Happiness, Healing, Self-Esteem

Happiness, Healing, Self-EsteemDiscover how to have happiness, joy, self-worth and self-esteem. Through Inner Bonding, achieve personal growth, mental health, gain confidence and enhance creativity.

Photos by The Virtual Denise

Article Author
Our Deep Need for Compassion Dr. Margaret Paul
The Key To Acceptance - Willingness to Feel Helpless Julia Padawer, M.A.
Held in Love's Gaze: The Healing Power of Being Truly Seen Dr. Margaret Paul
The Healing Power of "Model Mugging" Dr. Margaret Paul
The Overthinking Trap: Moving Beyond Paralysis by Analysis Dr. Margaret Paul
Smile First to Feel Good or Feel Good First to Smile? Dr. Margaret Paul
What is Strength? What is Weakness? Dr. Margaret Paul
Unlocking Emotional Freedom: The Essential Key Dr. Margaret Paul
How Tricky is Your Wounded Self? Dr. Margaret Paul
Love Through Your Hands Dr. Margaret Paul
Healing Shame: Discovering the Beauty of You Dr. Margaret Paul
Healing from PTSD - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Dr. Margaret Paul
Harnessing Gratitude for a Happier Life Dr. Margaret Paul
Present with Your Feelings: Emotional Mindfulness Dr. Margaret Paul
Inner Bonding: A Process, not a Goal Dr. Margaret Paul
Differences Between Wounded Self and Inner Child Dr. Margaret Paul
Knowing in Your Mind vs. Knowing in Your Soul Dr. Margaret Paul
Self-Compassion - A Key to Emotional Freedom Dr. Margaret Paul
Loving Your Body Dr. Margaret Paul
Our Intention: The Greatest Gift We Have Dr. Margaret Paul
How To Shift from Your Wounded Self into Your Loving Adult Dr. Margaret Paul
Do You Have a Loving Inner Father? Dr. Margaret Paul
A Paradox: Gain Control Through Giving Up Control! Dr. Margaret Paul
Teaching Your Wounded Self a Positive Form of Control Dr. Margaret Paul
Step 1: Willing to Take Responsibility for Your Feelings Dr. Margaret Paul
Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 > >>


Daily Inspiration

Today, instead of thinking about how you want someone else to change, or how you want a situation to change, focus on thinking and behaving in ways that are in your highest good. We have no control over others and outcomes, but we can learn to have control over our own thoughts and actions. While others' actions affect us, it is our own thoughts and actions that often determine how we feel.


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Today, instead of thinking about how you want someone else to change, or how you want a situation to change, focus on thinking and behaving in ways that are in your highest good. We have no control over others and outcomes, but we can learn to have control over our own thoughts and actions. While others' actions affect us, it is our own thoughts and actions that often determine how we feel.



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