Shoveling and Self-Love
By Nancy Swisher, M.A.February 14, 2009
Along with her teaching about self-love, in this article Nancy shares a real-life example of how shifting into the energy of love creates wonderful future experiences.
Let yourself be silently drawn by the stronger pull of what you really love.
--Rumi (c. 1207-1273.) Sufi poet
What do you really love?
I love the question. Can you list 500 things that you love? Try it! Focus on what you love. Make this a practice. But it must be done from the heart.
The heart is where our love pours into us from Source and from us to life. The heart is the seat of our love and our wisdom. Feel the softness of your heart. Thump thump. Soft love. Soft and powerful love.
But you believe:
"He doesn’t love me! She ignores me! I’m all alone! I love him more than he loves me!"
Ouch! Is it true?
When you truly love yourself, it’s not possible to project that other people don’t love you. –Byron Katie
It’s true. When you love who you are, your very Being (which is Love), you can’t not love others, life, and just about anything at all, even a snowstorm.
A bright, sunny morning a few weeks ago, I had just finished shoveling the newly fallen snow from my driveway. The temperature was cold, probably 10 below. I felt good. My job was complete. My body strong. I went inside to get Horton, my dog, for our trip to the hardware store for birdseed and flowers. When I came out, I noticed that the city plow had pushed a huge line of hard ice-filled snow a foot deep across the edge of my driveway. In a matter of seconds, I found myself throwing up my arms, fully embodying a ‘why me’ energy. The plow had parked down the street. I was mad. I must have thrown up my arms five times, hoping he’d see me. But as I worked to remove the icy snow, part of me was watching myself, acting like a fool. As I shoveled, suddenly my Higher Self popped in, (thank goodness) speaking my soul words to me. You’d better shift this anger unless you want the Universe to bring you more things to be angry about today. I laughed! Of course. That is how it works. Okay. Will do.
Minutes later I stood listening to the flower lady at the hardware store share an inspirational moment from her life with me. I, in turn, reflected back to her her courage. I’m absolutely certain this connection would not have happened had I not shifted my energy from anger to self-love while shoveling. The universe gives us back a match to what we are putting out.
When you are cut off from the Love flowing to and through you, that is when you project your own inner drama (in my case this was that ‘why me’ voice) onto others and the world, which is why the self-love-thing is essential to creating everything else you want in life.
Self-love. Absolutely the most important kind of love to develop. But even saying ‘kind of love’ implies separation, when the reality is that there is no separation other than the feeling of being separate that we create within our self when we temporarily block the flow. Love is the fabric of the Universe. It is the energy of creation.
We all block the flow from time to time. Part of our humanity.
But once you gain mastery with shifting your energy, with letting go of the false beliefs and story of your past, it becomes easier and easier to be in the flow of Love, to allow it to shape your world through words, actions, art, money, and whatever your Divine Purpose calls forth from within you to create.
Oh, how lovely to get the Love flowing again, to feel the happiness that is your birthright, that makes your heart sing, that feels like thousands of butterflies swirling around your body at once, each with a delicate kiss from the Universe.
To find out more about how to gain mastery with shifting into the energy of Self-love, go to Nancy is a Certified Inner Bonding Facilitator, Healer and Transformational Catalyst. She can be reached at 319-338-7833 or at
©2009 Nancy Swisher
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