Relationship Advice, Love Advice

RelationshipsHelp with your relationship problems and avoiding divorce using the Inner Bonding process. Learn to create love, intimacy, successful marriages, healthy relationships.

Photo by Christiana Rivers

Article Author
Do You Believe You Have to Prove Your Love? Dr. Margaret Paul
Truth... And Authentic, Radical Love Dr. Margaret Paul
What Does it Mean to 'Speak Up' for Yourself? Dr. Margaret Paul
Mindfulness: Is Your Inner Baby Monitor On? Dr. Margaret Paul
How Important is Your Integrity to You? Dr. Margaret Paul
Are You Missing Out on What Life Is All About? Dr. Margaret Paul
How To Love Yourself and Others at The Same Time Dr. Margaret Paul
Discerning Between Love and Manipulation Dr. Margaret Paul
Love vs. Emotional Dependency Dr. Margaret Paul
How Important is it to You to Love? Dr. Margaret Paul
Are You Being Your Authentic Self? Dr. Margaret Paul
Are You Ridiculed for Your Spiritual Beliefs? Dr. Margaret Paul
Are You Unrealistically Hoping Your Partner Will Change? Dr. Margaret Paul
The Best New Year Gift Ever Dr. Margaret Paul
How to Feel Safe and Connected with Yourself and Others Dr. Margaret Paul
Betrayed by People Who Claimed to Love You Dr. Margaret Paul
Relationships: When is Enough Enough? Dr. Margaret Paul
Healing Neediness Dr. Margaret Paul
Healing from Attracting Unhealthy Relationships Dr. Margaret Paul
Letting Go of the Layers of Control Dr. Margaret Paul
When to Share Information...and when to Stay Quiet Dr. Margaret Paul
Don't Be Your Partner's Therapist! Dr. Margaret Paul
How To Know If Someone Is Open or Closed Dr. Margaret Paul
Your Relationship: Love or Addiction? Dr. Margaret Paul
Knowing Ourselves Through Relationships Dr. Margaret Paul
Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 > >>


Daily Inspiration

Judgments, whether toward yourself or others, often create resistance. Others pick up your judgmental energy even if you don't say anything. Today, notice your judgmental thoughts and replace them with kind, compassionate thoughts.


Explore More Inner Bonding



Judgments, whether toward yourself or others, often create resistance. Others pick up your judgmental energy even if you don't say anything. Today, notice your judgmental thoughts and replace them with kind, compassionate thoughts.



Inner Bonding Events

03/19/2025 08:00 AM
5-Day Virtual Intensive
Dr. Margaret Paul

All Inner Bonding Events