Loving Actions and Dialogue Examples

Loving actionSometimes it is helpful to have role-modeling for dialoguing with the wounded, addicted part of ourselves. Perhaps these dialogues can be of help to you to dialogue and take loving action rather indulge in your addictive behavior.

If you had a loving adult taking loving action for your inner child regarding addictive behavior, what would this look like for you? What would your inner child like from you? We invite you to write about your own experiences regarding what has worked for you.

Photo by Shlomaster



Daily Inspiration

Self-judgment is the way the wounded self tries to control us into doing what we "should" do, what is "right". The wounded self tells us that if we do what we should do, then we can control how others feel about us. However, believing we can control others' feelings is an illusion. All that happens when we judge ourselves is we feel badly. Notice this, without judgment!


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Self-judgment is the way the wounded self tries to control us into doing what we "should" do, what is "right". The wounded self tells us that if we do what we should do, then we can control how others feel about us. However, believing we can control others' feelings is an illusion. All that happens when we judge ourselves is we feel badly. Notice this, without judgment!



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03/19/2025 08:00 AM
5-Day Virtual Intensive
Dr. Margaret Paul

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