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Set Your Intentions

By Shelley Riutta MSE, LPC
January 13, 2009

Are you clear about your intentions for the upcoming year? It is a perfect time to set your intentions to move into alignment with your deepest dreams.


It is the start of a new year and a perfect time to be reflecting and setting your intentions for the upcoming year.  What would you like to see happen in your life for the next year?  What changes would you like to make?  We are always growing and expanding - it is important to keep up with the growth that our Spirits are calling us to make. 

A lot of times we will hear the whispers of change in the reoccurring thoughts we have - like "I would really like to change jobs" or "I would really like to travel to Italy" or "I would really love to move to a different place."  Oftentimes as soon as we have these thoughts, the voice of our wounded self starts to speak with responses like "I can't change jobs, what about the economy, I need to stay put" or "I can't travel - I have no one to go with" or "I am too scared to move."  So another year goes by and these dreams go unfulfilled - then we wonder why we feel a lack of vibrancy, joy and aliveness.

What dreams and intentions would you like to take out of the closet to pursue this year?  What new directions would you like to go in this year?  If anything were possible what would you do?  These are the questions to be asking yourself right now.  What about setting some BOLD intentions?  Intentions that will really make big shifts in your life.  One of the best way to bypass anxiety and fear is to step out boldly and take big risks. Stepping out boldly helps the wounded parts of you see that you are much more capable of amazing things then you every thought.  What would these bold risks be for you?

The key thing to remember is that it is a powerful act to set an intention and then to take concrete action to pursue this intention.  Once you do this the Universe responds to your commitment and action.  You will feel supported as you take action and move forward on your intentions in ways that will just amaze you.  If you hang back and just ponder the intention with doubt and lack of commitment you will just get more of this same kind of energy mirrored back to you.  If you are clear, committed and willing to take action the Universe will respond in kind.

What would you like your Intentions to be for the New Year?

Copyright 2008

Shelley Riutta MSE, LPC is a Holistic Psychotherapist in private practice specializing in Inner Bonding and Transformational individual counseling, presentations, groups and Workshops.   To get her free workbook "What Do You Really Want: Finding Purpose and Passion in Your Life" visit her web-site or call her at  1-877-346-1167.


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