Health and Nutrition

Health and NutritionPhoto by Stevepb

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Life Dynamix | Health Directory A wellness site where you will discover innovative life enhancement products, systems, a certification program and business opportunities in the health field. You can watch Life Dynamix TV, wellness streams, and read thousands of articles related to health. Also On you will find a wellness community where you can meet others who share the same interests, and have your health questions answered by the experts.
Inspired Living for Health and Wellness Promoting Content, Tips, Newsletters and Products (Air Purifiers, Water Treatments, Daily Nutrition, Energy Boosters, Athletic Performance, Joint, Bone and Colon Health, Menopause and Prostate Formulas, Anti-Aging, Weight Loss, Relaxation and more.)
Natural elements skin care Natural elements organic skin care products
The Recovery Village - Fitness & Nutrition for Mental Wellness

Exercise and nutrition both play a critical role in mental health. This is especially true when considering the risks of mental health issues and substance use disorders.

Herbal nutritional supplements MacaActive herbal nutritional supplements are the best alternative to naturally cure the 34 menopause symptoms. It has become famous for its Hormonal Benefits in menopausal women.
Health Care and Diseases Symptoms Information provides basic information on many diseases, home remedies, injuries, symptoms, medical tests and more.
Herbal remedies We bring simple free home remedies from your kitchen shelves and common plants for common ailments, some of the best home remedies ever found, symptoms, causes and cures are also covered
#1 Back Pain Site Info about Conditions, Therapies, Exercises, and Doctors who Treat Back Pain.
Natural Progesterone Hormones The proper amount of natural progesterone is crucial to a woman who is trying to become pregnant. Learn all about Natural Progesterone Hormones.
Hot Flashes Symptom Information - All about Hot Flashes Be informed about hot flashes, the most common and troublesome symptom of menopause. Learn everything about hot flashes and how to cope with them.
Home Remedies Home remedies and information on causes, symptoms and diet conditions for common ailments and diseases. Also provides information on health benefits from common ingredients like honey, garlic, aloevera and many others.
Health4You Facts on how good nutrition and health supplements can help over 100 health problems. Detailed descriptions of the conditions. Health supplements can be purchased on line. - Your Source for Tendinitis Information and Treatment Options Are You suffering from Tendonitis? offers information and  treatment  options about tendonitis, tendonitis treatment, tendonitis symptoms,tendonitis relief,  tendinitis pain and more.
34 menopause symptoms treatment 34 menopause symptoms treatment with Herbal maca supplements.
Help for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Irritable Bowel Syndrome education, support and treatments for all IBS symptoms
Constipation Now, an all natural discovery allows you to Get Constipation Relief on Demand. Health Articles, Tips and Forum Offers free articles on various topics of human health. Maximize Your Health by reading and learning about it. You can find articles and information on Diets & Weight Loss, Exercise & Fitness, Men's Health, Women's Health, Family Health, Alternative Medicine, Mental, Aging, Spiritual Healing, General Health. We have also included the Money & Career category because of our belief that harmonious financial standing is an important component of good health and well-being.
Periodontal Disease Treatment It's all true. First ever all natural, 100% pure, herbal toothpaste, mouthwash and breath freshener. Highly effective against gum disease, gingivitis, bleeding gums and bad breath. Tons of glowing testimonials will convince you this is the best product of it's kind anywhere. 100% GUARANTEED TO WORK FOR YOU OR YOUR MONEY BACK.
Dr. Myatt's Wellness Club Alternative Medicine Health Information Center: your scientifically-based guide to Alternative Medicines.
The Vitamins and Nutrition Center The Vitamins and Nutrition Center provides factual and accurate information on vitamins and nutrition, reports on the latest vitamin research and explains just how vitamins prevent disease.
Shanti Village Alternative medicine and natural healing website in Australia. Topics include Internal cleansing, oxygen colon cleansing, holistic colon hydrotherapy (colonics), fasting, other internal cleansing modalities, intestinal problems, cleansing equipment, parasite, liver and kidney cleanse, Zapper, colloidal silver, Ayurveda, flower essences, aromatherapy, acupuncture and more.
Noni We are Morinda Distributor of TAHITIAN NONI® Juice. Noni Juice, made of Morinda Citrifolia plant may help you to take control of your life.
MSG A wide variety of information about monosodium glutamate. What exactly is the MSG food additive for?  What are MSG side effects?  What is an MSG headache? Is this the Chinese Restaurant Syndrome? Answers to your most FAQ on MSG.
The Public's Right to Know The public has the right to know about the chemicals and potential carcinogens in their everyday personal hygiene and beauty products and that there are safe, alternatives available to them.
Enhanced Healing Through Music Relaxation music, positive affirmations and online counseling for reducing stress and anxiety, promoting health, wellness and healing and improving self-esteem.
Menopause FAQ: Information on Menopause Stages, Symptoms and Treatments. Menopause Information. Learn all about Menopause, its symptoms, its stages and find natural ways to treat it.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome Treatment Information on the range of treatments available for IBS.
HealthBegin Health Directory, Healthy Living Information
Weight Loss Tips A weight loss community, Provide weight loss diets, programs and loss weight advice resources.
Enhanced Healing Relaxation music, positive affirmations and online counseling for reducing stress and anxiety, promoting health, wellness and healing and improving self-esteem.
Mental Health and Fitness & Nutrition

Research has demonstrated that exercise can help you get in better shape, but it also has a variety of ancillary mental health benefits, including improved energy levels, better sleep, increased sense of well-being, and more.

Coping with Anxiety During Covid

In the age of COVID, we have so many unknowns swirling around us, which complicates things further for those of us with anxiety. Here are some tips to manage anxiety during unprecedented times.

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Daily Inspiration

Judgments, whether toward yourself or others, often create resistance. Others pick up your judgmental energy even if you don't say anything. Today, notice your judgmental thoughts and replace them with kind, compassionate thoughts.


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Judgments, whether toward yourself or others, often create resistance. Others pick up your judgmental energy even if you don't say anything. Today, notice your judgmental thoughts and replace them with kind, compassionate thoughts.



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03/19/2025 08:00 AM
5-Day Virtual Intensive
Dr. Margaret Paul

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