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Daily Inspiration

The highest experience in life is to share a circle of love. A circle of love occurs when your heart is open with another whose heart is also open. A circle of love replenishes the soul. Today, create a circle of love with Spirit, nature, animals and with people who are available to sharing love with you.


“A powerful message whose time has come! Dr. Margaret Paul’s Diet for Divine Connection is a cutting-edge spiritual look at how junk food and “junk thoughts” sabotage our connection to the Divine. Margaret’s proven processes will support you in shedding old habits and false beliefs so you can live, love, and lead from your inner wisdom and create a life of radiant health and inner peace.” 

Linda Joy

FROM THE FORWARD OF "DO I HAVE TO GIVE UP ME TO BE LOVED BY GOD? " Would you think me crazy if I said there was a single process that could solve all the issues with which we as human beings struggle? Over the years, I begin noticing a common denominator in all these problems and came to the conclusion that there is only one issue: humankind's lack of experience in feeling our Divine self and our innate connection with the Divine. All other issues stem from this. Within the pages of this enlightened yet practical book, we are taught a most loving process [that] will take you on a life-changing journey down a path full of awakenings, tears, compassion, reunion, joy and peace. This path, in reference to our divinity, is one seldom even thought about, much less explored.

FROM THE INTRODUCTION OF "DO I HAVE TO GIVE UP ME TO BE LOVED BY GOD? "Here, in the treasure that you now hold in your hands, is a method for recreating yourself as a powerful, spiritually connected, loving adult self, capable of taking personal responsibility for your own feelings and behaviors. This book offers you a process through which you may do that. It also contains a powerful method for healing relationship and family conflict, as well as for healing self-destructive and addictive behavior. I am very excited about this material. It takes the truths found in Conversations with God and other of the newest wisdom literature, and renders them functional in everyday life. Anything that takes a huge wisdom and turns it into a practical tool is a treasure indeed. It is one thing to behold the wisdom and quite another to be able to use it. Margaret Paul has for over a dozen years been working with, and teaching to others, a process which allow people to do just that. Now everything you could want to know about that process, and the eternal truths which underlie it, has been placed in a book. This book. This marvelous gift that that has come to be placed before your eyes."

"Dr. Margaret Paul's "Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By God?" beautifully shows how God's love nurtures and directs our psychological growth, restoring peace, passion and sanity. You will find much to agree with, argue against and ponder; this book will leave you changed.

“Diet For Divine Connection is a wise, comprehensive, integral guide to good health on all levels. In it, the masterful Margaret Paul offers us an in-depth and accessible roadmap to learn how to love ourselves through aligning our thoughts, actions and food choices with great wisdom and love. A magically transformative book for all serious seekers of health, healing and wholeness. I highly recommend it!”

Katherine Woodward Thomas

The authors', Margaret Paul, Ph.D., and Erika Chopich, Ph.D., in the book "Healing Your Aloneness: Finding Love and Wholeness Through Your Inner Child", provides a new and fresh understanding of the inner world. They have created a valuable roadmap for healing the child within us, and in that way becoming more emotionally free, integrated, and whole.
Walter E. Bracklemanns, M.D.

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The highest experience in life is to share a circle of love. A circle of love occurs when your heart is open with another whose heart is also open. A circle of love replenishes the soul. Today, create a circle of love with Spirit, nature, animals and with people who are available to sharing love with you.



Inner Bonding Events

10/23/2024 08:00 AM
5-Day Virtual Intensive
Dr. Margaret Paul

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