
Inner Bonding Facilitator Training Program - Schedule

Inner Bonding® Facilitator Training Program Schedule

May 2025 - June 2026


All times are listed in US Mountain Time


"Highly personal, sensitive and deep, while holding the space for personal learning and learning to become a facilitator."

IBFTP Participant


All times are based on Denver Mountain Time. Local times should be calculated considering Daylight Saving Time.


Times given below are for orientation only. 
A full Google calendar will be provided on acceptance to the programme

Friday - Sunday

May 16-18, 2025

10am-2:30pm Mountain Time daily

3-Day Training Weekend:
The Principles and Practical Application of Inner Bonding

This 3-day training module will help participants receive a theoretical understanding of Inner Bonding, including its overall cosmology or thought-system, as well as an in-depth exploration of the six steps. This multi-day training provides didactic learning, demonstration facilitation by trainers, and supervised participant practice. Learning will be achieved through group and individual processes designed to evoke an internal experience and personal understanding of the learning material presented. Participants will begin to practice facilitating the six-steps of Inner Bonding in small groups with other participants and will receive feedback from the trainers who are witnessing their practice sessions.

Saturday, June 14, 2025

10am-1pm Mountain Time

3-Hour Integration Session

This is a dedicated space designed to help participants deeply connect with the course content, clarify questions, and apply what they’ve learned in meaningful ways.

Saturday & Sunday

July 12 & 13 2025

10am-2:30pm Mountain Time daily

2-Day Training Weekend

This two-day experiential training will offer lecture, discussion, demonstration, facilitations by trainers, exercises and supervised participant triad practice sessions with a focus on Working With The Different Parts of Our Consciousness  (WS, LA, IC and Guidance) and facilitating clients through the 6 Steps of Inner Bonding.

Saturday, August 16, 2025 

10am-1pm Mountain Time

3-Hour Integration Session

This is a dedicated space designed to help participants deeply connect with the course content, clarify questions, and apply what they’ve learned in meaningful ways.

Saturday & Sunday

September 13 & 14, 2025

10am-2:30pm Mountain Time daily

2-Day Training Weekend

This two-day experiential training will offer lecture, discussion, demonstration, facilitations by trainers, exercises and supervised participant triad facilitation practice sessions with a focus on Qualities of Effective Facilitation (including flexibility) and Key Principles of Being Trauma-Informed.

Saturday, October 18, 2025

10am-1pm Mountain Time

3-Hour Integration Session
Nutritional Psychology (1 hour with Dr. Margaret Paul)

This Integration Session includes a 1 hour presentation with Dr. Margaret Paul, designed to educate the participants about the importance of nutrition as it affects overall health, mental health, emotional health and the ability to have at-will access to Guidance.

Saturday & Sunday

November 15 & 16, 2025

10am-2:30pm Mountain Time daily

2-Day Training Weekend

This two-day experiential training will offer lecture, discussion, demonstration, facilitations by trainers, exercises and supervised participant triad facilitation practice sessions with a focus on Working With Anger  and Working With Resistance.

Saturday, December 6, 2025

10am-1pm Mountain Time

3-Hour Integration Session

This is a dedicated space designed to help participants deeply connect with the course content, clarify questions, and apply what they’ve learned in meaningful ways.

Saturday & Sunday

January 10 & 11, 2026

10am-2:30pm Mountain Time daily

2-Day Training Weekend

This two-day experiential training will offer lecture, discussion, demonstration facilitations by trainers, exercises and supervised participant triad facilitation practice sessions with a focus on Working with Victim Consciousness and Supporting Yourself Before, During and After Client Sessions, in preparation for working with actual clients.

Saturday, February 7, 2026

10am-1pm Mountain Time

3-Hour Integration Session

This is a dedicated space designed to help participants deeply connect with the course content, clarify questions, and apply what they’ve learned in meaningful ways.

Saturday & Sunday

March 14 & 15, 2026

10am-2:30pm Mountain Time daily

2-Day Training Weekend

This training weekend will offer challenging processes designed to help participants learn to remain in or return to their Loving Adult when triggered.  Learning will be achieved through group and individual processes designed to evoke an internal experience and personal understanding of the learning material presented.

Saturday, April 18, 2026

10am-1pm Mountain Time

3-Hour Integration Session
Marketing (1 hour with Dr. Margaret Paul) 

This Integration Session includes a 1 hour presentation with Dr. Margaret Paul designed to inform the participants of the many ways they can market themselves.

Saturday & Sunday

May 16 & 17, 2026

10am-2:30pm Mountain Time daily

2-Day Training Weekend

This weekend is designed to provide participants with the practical details that they will need in order to begin working with clients.  Participants will learn how to set up calls with clients, including members of the Inner Bonding Website, record sessions, complete paperwork, log client practicum hours, set up and document their consultation sessions, put their biography on the Inner Bonding website, as well as complete, document and submit any outstanding assignments.  Participants will learn how to navigate through and answer questions on Inner Bonding Village (IBV) and how to submit articles and other materials.  By the end of this weekend, participants should feel comfortable and competent to work with clients on the Inner Bonding website as well as in their personal practices.

Friday - Sunday

June 26-28, 2026

10am-2:30pm Mountain Time

3-Day Facilitation Practicum

The Facilitation Practicum is a learning opportunity and an experiential examination of the participants' facilitation skills after more than a year of gaining facilitation experience in their peer groups, dyads, and supervised triads in the training weekends. Each participant will have an opportunity to facilitate an Inner Bonding session with another group participant and to receive support and feedback from the trainers and other group members. Each participant will receive a "pass" or "not yet passed" on their facilitation skills demonstration. If a participant is "not yet passed", they will receive specific feedback to work on as they continue practicing their skills. They must provide a recorded session to the trainers at a future time when they are ready to be re-evaluated. Eligibility to become a Facilitator-in-Training will occur upon successful completion of the facilitation skills demonstration and all other training criteria due by this date.

Please note: Additional training days may need to be added to the schedule after the program begins. For example, if we have 15 or more participants, additional live evaluation days may be required. Conversely, days may also be subtracted depending on the final number of participants enrolled.

Self-Study Periods

In addition to the above program of group training meetings, there are also two self-guided practice periods:

May 2025 - November 2025 (6 months)

  • Peer Support Group: meet monthly to practice facilitation with peers in triads, share IB dialogues, discuss personal issues and receive support during the program

  • Written Daily Inner Bonding Dialogues

  • Read a book (title TBD)

  • Optional Extra Services (see Extra Services)

November 2025 - June 2026 (7 months)

  • Peer Support Group: meet monthly to practice facilitating in triads, share about what you're discovering in your daily written IB dialogues, discuss personal issues and receive support during the program

  • Written Daily Inner Bonding Dialogues

  • Record dyad facilitations with each of the other participants and submit one to the trainers for feedback

  • Optional Extra Services (see Extra Services)

What do I do after the program ends?

New Facilitators-in-Training begin working with clients

New Facilitators-in-Training* (FITs) may:

  • List their biographies on the IB Website (once they have obtained liability insurance and signed the facilitator agreement)

  • Begin accumulating mentoring hours with a certified facilitator

  • Offer free sessions on Inner Bonding Village (see Certification page)

  • Assist at an Intensive with Dr. Margaret Paul

  • Submit a final video recording of client session (when ready to be certified)


  • Participants in the IBFTP have 5 years from the program completion date of June 28, 2026 to complete their certification criteria. Certification must be completed by June 28, 2031.

  • The remaining requirements for certification are self-led, and each participant will become certified in the timing that is right for them. Please see the Certification information in your training manual for a complete list of certification criteria.

  • If you have questions or need support after the program ends, please feel free to email any of the program trainers or assistants to stay in touch or to ask basic questions.  If you need more assistance, you are welcome to have mentoring sessions with any of the trainers of your choice. The cost for these calls will vary according to the individual Trainer rates.

  • You will need to submit a recorded client session for review by the training team prior to your certification, and the fee for this review is $300.

*A note on the term “Facilitator-in-Training”:

Please be aware that as you enter the Inner Bonding Facilitator Training Program (IBFTP), your status is that of a participant in the IBFTP.  Once you are approved to put your biography on the Inner Bonding website, you will officially be able to call yourself a “Facilitator-in-Training”.


©Dr. Margaret Paul, Dr. Erika Chopich, Inner Bonding® Educational Technologies, Inc. 2022


Explore More Inner Bonding



Love is not an entity depleted by mistakes but rather, a growing wholeness capable of absorbing them.



Inner Bonding Events

03/19/2025 08:00 AM
5-Day Virtual Intensive
Dr. Margaret Paul

All Inner Bonding Events