or is it the other way around for you? Is happiness and joy for you the result of loving yourself and others? Do you find that when you are open and loving, that you feel filled with joy?

Maybe love and joy are inseparable. Maybe when we are joyful, we are naturally loving, and maybe when we are loving, we experience joy. If this is the case, then is the purpose of life is to seek happiness, or is the purpose of life to evolve in our ability to be loving and compassionate with ourselves and others?

In my view, it is not important to separate out love and joy. What is important is to discover what gives your life meaning. In my experience, meaning always has to do with love - with loving yourself and discovering how you want to share your love with others. When you discover this, you will likely feel fulfilled and joyful.

Perhaps part of the meaning of life is to discover what has heart and meaning for you and, therefore, brings you joy. The questions to ask yourself are:

  • What has heart and meaning for me?
  • What brings me joy?

Following Your Bliss

Gillian decided early in her life that what had heart and meaning for her was getting married and having children. She had decided that if she did not have children by the time she was 43, that life was not worth living. She started working with me when she was 42, unmarried, childless, and contemplating taking her life.

In the course of her deep inner work, Gillian discovered another source of meaning in her life. She discovered that learning to be loving to herself - to the spark of God that she truly is - was extremely satisfying to her. As she practiced getting to know and love her true soul self, she discovered another source of meaning - helping others. She realized that working in finance was not fulfilling to her and went back to school to become a chiropractor.

Gillian currently loves helping people attain excellent health. In addition, she adopted a 10-year old girl whose parents had been killed in an accident. She has found great joy and meaning in loving her adopted daughter.

Gabriel consulted with me because he was depressed. He had become an attorney because that is what his father was, but found that he disliked it.  It held no heart and meaning for him. In his soul, Gabriel knew that he was a writer. He decided to "follow his bliss", as Joseph Campbell encouraged us to do. While Gabriel is currently not making nearly the money he made as an attorney, he is finding his joy. By choosing to love himself and share his love through his creativity, he he feels deeply fulfilled.  
Love, joy, fulfillment - perhaps they are all One. If you choose to pursue what has heart and meaning to you, you will likely find your joy.

Join Dr. Margaret Paul for her 30-Day At-home experience, Passionate Purpose, Vibrant Health! Discover your passionate purpose, enhance creativity and create a joyful, vibrantly healthy life!


Image by Alex S. from Pixabay


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