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Who Is Self-Love?

By Nancy Swisher
June 17, 2010

In this article Nancy personifies self-love and lists essential characteristics of what it means to love oneself.

(Note:  I have used the feminine pronoun to refer to self-love.  However, self-love is neither male nor female, but encompasses All.)

- Self-love brings her total awareness to the present moment of her life. And when she does not do this, she shifts into a learning tool (such as Inner Bonding) to discover what she is making more important than the present moment.

- Self-love takes time to breathe, to the point of actually appreciating her breath, feeling the intimacy between her body and her spirit made manifest by the breath.

- Self-love forgives. She learns how to forgive (herself and others) n a way that feels aligned with her Soul.

- Self-love learns to recognize the story playing in her head.  She feels the impact of the story and inquires about its truth.

- Self-love reaches out for support.

- Self-love follows her Bliss.  Self-love learns to make this real. Self-love acts upon what brings her joy, even if it means going against the opinions of others.

- Self-love listens to her Soul. She brings forth those words into the material plane, forming a relationship to her own wisdom and taking responsibility for it.

- She releases fear of judgment. She releases self-judgment, and thus judgment of others.

- Self-love cherishes and honors all aspects of her body. She eats to support her organs and systems; she learns about herbs and natural healing; she stretches her muscles and monitors the vibration of her energy level.

- Self-love knows that the body is a manifestation of her consciousness, so when her body has pain, she looks to the place in her consciousness that hides in the dark.

- Self-love invests in learning to love herself with the same excitement that she invests in a vacation or a new home.

- Self-love realizes that her very core is Love, that she is a Being of Light.  Self-love makes this real in her daily life by practicing Stillness.

- Self-love reads books that resonate with her own knowing of Spirit.  She doesn't adopt others words, but allows them to support her alignment with her own words.

- Self-love devotes time to mastering energy release techniques so that she can easily pivot away from her programmed mind as quickly as possible.  She also understands there may be wisdom to learn within the lower vibrations of memory and story as she works to rise above them.

- Self-love expresses her Soul's purpose and takes the time to discover that purpose as it evolves throughout her life.

- Self-love practices contemplation, for without contemplation she cannot know who she is.

- Self-love studies Universal Laws: the Law of Giving and Receiving; The Law of Attraction; The Law of Thinking.  She observes these laws at work in her everyday life.

- Self-love connects to the Oneness of Nature, knowing that she and the dragonfly are One, that she and the tree are One, that she and the mountain lion are One.

- Finally, Self-love knows she is responsible to discern what is loving to her, that no one else can tell her that, that only God, Divine Mother, the Infinite Field, and Great Spirit, as they flow through her can guide her to the next moment of enlightenment, where Love and Love meet, and all is well.


Nancy Swisher is a Certified Inner Bonding Facilitator, Intuitive.  Visit her website at for a FREE Spiritual Guidance audio and more articles.


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Today, notice what is more important to you - trying to get others to like you or loving yourself. If you are devoted to having control over how others' feel about you, notice how much energy this takes!


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Today, notice what is more important to you - trying to get others to like you or loving yourself. If you are devoted to having control over how others' feel about you, notice how much energy this takes!



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