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Connecting With Guidance is Simple, But Not Always Easy!

By Dr. Margaret Paul
February 06, 2023

Many people struggle with their spiritual connection. They want to hear their guidance, but this experience eludes them. Is it supposed to be this hard?

spirit"I keep asking my guidance questions, but I just don't hear anything."

"I'm trying every day to connect with my guidance, but nothing is happening."

"I think I just don't have a knack for this connection thing."

"Aren't I supposed to hear something?"

Every day, I work with clients who struggle with accessing their spiritual guidance. What's the problem? Is it supposed to be this hard?

Actually, it's Not Hard at All!

We all have the built-in wiring to connect with spirit. It's our birthright to have this connection, just as it is a baby's birthright to have a parent's connection and guidance. The problem lies in the subtlety of intent.

It’s a matter of frequency. When you have a pure intent to learn about what is loving to yourself, and the frequency of your body is high due to eating clean, unprocessed foods, guidance will be right there. You may hear it in words, see it in pictures, feel it through your feelings, get it in a dream, read it in a book that someone "happened" to send you, hear it through your own mouth as you're helping someone else, or hear it through someone else. However it comes, it will come - when your intent to learn about loving yourself is pure and your frequency is high.

But, the Wounded Self is Very Tricky.

It can trick us into thinking we are really open to learning, when, in fact, it has a very different intent - to control something. Do you want to know what is loving to yourself because you want to be loving, or so that you can get rid of pain? Do you want to learn in order to get something - love, approval, money, a new job, a partner - or do you truly long to evolve in lovingness with yourself and others?

The wounded self always has an agenda in mind and thinks it can trick spirit into giving guidance for that agenda by acting open. But spirit cannot be tricked. The problem is that our guidance can't communicate with us unless we are truly open. When the wounded self is in charge, our frequency is not high enough for us to access spirit, or for spirit to access us. There is no opening through which our guidance can communicate with us unless we are in a true intent to learn about loving ourselves, and we are not putting toxins into our body from food, drugs, alcohol, and so on.

Your Guidance is Always with You

Spirit's job is to guide us in our highest good. Our guidance is always here, just waiting for the opportunity to help us. But, because we have free will, spirit cannot do anything about our intent. We are 100% in charge of our intent to love or our intent to control.

So, while connecting with spirit is simple when we are truly open to learning, what is not at all easy is having a pure intent to learn, or even knowing exactly what our intent is. This is where practicing Inner Bonding is so powerful. The more you practice the process on a daily basis, the more aware you are of your intent in the moment. You will begin to feel the difference in your body when you are controlling and when you are open to learning.

The Inner Bonding journey is about becoming aware of our intent, so we have a choice every moment. It's about embracing and moving into compassion for the wounded parts of us that want to control. It's about moving out of judgment for our wounded selves and moving into curiosity for the very good reasons our wounded selves have for wanting to control. The more you practice this, the higher your frequency goes and the easier time you have connecting with spirit. When you can truly be in an intent to learn about your own protections and methods of control, that's when you can maintain an intent to learn with your guidance.

Don't forget, your guidance never leaves you. If you are not connecting, it's you who have left. So when you can't connect, move into exploring your wounded self and your need to control or to avoid your feelings with various addictions, and you will find yourself open to learning. That's when you will connect!

Learn to connect with your spiritual Guidance with Unlocking Your Inner Wisdom, A 30-Day at-home Experience with Dr. Margaret Paul.

Image by Miren Hayek from Pixabay



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Daily Inspiration

Spirit is light. The more we embrace our own lightness of being, the more we will feel and hear the guidance of Spirit. Today, stay in lightness of being by following your joy and expressing gratitude for this sacred journey of evolving your soul in love.


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Spirit is light. The more we embrace our own lightness of being, the more we will feel and hear the guidance of Spirit. Today, stay in lightness of being by following your joy and expressing gratitude for this sacred journey of evolving your soul in love.



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