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Post Election - The Next Right Thing

By Dr. Margaret Paul
November 10, 2024

If you are worried about the results of the election, then it's time to learn to access your inner voice regarding the next right thing.

choices to loveMany of you have contacted me regarding how to manage your feelings if you are shocked and devastated by the results of the election.

Dr. Erika and I were discussing the election and how many people were very upset, and Dr. Erika was tapping in her incredible wisdom to guide us toward the next right thing – that it’s time to be a spiritual warrior and draw our sword of light and do all we can to lift each other.

I tap into my higher guidance the best when I’m out in nature doing my Inner Bonding process.

Of course, I wanted to hear what my higher guidance had to say about the next right thing. As I walked in nature connecting with my guidance, I heard her loud and clear. This is what she said to me:

“Do not despair. This is an opportunity to step up even more into your light and become even more of who you came here to be. This is an opportunity to let go of fear and move more and more into the light of love. Remember your spiritual journey of the soul – to evolve in your ability to love and manifest your gifts. This is what all who are sad and afraid need to do. Yes, it’s time to be a spiritual warrior, to draw your sword of light and do all you can to lovingly and compassionately lift each other.”

As I walked, more ideas came to me about how to do this, and my concerns for the people subsided. This isn’t a time for anger or fear, because anger and fear are part of the darkness. This is a time to shine your light of love and compassion in any way you can – a time to step into your personal power.

I have lived through very painful times...

I was a child during World War II, and I know the pain of it. I was an adolescent during the McCarthy era when two innocent people were executed by the government. I was a young child when I marched with my father for civil rights. I was a young woman when Kennedy was murdered, and of course, like most of us, I was shocked by 9-11. Things changed dramatically then, and we have lived through it. We will live through this as well. And hopefully we will learn what we need to learn – that there is still much racism and misogyny in our country, and that too many people are suffering economically without much being done about it. Perhaps all this will mobilize more people to not wait for someone else to make it better, but to do all we each can to make it better.

We are not victims. Let us not allow our wounded self to scare us into despair. Now is the time to focus on kindness and caring for ourselves and for each other, holding each other tight and being reassuring. This too shall pass, and perhaps it will teach us more about the next right and loving thing for each of us.

Amazingly, I came back from my walk with my guidance full of hope and peace and even joy – and creativity, and I found a powerful way to express my creativity. I encourage each of you to focus on loving yourself and each other, no matter how anyone you know voted.

We have much to do to bring about peace and safety in our world, and it will take all of us taking tiny steps toward the next right thing. I encourage you to ask your guidance throughout the day, “What is the next right loving thing for me and for others?” and then have the courage to take this step.

You can be helped in this journal by reading Dr. Margaret’s book: How to Become Strong Enough to Love: Creating Loving Relationships Through the Six-Step Pathway of Inner Bonding


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Joy comes from being openhearted to receiving the love that is God and sharing that love with others. Today, open your heart by moving into gratitude for all that you have and all that you are, choosing to make love more important than control.


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Joy comes from being openhearted to receiving the love that is God and sharing that love with others. Today, open your heart by moving into gratitude for all that you have and all that you are, choosing to make love more important than control.



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