Addiction, Recovery

Addiction recoveryArticles related to all forms of addiction, using the Inner Bonding process as the foundation for recovery from substance abuse and addiction and process addictions - such as gambling addiction, work addiction, spending addiction TV addiction, video games and Internet addiction. Articles related to addiction to anger, withdrawal and caretaking.

Photo by Lechenie Narkomanii

Article Author
Addiction to Spending Dr. Margaret Paul
Addictions and Internal Power Struggles Dr. Margaret Paul
Addiction to Video Games Dr. Margaret Paul
Intro: Emotional Needs that are met in 12-step meetings Marcie Parisi, MFT
Addiction to Being "All Together" Dr. Margaret Paul
Addiction to Numbness Dr. Margaret Paul
Stopping Smoking Anna Forsyth
The Blessings of Addiction Julia Padawar, M.A.
Addicted to Control Kate Reardon
Addiction to Clutter Dr. Margaret Paul
Addiction to Fantasy and Daydreaming Dr. Margaret Paul
Addiction to Militancy Phyhllis Stein, Ph.D.
Addiction to Perfection Dr. Margaret Paul
Addiction to Talking Dr. Margaret Paul
Addiction to Thinking Dr. Margaret Paul
Addiction to Venting Dr. Margaret Paul
Addictions and Chakras Monte U
Are You Addicted to Anger? Dr. Margaret Paul
Are You Addicted To Your Activities? Dr. Margaret Paul
Beyond Fear and Addiction Dr. Margaret Paul
Can Weight Loss be a Spiritual Path? Zillah Bugeja
Care-taking: The Hidden Addiction Rythea Lee Kaufman
Letter From Prison E. L. C. Jr.
Loneliness and Heartbreak Dr. Margaret Paul
Recovering from a Worry Addiction Emily Agnew
Pages: 1 2 3


Daily Inspiration

Irritation is often a sign that you are not taking care of yourself. Are you working too much or not enough? Are you playing too much or not enough? Are you caring too much for others and not enough for you, or too much for you and not enough for others? Today, bring peace into your life by bringing in balance.


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Irritation is often a sign that you are not taking care of yourself. Are you working too much or not enough? Are you playing too much or not enough? Are you caring too much for others and not enough for you, or too much for you and not enough for others? Today, bring peace into your life by bringing in balance.



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